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Install or Update the Backup Agent from an Archive


This page describes how to install the agent manually. The easier way to install and run the Backup Agent is through Automation, as described in Install or Update the Backup Agent through Automation.

The Backup Agent polls the primary MongoDB instance of every backup-enabled replica set and transmits the operations to the Ops Manager service.

The Backup Agent relies on the Ops Manager Monitoring Agent to populate the list of sharded clusters and replica sets eligible for backup. If the appropriate hosts are not added, or the Monitoring Agent is not being correctly run, the lists may be incomplete or out-of-date. If you have not already installed and configured the Monitoring Agent, please refer to the Install or Update the Monitoring Agent documentation.


MongoDB Requirements

Ops Manager only supports backing up replica sets and sharded clusters, and does not support backing up standalone instances.

Ops Manager only supports backup for replica sets that run MongoDB 2.0 or later.

Ops Manager only supports backup for sharded clusters that run MongoDB 2.4.3 or later.

All backed up replica sets and config servers must be able to maintain oplog entries, by default, for at least 3 hours over the last 24 hour period. You can change the default window by adding the mms.backup.minimumOplogWindowHours setting to the Custom tab on the Ops Manager Configuration page.

Agent Architecture

To avoid resource contention, run the agent on a host other than the hosts where the MongoDB instances are running. Be sure the agent can access the MongoDB hosts.

Running on Amazon EC2

If you run the Backup Agent on Amazon EC2, do not use the t1.micro instance type, which has a CPU scheduling policy that does not typically provide sufficient capacity to support a Backup Agent for a production deployment. Use a larger instance type instead.

Backup Directory

After you install the Backup Agent, do not use the agent’s directory location for anything other than the agent itself. The Backup Agent periodically deletes the contents of its root directory.


Monitoring Agent

Your deployment must have a running Monitoring Agent. To install the Monitoring Agent, see Monitoring Agent.

Backup Agent Host

Run the Backup Agent on a host that:

  • Is separate from your MongoDB instances. This avoids system resource contention.
  • Can connect to your MongoDB instances. Check network settings for connections between the agent and MongoDB hosts. For a list of needed ports, see open ports for agents.
  • Has at least 2 CPU cores and 3 GB of RAM above platform requirements. With each backup job it runs, the Backup Agent further impacts host performance.


If your MongoDB instances operate within a firewall, configure your network infrastructure to allow outbound connections from the Backup Agent to Ops Manager on port 8080 if it is using HTTP or 8443 if it is using HTTPS.

Access Control

If you use the Backup feature with a MongoDB deployment that uses authentication, before installing the Backup Agent, you must create a user in MongoDB with the appropriate access. See Configure Backup Agent for Access Control.

Install the Backup Agent from a tar.gz Archive

You can also access install instructions in Ops Manager, including commands you can copy and paste: click Deployment, then Agents, then Downloads & Settings.


Download the latest version of the Backup Agent archive.

On a system shell, issue a curl command to download the archive for the agent that works on your platform:

For RHEL / CentOS (7.x) and SUSE 12 on x64 architecture:

curl -OL https://<OpsManagerHost:Port>/download/agent/backup/mongodb-mms-backup-agent-latest.rhel7_x86_64.tar.gz

For RHEL / CentOS (7.x) on PowerPC architecture:

curl -OL https://<OpsManagerHost:Port>/download/agent/backup/mongodb-mms-backup-agent-latest.rhel7_ppc641e.tar.gz

For Ubuntu 16.X on PowerPC architecture:

curl -OL https://<OpsManagerHost:Port>/download/agent/backup/mongodb-mms-backup-agent-manager_latest_ppc64e1.ubuntu1604.tar.gz

For all other Linux distributions:

curl -OL https://<OpsManagerHost:Port>/download/agent/backup/mongodb-mms-backup-agent-latest.linux_x86_64.tar.gz

Install the Backup Agent.

To install the agent that works on your platform, issue the appropriate command to extract the archive:


Replace <OpsManagerHost:Port> with the hostname and port of your Ops Manager installation.

For RHEL / CentOS (7.x) and SUSE 12 on x64 architecture:

tar -xf mongodb-mms-backup-agent-latest.rhel7_x86_64.tar.gz

For RHEL / CentOS (7.x) on PowerPC architecture:

tar -xf mongodb-mms-backup-agent-latest.rhel7_ppc641e.tar.gz

For Ubuntu 16.X on PowerPC architecture:

tar -xf mongodb-mms-backup-agent-manager_latest_ppc64e1.ubuntu1604.tar.gz

For all other Linux distributions:

tar -xf mongodb-mms-backup-agent-latest.linux_x86_64.tar.gz

The Backup Agent is installed.


Retrieve the agent API key for your Ops Manager group.

To retrieve your group’s agent API key:

  1. Click Settings, then Group Settings. The key appears at the top of the page.
  2. Copy the key.

Edit the local.config file to include your agent API key.

In the directory where you installed the Backup Agent, locate and open the local.config file. Enter the agent API key as the value for the mmsApiKey setting.


Optional: Configure the Backup Agent to use a proxy server.

To configure the agent to connect to Ops Manager via a proxy server, you must specify the server in the httpProxy environment variable. In the <install-directory>/local.config file, set the httpProxy value to the URL of to your proxy server:


Start the Backup Agent.

Issue the following command:

nohup ./mongodb-mms-backup-agent >> backup-agent.log 2>&1 &

Update the Backup Agent from a tar.gz Archive

You can also access update instructions in Ops Manager, including commands you can copy and paste: click Deployment, then Agents, then Downloads & Settings.


Stop any currently running Backup Agents.

Issue the following command with the system shell:

pkill -f mongodb-mms-backup-agent

Download the latest version of the Backup Agent archive.

On a system shell, issue a curl command to download the archive for the agent that works on your platform:

For RHEL / CentOS (7.x) and SUSE 12 on x64 architecture:

curl -OL https://<OpsManagerHost:Port>/download/agent/backup/mongodb-mms-backup-agent-latest.rhel7_x86_64.tar.gz

For RHEL / CentOS (7.x) on PowerPC architecture:

curl -OL https://<OpsManagerHost:Port>/download/agent/backup/mongodb-mms-backup-agent-latest.rhel7_ppc641e.tar.gz

For Ubuntu 16.X on PowerPC architecture:

curl -OL https://<OpsManagerHost:Port>/download/agent/backup/mongodb-mms-backup-agent-manager_latest_ppc64e1.ubuntu1604.tar.gz

For all other Linux distributions:

curl -OL https://<OpsManagerHost:Port>/download/agent/backup/mongodb-mms-backup-agent-latest.linux_x86_64.tar.gz

Install the Backup Agent.

To install the agent that works on your platform, issue the appropriate command to extract the archive:


Replace <OpsManagerHost:Port> with the hostname and port of your Ops Manager installation.

For RHEL / CentOS (7.x) and SUSE 12 on x64 architecture:

tar -xf mongodb-mms-backup-agent-latest.rhel7_x86_64.tar.gz

For RHEL / CentOS (7.x) on PowerPC architecture:

tar -xf mongodb-mms-backup-agent-latest.rhel7_ppc641e.tar.gz

For Ubuntu 16.X on PowerPC architecture:

tar -xf mongodb-mms-backup-agent-manager_latest_ppc64e1.ubuntu1604.tar.gz

For all other Linux distributions:

tar -xf mongodb-mms-backup-agent-latest.linux_x86_64.tar.gz

The Backup Agent is installed.


Retrieve the agent API key for your Ops Manager group.

To retrieve your group’s agent API key:

  1. Click Settings, then Group Settings. The key appears at the top of the page.
  2. Copy the key.

Edit the local.config file to include your agent API key.

In the directory where you installed the Backup Agent, locate and open the local.config file. Enter the agent API key as the value for the mmsApiKey setting.


Optional: Configure the Backup Agent to use a proxy server.

To configure the agent to connect to Ops Manager via a proxy server, you must specify the server in the httpProxy environment variable. In the <install-directory>/local.config file, set the httpProxy value to the URL of to your proxy server:


Start the Backup Agent.

Issue the following command:

nohup ./mongodb-mms-backup-agent >> backup-agent.log 2>&1 &

Next Steps

After you have successfully installed the Backup Agent, see Back up a Deployment to enable backup for a replica set.

Additional Information

If you installed the Backup Agent from the tar.gz archives, see /tutorial/rotate-agent-log-files to configure log rotation.

The README included with the downloaded package also provides information about the Backup Agent.

For details about backup operations, see Backup FAQs.