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Automation Agent Changelog

Automation Agent

Released with Ops Manager 3.4.14 on 2018-05-03

Automation Agent

Released with Ops Manager 3.4.13 on 2018-04-05

  • Fix: Automation Agent determination of Goal State was incorrect for multi-server deployments using the ldap.bind.queryPassword parameter. This is now resolved and rolling changes will proceed correctly on these deployments.

Automation Agent

Released with Ops Manager 3.4.12 on 2018-02-01

  • Logging enhancements

Automation Agent

Released with Ops Manager 3.4.9 on 2017-10-05

  • Fix failure to collect disk-related hardware statistics on some hardware configurations.
  • When Automation creates a temporary Windows service in order to perform maintenance operations on a mongod, remove the service when the maintenance is completed.

Automation Agent

Released with Ops Manager 3.4.7 on 2017-08-03

  • Optimization to reduce the number of checks to see if a process is running.
  • Improve state detection during conversions to config server replica sets.

Automation Agent

Released with Ops Manager 3.4.6 on 2017-07-06

  • Fix: During CSRS conversion, use differently named log files for temporary config servers.
  • Fix: During CSRS conversion, only shut down a member when it is in secondary state.
  • Fix: Config file parsing code on Windows did not parse all possible options.

Automation Agent

Released with Ops Manager 3.4.5 on 2017-05-18

  • When performing an automated restore to a sharded cluster with different shard names, update the shard identity document.
  • When performing an automated restore, ensure that shard metadata is always updated in the right order.
  • When performing an automated restore, always restore to the default protocol version.
  • Fix: RHEL7 packaging so that Automation Agent starts on server boot.
  • Reduce frequency at which Automation Agent checks managed log files to reduce CPU overhead.
  • Ignore get_mempolicy errors and assume numa not enabled.

Automation Agent

Released with Ops Manager 3.4.4 on 2017-03-30

  • Fix problem with shutdown of mongod processes during an automated restores on Windows.
  • Fix for issues using Automation in multi-server deployments using SSL and encrypted PEM key files.
  • Optimization for goal state maintenance of sharded clusters. Automation Agents will execute far fewer commands in steady state.

Automation Agent

Released with Ops Manager 3.4.3 on 2017-02-17

  • Fix bug in removal of shards for sharded clusters on MongoDB 3.4.
  • Built with Go 1.7.
  • Support for MacOS Sierra.

Automation Agent

Released with Ops Manager 3.4.2 on 2017-01-19

  • Fix: Can install Agent on Windows if the Windows Firewall was disabled.
  • Fix: Can use MONGODB-CR for Agent authentication when LDAP was being used for User authentication.
  • Fix: Issue where Agent would stop sending status after MongoDB reaches its connection limit.

Automation Agent

Released with Ops Manager 3.4.1 on 2016-12-27

  • Fix: Can install MongoDB on Power Linux when using Ops Manager in ‘Local Mode’.

Automation Agent

Released with OpsManager 3.4.0 on 2016-11-29

  • Adds support for automation of MongoDB 3.4 deployments.
  • Adds support for management of Monitoring/Backup Agents on PowerPC-based Linux systems for MongoDB 3.4 or later deployments only.
  • Built using Go 1.6.
  • Adds support for gathering of hardware metrics.
  • When importing a process that uses a password for the PEMKeyFile, no longer requires user to re-enter the PEMKeyFile password.
  • Fix: Can upgrade from MongoDB 2.4 to 2.6 while staying on authSchemaVersion 1.
  • Does not create Windows firewall rules for processes that are started on temporary ports where external access is not required.
  • Uses systemd management on RHEL7 and Ubuntu 16.04.

Automation Agent

Released with Ops Manager 2.0.7 on 2016-11-03

  • MongoDB data and log files will have a umask of 027. Requires new package install.

Automation Agent

Released with Ops Manager 2.0.6 on 2016-08-18

  • Improve logging on authentication failures.
  • Fix: Can set clusterAuthMode on sharded clusters.

Automation Agent

Released with Ops Manager 2.0.5 on 2016-07-14

  • Substantial optimization in state-gathering.
  • Configurable timeout for connections to MongoDB processes.
  • Fix: Problem verifying success when creating text indexes in rolling index builds.

Automation Agent

Released with Ops Manager 2.0.4 on 2016-05-20

  • Agent no longer downloads restore data for arbiters.
  • Fix: Some cases where CSRS conversion could get stuck.
  • Fix: Agent can restart a config server if all config servers are down.
  • Fix: validating MongoDB versions when a cluster was on mixed operating systems.

Automation Agent

Released with Ops Manager 2.0.3 on 2016-03-24

  • Fix: Can import of arbiter using a different keyfile then existing configuration.
  • Allow specifying a temporary port for use during a CRSR upgrade.

Automation Agent

Released with Ops Manager 2.0.2 on 2016-03-01

Automation Agent

Released with Ops Manager 2.0.1 on 2016-01-21

  • Stability and performance improvements for restores via automation.
  • Added optimization to prioritize replica set reconfiguration actions over index builds.
  • Improved index building mechanism: index builds are no longer performed in a rolling fashion for 2-node replica sets, but instead are built in the background.
  • Added optimization to not compare unsupported index options when determining whether or not an index already exists.
  • Fix: Can import existing deployments that include arbiters running with authentication.
  • Fix: Rolling storage engine conversion for replica sets to ensure a super majority is always up.
  • Fix: Can create custom roles on sharded clusters running MongoDB 3.2 with config server replica sets.

Automation Agent

Released with Ops Manager 2.0.0 on 2015-12-08

  • Added aupport for MongoDB 3.2.0 clusters with config servers as replica sets.
  • Added aupport for automated restores via the Automation Agent.
  • Added aupport for rolling index builds.
  • Added aupport for configuring WiredTiger encrypted storage for MongoDB 3.2.
  • Added aupport for rolling conversion to X-509 member authentication.
  • Improved handling of sharded clusters with members running on both Linux and Windows-based operating systems.
  • Added optimization when starting a new Monitoring or Backup Agent to ensure that the process is running before achieving Goal State.
  • Fix: glibc compatibility issue on RHEL5 and RHEL6.
  • Fix: Automation Agent automatic update failures could cause surge in configuration calls from the Automation Agent.

Automation Agent

Released with Ops Manager 1.8.2 on 2015-10-20

  • Fix: Agent from not recognizing RHEL Workstations as RHEL.

Automation Agent

Released with Ops Manager 1.8.1 on 2015-08-17

  • Fix: Can manage an existing deploy with user that has “root” privileges.
  • Fix: Storage engine conversions do not get stuck if replica set contained an arbiter.
  • Fix: Can update credentials after failed attempt to manage an existing deployment.

Automation Agent

Released with Ops Manager 1.8 on 2015-06-23

  • Added support for managing SSL-enabled deployments.
  • Added support for managing deployment using Kerberos, LDAP, and x.509 Client Certificate authentication.
  • Added support to import an existing mongos with a config file.
  • Added support for importing an existing deployment that contains authenticated arbiters on which the hostname does not resolve locally to the loopback interface.
  • Added the ability to upgrade the authSchemaVersion when auth is not enabled.
  • Added support to change the storage engine for replica sets with more than one data node.
  • Enabled storage engine conversions for single-node replica sets and standalones.
  • Added more detailed logging of when MongoDB, the Monitoring Agent, or the Backup Agent rotate their logs.
  • Added support for distribution-specific MongoDB Community Edition builds.
  • Added up-front validation to ensure that MongoDB processes are running as the same user as the Automation Agent.
  • Added functionality to delete MongoDB binaries on disk that are not used by a managed process.
  • Added optimization where Ops Manager assumes success when starting a forked MongoDB process, rather than waiting for EOF.
  • Improved algorithm for balancing mongod processes across cores.
  • When deleting directories, symlinks are no longer deleted.
  • Fix: Can import credentials for MONGODB-CR users from SCRAM-SHA-1 deployments. See: MMS-2612 for more details.
  • Fix: Can derive the default port for config servers started with the --configsvr option but with no port specified. See: MMS-2489.
  • Fix: Can configure oplog sizes greater than 1TB.
  • Fix: Automation Agent does not interfere with manually-created replica set tags.
  • Ensured that the Automation Agent fails gracefully when an expected user does not exist during an initial import.

Automation Agent

Released with Ops Manager 1.6.3 on 2015-06-23

  • Added support for importing an existing deployment that contains authenticated arbiters on which the hostname does not resolve locally to the loopback interface.
  • Fix: Logic used for performing a rolling restart.
  • Fix: with deriving the default port for config servers started with the --configsvr option but with no port specified. See MMS-2489.

Automation Agent

Released 2015-04-28

  • Fix: Can update users created on MongoDB 2.4.
  • Fix: No longer have config server repair occur if the third config server was out of sync.

Automation Agent

Released 2015-03-26

  • Fix: a rare edge-case that prevented the Automation Agent from successfully enabling authentication.

Automation Agent

Released 2015-03-02

Initial release.