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Ops Manager Server Changelog

Ops Manager Server 2.0

Ops Manager Server 2.0.11

Released on 2017-11-02

  • Update JDK to 8u152
  • Fix a bug in credentialstool & encryptiontool where it failed to load dependencies correctly

Ops Manager Server 2.0.10

Released on 2017-08-03

  • Update JDK to 8u144.
  • Fix: Backup should compute size of incomplete snapshots.

Ops Manager Server 2.0.9

Released on 2017-05-23

Ops Manager Server 2.0.8

Released on 2017-01-19

  • Fixed minimum oplog check when starting backup from failing on RECOVERING members.
  • Fixed restores on expired, but not yet deleted, snapshots.
  • Upgrade JDK to 8u121.

Ops Manager Server 2.0.7

Released on 2016-11-03

  • Agent Upgrades: Automation Agent
  • Improve filesystem backup performance by increasing disk buffer size.
  • Fixed backup initial sync failures due to inefficient query on oplogs.
  • Fixed starting backup when MongoDB was using Kerberos auth and Automation was not in use.
  • Fixed old application settings appearing as overrides on the Ops Manager settings page
  • Fixed publish failure due to weakCertificateValidation improperly being set based on the allowConnectionsWithoutCertificates setting.
  • Support for Windows Server 2016 and Windows 10.
  • Upgrade JDK to 8u112. Unlimited strength encryption policy included by default.

Ops Manager Server 2.0.6

Released on 2016-08-18

  • Agent Upgrades: Automation Agent
  • Fixed case where acknowledged alerts could be opened again.
  • Fixed issue where DNS failures on the hostname(s) of the Ops Manager application database cause Ops Manager to shutdown.
  • File system snapshot stores can be used in group specific snapshot store filters.
  • Fixed issue where an unconfigured Backup Daemon could be assigned a backup job.
  • Upgrade to JDK8u102.

Ops Manager Server 2.0.5

Released on 2016-07-14

  • Agent Upgrades: Automation Agent, Monitoring Agent
  • Fixed credentialstool on Windows, which is used to encrypt passwords in the config file.
  • Fixed Backup Daemon auto-download of RHEL platform specific builds.
  • Added support for LDAP referrals for Ops Manager user authentication.
  • Added support for changing LDAP search attribute for Ops Manager user authentication.
  • Fixed index creation UI in Firefox and IE11.

Ops Manager Server 2.0.4

Released on 2016-05-20

  • Agent Upgrades: Automation Agent, Backup Agent
  • Fixed failure to generate diagnostics archive due to large amount of log data.
  • Validate Automation sslMode changes at publish time instead of draft.
  • Allow Automation to transition from sslMode disabled to not having a sslMode.
  • Fixed false positive auth mechanism validation failures when starting backup.
  • Fixed issue with processing some types of aggregation queries when calculating suggested indexes.
  • Fixed exception during a backup restore if that data previously was on a blockstore that has since been deleted.
  • Removed Ubuntu 14.04 enterprise builds for MongoDB 2.4.X that were erroneously in the version manifest.
  • Ability to edit LDAP Groups for Automation Admin was accidentally hidden.
  • Fixed javascript error on empty profiler view.
  • Upgrade to JDK8u92.

Ops Manager Server 2.0.3

Released on 2016-03-24

  • Agent Upgrades: Automation Agent
  • Fixed critical bug in conversion to config server replica sets. Conversions to config server replica sets should be not performed with Ops Manager 2.0.2.
  • Fixed Ops Manager not recording HTTP access logs.
  • Fixed LDAP PEM settings from failing pre-flight checks even when LDAP wasn’t in use.
  • Fixed Automated Point-In-Time restores of Sharded Cluster with config server replica sets.
  • Fixed removing SSL for a Deployment
  • Email configuration changes no longer require a restart of the Ops Manager service.
  • Allow specifying a temporary port for use during conversion to config server replica sets.
  • Added Automation support for net.ssl.disabledProtocols.
  • Allow control over the compression level of the File System Snapshot Store.

Ops Manager Server 2.0.2

Released on 2016-03-01

  • Agent Upgrades: Automation Agent
  • Added support rolling upgrades to config servers as a replica set (requires MongoDB 3.2.4+).
  • Added support for running Agents, the Ops Manager server, and MongoDB on SUSE12.
  • Added support for Slack and Flowdock notifications as system alerts.
  • Fixed Automation Admin Role missing from group LDAP configuration.
  • Fixed charting problem on Chrome 48+.
  • Fixed issue deleting processes that were part of a config server replica set.
  • Fixed issue where deployment drafts could prevent Ops Manager from starting in local mode.
  • Fixed issue where disabling 2FA in Ops Manager still required 2FA for users that had it configured.
  • Ops Manager upgrades on Windows require an uninstall of the previous version. This restriction was added to prevent issues that could occur on upgrade that are still unresolved without uninstall.
  • Upgrade to JDK8u74.

Ops Manager Server 2.0.1

Released 2016-01-21

  • Agent Upgrades: Automation Agent
  • Stability and performance improvements for restores via automation.
  • Support restores via automation for shared clusters with config server replica sets.
  • Fixed editing of managed users not promoting to re-enter password (Relevant only to imported SCRAM-SHA1 users.)
  • Fixed old errors from imports to automation impacting new imports.
  • Automation now updates the location of the keyfile according to the defined downloadBase.
  • Fixed cases where suggested indexes did not handle unexpected profiling data.
  • Fixed issue with filesystem snapshots failing when trying to resume a snapshot after restart.
  • Fixed LDAP form validation not allowing “ldaps”.
  • Fixed the Backup Daemon not recognizing Windows MongoDB Enterprise builds.
  • Fixed cases where global diagnostic archive would fail if it was too large.
  • Fixed importing into automation with SSL always requiring client certificates.

Ops Manager Server 2.0.0

Released 2015-12-08


  • Adds support to monitor, back up, and automate MongoDB 3.2 deployments.

  • Single Ops Manager Package: there is no longer a separate package for the Backup Daemon. The single Ops Manager package installs both the Ops Manager Application and the Backup Daemon. You can configure any server with Ops Manager to handle backups through the Backup Admin interface.

  • Configuration in the Database: the Ops Manager application configuration is now stored in the application database rather than in configuration files. This allows for central configuration management.

    Each Ops Manager instance, on each server, must be configured with information on how to connect to the Application Database. Local config files override the information in the database: as such, switching to configuration in the database is not required, but is recommended.

  • Backup agent port change: Ops Manager no longer requires a separate port for backup traffic. All HTTP traffic is now over a single port. By default, Ops Manager uses port 8080.

  • Ops Manager 2.0 updates the admin interface to show the topology of Ops Manager software, the application database, and any backup databases.

  • Added support to convert to LDAP authentication for Ops Manager users at any time, with no downtime.

  • Upgraded to JDK8u66.


  • Added support for x.509 member authentication.
  • Improved handling of adding members to replica sets: to avoid disrupting majority writes, new members are now added to replica sets as priority=0, votes=0 until they reach secondary state, after which Ops Manager automatically updates the configuration to match the priority and votes value specified in the deployment.
  • Added the ability to manage indexes from the Ops Manager UI.
  • Improved index creation: indexes are now created in a rolling fashion.
  • Added Automation support for Windows MongoDB instances.


  • Added a new profiler with Suggested Indexes.
  • Added support for maintenance windows during which time Ops Manager does not send alert notifications.


  • Filesystem snapshot storage: added the ability to store snapshots on a plain shared file system instead of a MongoDB instance. With filesystem storage, Ops Manager stores snapshots in a directory hierarchy and the data files themselves are compressed using gzip.

  • Backup agent port change: Ops Manager no longer requires a separate port for backup traffic. All HTTP traffic is now over a single port. By default, Ops Manager uses port 8080

    Ops Manager will automatically update any Backup Agents managed by Automation to use the new port. You will need to manually update any Backup Agents set up manually after upgrading Ops Manager. The upgrade instructions describe how to configure the mothership field in the configuration files of non-automated Backup Agents.

  • Sync store no longer required: a dedicated sync store is no longer required: Backup initial syncs are “streamed” to the Backup Daemon and only use a small amount of temporary space in the oplog store.

  • Automated restores: added a new option to automatically restore a backup to a running replica set or sharded cluster.

  • Added support for namespace whitelisting, which allows you to back up only a subset of your data.

  • Added the ability to manage HTTP restore link expiration from the Ops Manager UI and through the API for each individual restore request.

  • Added support for the Backup Daemon to download required MongoDB binaries from the Ops Manager web server when they are not available locally.

Considerations for Upgrade to 2.0

Backup Database
There are data migrations that touch the various backup data stores that make up the Backup Data Storage. The data stores must all be online when you upgrade. Any data stores that are no longer in use should be deleted through the Ops Manager UI before upgrading.
Backup Daemon

Beginning with Ops Manager 2.0, there is no separate Backup Daemon package. The Ops Manager package also installs the Backup Daemon. When started, the Ops Manager package automatically starts two services: the Ops Manager Application and the Backup Daemon. You choose on which servers to “activate” the Backup Daemon. The daemon always runs, but it performs no operations unless activated.

After upgrade, a server that runs only the Ops Manager Application continues to do so but now also runs a “dormant” Backup Daemon service. The Backup Daemon remains dormant as long as you do not activate it.

A server that runs only a Backup Daemon runs Ops Manager with an “activated” Backup Daemon and a “dormant” Ops Manager Application. The Ops Manager Application remains dormant as long as you do not direct HTTP traffic to it.

Backup HTTP Service

Beginning with Ops Manager 2.0, there is no Backup HTTP Service on port 8081. Any Backup Agents that are managed by Automation will be automatically updated to use the new port, 8080. For Backup Agents that were installed manually, you must edit the agent’s configuration file, as described in the procedure below. You must have access to the servers running any manually installed Backup Agents.


You must configure the new port for any manually installed Backup Agents, or the agents will have no access to Ops Manager.

Agent Updates
Do not update the agents before upgrade. If you use Automation, Ops Manager prompts you to update the agents after you upgrade. Follow the prompts to update the agents through the Ops Manager UI. Do not update the agents manually.
Beginning in 2.0, Ops Manager stores global configuration settings in the Ops Manager Application Database and stores only local settings in the Ops Manager server’s file. The upgrade procedure uses the existing file to connect to the Ops Manager Application Database before replacing the existing file with the new, smaller 2.0 file.
Restore properties

The following properties no longer apply and are replaced by settings specified when initiating a restore:

  • mms.backup.restore.linkExpirationHours
  • mms.backup.restore.linkUnlimitedUses
If you have modified the mms.conf file in your current installation (which is not typical), back up the file. You must use the new mms.conf file installed by the upgrade. You can redo any modifications once the upgrade is complete.

See: Upgrade Ops Manager for upgrade instructions for your operating system.

Ops Manager Server 1.8

Ops Manager Server 1.8.3

Released 2015-12-15

  • Fixed issue where monitoring settings for existing servers were not always editable.
  • Support for additional Amazon Simple Email Server regions. To specify regions other than the default US-EAST, see
  • Fixed SNMP notification mechanism for System Alerts.
  • Fixed user privileges for MongoDB 3.0 missing from UI on Users & Roles page.
  • Upgraded to JDK8u66.

Ops Manager Server 1.8.2

Released 2015-10-20

Ops Manager Server 1.8.1

Released 2015-08-17

  • Agent Updates: Automation Agent, Monitoring Agent
  • Updated Backup seedSecondary script for MongoDB 3.0.
  • Fixed adding users with GLOBAL roles to individual groups.
  • Fixed Host Down alerts not firing correctly for arbiters.
  • Fixed error when trying to enable x.509 authentication for Monitoring only (without Automation).
  • Fixed error when trying to enable host log collection.
  • Fixed case where an acknowledged Alert can be re-opened when Alert processing is behind.
  • Fixed case where monitoring classified a Config Server as a Standalone when there were no mongos services.

Ops Manager Server 1.8.0

Released 2015-06-23


  • Automation now supports SSL and MongoDB Enterprise authentication mechanisms: Kerberos, LDAP, and x.509.

    Ops Manager 1.8 can start new MongoDB instances using SSL and enterprise authentication mechanisms and import existing instances using SSL and enterprise authentication for management.

  • Added the ability to specify a proxy server for Ops Manager to use to access external services.

  • Added support for self-signed CAs and client certificates when using SSL LDAP for Ops Manager user authentication.


  • System Alerts: system alerts allow an Ops Manager Administrator to receive alerts when the state of the software itself is unhealthy.
  • Global Alerts: global alerts allow an Ops Manager administrator to monitor any set of Ops Manager groups without needing to configure the alerts on a group-by-group basis.
  • Added the ability to deliver Group, Global, and System alerts via an HTTP webhook.
  • Lowered the alerting check frequency from five minutes to one minute, allowing for more responsive alerts.


  • Automation now uses distribution-specific builds for MongoDB Community Edition when one is available for the operating system and version in use. Previously, Automation used the generic MongoDB Community Edition build.

    Upgrading the Automation Agent and Ops Manager to the new version will not automatically change your MongoDB deployments to a distribution-specific build: if you wish to use the distribution-specific build, you will need to update the MongoDB version.

  • Added support to change the storage engine for a MongoDB deployment using Automation.

  • Beta: Added Automation support for Windows MongoDB instances. This feature must be enabled for an Ops Manager group for it to be available.


  • Standby Monitoring Agents now check in with Ops Manager more frequently. You can now configure the Monitoring Agent session timeout to allow for faster failover. See: Monitoring Agent Redundancy for more information.


  • Added the ability to configure the Backup Database’s block size. The Configure the Size of the Blocks in the Blockstore tutorial describes how to configure the size of the blocks in the Backup Database’s blockstore.
  • Added the ability to initiate backup SCP restores through the Public API. See: Restore Jobs.

Considerations for Upgrade (v1.8)

  • Ops Manager 1.8 requires that the Ops Manager Application Database and Backup Data Storage run MongoDB 2.6 or later. Ops Manager will not start after upgrade if your backing databases are using an earlier version of MongoDB. The MongoDB Manual provides upgrade tutorials with each release. To upgrade from MongoDB 2.4 to 2.6, see: Upgrade MongoDB to 2.6.

  • When you upgrade to Ops Manager 1.8, Ops Manager disables all Automation Agents until they are upgraded to Automation Agent You can upgrade the Automation Agents by clicking the link that appears in the Please upgrade your agents banner that will appear on the Deployment page in the Ops Manager interface.

  • Direct upgrade is only allowed from Ops Manager 1.5 and Ops Manager 1.6. To upgrade to Ops Manager 1.8 from an earlier version of MongoDB, you must first upgrade to Ops Manager 1.6, and then to 1.8.

  • In Ops Manager 1.8, mms.multiFactorAuth.level replaces the deprecated mms.multiFactorAuth.require setting. mms.multiFactorAuth.level supports more values than its predecessor.

    Ops Manager will not start with mms.multiFactorAuth.require in the properties file, but will report an error indicating that the setting has been deprecated, and that you must update your configuration.

  • Ops Manager 1.8 does not include the Backup HTTP Service: its functionality is now part of System Alerts and Global Alerts.

  • System Alerts give new insight into the health of Ops Manager and may immediately trigger on upgrade if Ops Manager is not in the expected state. For example, if your Application or Backup databases have startup warnings or if the connection strings to those databases point to any unreachable MongoDB instances, Ops Manager will issue an alert.

  • The Ops Manager Deployment user interface has been streamlined such that the View Mode and Edit Mode dual views have been merged into a unified view

Ops Manager Server 1.6

Ops Manager Server 1.6.4

Released 2015-08-17

  • Ops Manager no longer shuts down if the Ops Manager Application Database is unreachable. (This issue was erroneously reported as resolved in Ops Manager 1.6.3.)

Ops Manager Server 1.6.3

Released 2015-06-23

  • Agent updates: Automation Agent
  • Added full support for restores of WiredTiger backups. Previously, Ops Manager only supported SCP Individual File restores for WiredTiger backups.
  • Added optimization to prevent some Backup Daemon background tasks from doing excessive logging when databases are down.
  • Fixed a user interface issue when displaying an empty Automation diff.

Ops Manager Server 1.6.2

Released 2015-04-28

  • Fixed issue with grooms on a WiredTiger Backup Blockstore.
  • Fixed a possible connection leak with the SCP Individual File restore type.
  • LDAP users are now periodically synced with the LDAP server to prevent communications after a user is removed from a group.
  • Fixed an issue with backups of MongoDB 3.0 mongod instances running with the --setParameter failIndexKeyTooLong=0 option.

Ops Manager Server 1.6.1

Released 2015-03-26

  • Upgraded Automation Agent to See: the Automation Agent release notes.
  • Security Update: resolved an issue where users removed from LDAP groups were not always removed from corresponding Ops Manager groups. This upgrade is highly recommended for anyone using LDAP authentication.
  • Selecting wildcards in the Version Manager is no longer supported when automation.versions.source is set to `local.
  • Adds a 1 hour timeout to kill a Backup head database if it does not shutdown cleanly. You must perform a resync following a hard kill.
  • Windows support for Backup Daemon using Windows 64-bit 2008 R2+ MongoDB builds.
  • Fix for Backups stored in WiredTiger format in which a single collection grows from under 8 GB to over 8 GB in size.
  • The time before an unreachable mongos process is deactivated is now configurable on a per group basis. See Admin-Only Group Settings.
  • The time before a standby Monitoring Agent takes over after the primary Monitoring Agent stops responding is now configurable to a minimum of 90 seconds. See the mms.monitoring.agent.session.timeoutMillis setting in Ops Manager Configuration.
  • For Backup HTTP pull restore, the link expiration and the number of allowed uses of a link are now configurable.

Ops Manager Server 1.6.0

Released 2015-03-02

New Features


  • The Ops Manager’s Administration interface provides more information to make it easier to monitor the health of the Ops Manager installation.
  • The Ops Manager Deployment tab now displays all deployment information on one page, with icons for selecting view options. The new Topology View groups all hosts by the replica set or sharded cluster they are part of. The new Servers View shows information about MongoDB processes and Ops Manager agents grouped by server.
  • Fixed an isssue (MMS-2273) where, in certain situations, the Backup Agent was not reporting a cluster snapshot as potentially inconsistent.
  • Improved handling of cursor timeouts by the Backup Agent. To use this improvement, upgrade to the latest Backup Agent, which is included with Ops Manager. The improvement became available with Backup Agent version

Considerations for Upgrade to 1.6

  • Ops Manager 1.8.0, when released, will not support MongoDB 2.4 for the Ops Manager Application Database and Backup Data Storage. Ops Manager Server 1.8.0 will continue to support MongoDB 2.4 for your monitored and backed-up databases.
  • Ops Manager 1.6.0 supports direct upgrades only from MMS On Prem 1.3 and above.
  • The procedure to configure Ops Manager to run with HTTPS has changed and is greatly simplified. The previous procedure no longer works. For the new procedure, see Configure SSL Connections to Ops Manager.
  • The connection string to the Backup Blockstore database is now configured through the Administration interface’s Blockstores page and not through the mongo.backupdb.mongoUri field in the configuration file.
  • Ops Manager no longer requires you to supply the replica set name of the backing MongoDB instances. The mongo.replicaSet and mongo.backupdb.replicaSet properties have been removed from the configuration files. These properties had previously controlled whether Ops Manager treated a connection to a backing instance as a standalone or replica set, for the purpose of setting the write concern. Ops Manager now sets write concern based on how many hosts are supplied in the connection string.
  • You can disable Automation for the entire Ops Manager installation through the mms.featureFlag.automation setting in the configuration file.
  • Removed the Dashboards view from the Ops Manager UI. You can view monitoring metrics from the Deployment tab. See: View Diagnostics for an overview of the available metrics and how to access them.

MMS Onprem Server 1.5

MMS Onprem Server 1.5.5

Released 2015-03-26

  • Security Update: resolved issue where users removed from LDAP groups were not always removed from corresponding Ops Manager groups. This upgrade is highly recommended for anyone using LDAP authentication.

MMS Onprem Server 1.5.4

Released 2015-03-18

  • Fixed race condition that could cause the Backup Daemon to hang when the MongoDB process for a head database fails to start.
  • Fixed an issue where a rollback occurring shortly after a terminate could step on the terminate.
  • The time before an unreachable mongos process is deactivated is now configurable on a per group basis. See Admin-Only Group Settings.
  • The time before a standby Monitoring Agent takes over after the primary Monitoring Agent stops responding is now configurable to a minimum of 90 seconds. See the mms.monitoring.agent.session.timeoutMillis setting in Ops Manager Configuration.
  • For Backup HTTP pull restore, the link expiration and the number of allowed uses of a link are now configurable.

MMS OnPrem Server 1.5.3

Released 2014-12-17

Significant improvements in performance for the processing of MMS OnPrem Monitoring data for MMS OnPrem Groups with a large number of hosts

MMS OnPrem Server 1.5.2

Released 2014-11-18

  • Added Support for archive restores (.tar.gz) for databases whose filenames exceed 100 characters.
  • API: Skip missed points in metrics data, instead of returning empty data.
  • API: Return correct number of data points when querying metric data with the period option.
  • Backup Agent update to

MMS OnPrem Server 1.5.1

Released 2014-09-26

  • Fix cases where replica set member alerts (e.g. no primary, number of healthy members) could send false positives.
  • Skip backup-daemon rootDirectory and mongo.backupdb.mongoUri overlap check when the mongo.backupdb.mongoUri is on a different host.
  • mms-gen-key script handles user’s effective group being different than the username.
  • Security enhancements.

MMS OnPrem Server 1.5.0

Released 2014-09-02

Considerations for Upgrade

  • MMS OnPrem only supports direct upgrades from 1.3 and 1.4.

  • Change in configurations and policy for 2FA: Two-factor authentication must now be explicitly enabled using the mms.multiFactorAuth.require setting.

  • The default LDAP group separator became ;;. Previously the separator was ,. See the LDAP configuration documentation for more information.

  • Suppressed hosts will only remain suppressed for 30 minutes.

    Previously, if after deleting a host, from MMS OnPrem Monitoring the hostname and port combination would be added to a suppression list with an infinite lifetime. The suppression list prevented a race condition where host in a cluster would be auto-discovered by another member of a deployment before the host could was fully removed. Now, hostname and port combinations remain on the suppression list for only 30 minutes.

  • Set the mms.remoteIp.header in the file if clients access the MMS OnPrem Application via a load balancer.

  • mongo.backupdb.mongoUri is no longer in This was previously a required field in this file. It remains in the backup daemons’s

  • Stored MongoDB profile data is not transferred between OnPrem 1.4 and OnPrem 1.5 during the upgrade process.


  • When an MMS OnPrem Backup job fails to bind, the system will periodically and automatically retry.
  • All MMS OnPrem Backup jobs will retry indefinitely.
  • Point in Time restores are now available with one second granularity.

New Features

  • MMS OnPrem Public API.
  • Explicit support for multiple MMS OnPrem Backup Blockstore databases and the ability to pin MMS OnPrem Groups to specific backup daemons and databases. See Assign Snapshot Stores to Specific Data Centers for more information.
  • MMS OnPrem can authenticate using LDAP to both the database backing MMS OnPrem and the monitored and backed up MongoDB deployments. See Configure users and groups using LDAP with Ops Manager.
  • Enhanced auditing. See Audit Events for more information.
  • Ability to acknowledge alerts with comments.
  • New cluster page that shows individual, sum or average metrics for all shards in a cluster.

MMS OnPrem Server 1.4

MMS OnPrem Server 1.4.3

Released 2014-07-22

  • Addressed issues related to Backup Job assignment for 2.6.x clusters that used the clusterMonitor role to support MMS OnPrem Monitoring.
  • Fixed problem importing email addresses for users for deployments that use LDAP integration.
  • Fixed rare race condition caused high CPU usage in the MMS OnPrem HTTP Service if the application cannot connect to one of the backing databases.
  • Additional security enhancements.

MMS OnPrem Server 1.4.2

Released 2014-05-29

  • Critical bug fix for backing up MongoDB 2.6 deployments that include user or custom role definitions:

    • The system.version collection in the admin database will be included in all future snapshots.
    • The system.roles collection in the admin database will be included after a new initial sync is performed.

    Users capturing backups of MongoDB 2.6 replica sets or clusters with MMS OnPrem that include custom role definitions should perform a new initial sync. Taking a new initial sync will ensure that the role definitions are included in the backup.

  • Disable MongoDB usePowerOf2Sizes for insert-only MMS OnPrem Backup collections.

  • Speed optimization for MMS OnPrem Backup HTTP pull restores.

  • Fix for LDAP integration, MMS OnPrem now passes full dn correctly when authenticating the user.

MMS OnPrem Server 1.4.1

Released 2014-04-28

  • Ability to Backup replica sets or clusters using Kerberos authentication
  • Ability to Backup replica sets or clusters running specific custom MongoDB builds provided by MongoDB, Inc.
  • Fix validation issue preventing Backup of MongoDB 2.6.0 clusters
  • Reduced log noise from Monitoring Agent when monitoring MongoDB 2.0 or unreachable mongods

MMS OnPrem Server 1.4.0

Released 2014-04-08

  • Includes MMS OnPrem Backup: continuous backup with point-in-time recovery of replica sets and cluster-wide snapshots of sharded clusters.
  • Finer-grained roles and permissions.
  • Improved user interface for alerts.
  • Enhanced Activity Feed for auditing of all activity.
  • Monitoring Agent distributed as OS-specific binary. Python dependency removed.
  • LDAP integration for managing users and groups.

MMS OnPrem 1.4.0 requires MongoDB 2.4.9+ instances for backing storage.

MMS OnPrem Server 1.3.0

Released 2013-12-01

  • Packaging/support for Debian and SUSE Linux.
  • Kerberos authentication support between MMS OnPrem server and backing MongoDBs, as well as between Monitoring Agent and the MongoDBs it monitors.
  • OnPrem users can be overall site administrators. (MMS OnPrem Admins)
  • New admin section where MMS OnPrem Admins can manage user roles and message banners.
  • Tunable advanced password and session management configurations.
  • Encryption key rotation, more specific CORS policy, auth tokens removed from chart URLs, and other security enhancements.

MMS OnPrem Server 1.2.0

Released 2013-07-24

  • Redesigned user interface and enhanced algorithm to auto-discover hosts and derive host topology.
  • SNMP monitoring.
  • Ability to export charts.
  • Option to store encrypted authentication credentials in the mmsDb property in the configuration file.
  • Ability to classify users within an MMS OnPrem Group as group administrators or read-only users.