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This resource allows you to view Checkpoints metadata. You can use checkpoints to create custom snapshots of a cluster at points in time between regular snapshots.


Get All Checkpoints

Get all checkpoints for a cluster.

GET /api/public/v1.0/groups/GROUP-ID/clusters/CLUSTER-ID/checkpoints

Get One Checkpoint

Get a single checkpoint.

GET /api/public/v1.0/groups/GROUP-ID/clusters/CLUSTER-ID/checkpoints/CHECKPOINT-ID

Sample Entity

  "clusterId" : "348938fbdbca74718cba",
  "completed" : "2015-07-31T23:19:51Z",
  "groupId" : "2847387cd717dabc348a",
  "id" : "5875f665da588548965b",
  "parts" : [ {
    "replicaSetName" : "shard_1",
    "shardName" : "shard_1",
    "tokenDiscovered" : true,
    "tokenTimestamp" : {
      "date" : "2015-07-31T23:19:51Z",
      "increment" : 1
    "typeName" : "REPLICA_SET"
  }, {
    "replicaSetName" : "shard_0",
    "shardName" : "shard_0",
    "tokenDiscovered" : true,
    "tokenTimestamp" : {
      "date" : "2015-07-31T23:19:51Z",
      "increment" : 1
    "typeName" : "REPLICA_SET"
  }, {
    "hostId" : "11d9c414d292453725d2232e25c02525",
    "tokenDiscovered" : true,
    "tokenTimestamp" : {
      "date" : "2015-07-31T23:19:51Z",
      "increment" : 6
    "typeName" : "CONFIG_SERVER"
  } ],
  "restorable" : true,
  "started" : "2015-07-31T23:19:51Z",
  "timestamp" : "2015-07-31T23:19:47Z"

Entity Fields

Name Type Description
clusterId string The ID of the cluster represented by the checkpoint.
completed BSON timestamp The point-in-time the checkpoint completed and the balancer restarted.
groupId string The ID of the group that owns the checkpoint.
id string The checkpoint ID.
parts array of parts The individual parts that comprise the complete checkpoint. There will be one element for each shard plus one element for the config servers.
parts.replicaSetName string Name of the replica set. Not present for a config server.
parts.shardName string The name of the shard.
parts.tokenDiscovered Boolean Indicates whether the token exists.
parts.tokenTimestamp document The timestamp of an entry in the oplog, as specified by the entry’s ts field. The ts field is a BSON timestamp and has two components: the timestamp, which is the value in seconds since the Unix epoch, and the increment, which is an incrementing ordinal for operations within a given second.
parts.typeName string

The type of server represented by the part. Possible values are:

  • REPLICA_SET, which indicates the part is a shard.
restorable Boolean Indicates whether the checkpoint can be used for a restore.
started BSON timestamp The point-in-time Ops Manager stopped the balancer and began the checkpoint.
timestamp BSON timestamp The point-in-time the checkpoint restores to.


Get All Checkpoints

curl -u "username:apiKey" --digest -i ""

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "links" : [ ... ],
  "results" : [ {
    "clusterId" : "55bbd551e4b07f5222418262",
    "completed" : "2015-07-31T23:35:52Z",
    "groupId" : "2847387cd717dabc348a",
    "id" : "55bc0658e4b097a3efe06f1f",
    "links" : [ {
      "href" : "",
      "rel" : "self"
    } ],
    "parts" : [ {
      "replicaSetName" : "shard_1",
      "shardName" : "shard_1",
      "tokenDiscovered" : true,
      "tokenTimestamp" : {
        "date" : "2015-07-31T23:35:52Z",
        "increment" : 1
      "typeName" : "REPLICA_SET"
    }, {
      "replicaSetName" : "shard_0",
      "shardName" : "shard_0",
      "tokenDiscovered" : true,
      "tokenTimestamp" : {
        "date" : "2015-07-31T23:35:52Z",
        "increment" : 1
      "typeName" : "REPLICA_SET"
    }, {
      "hostId" : "11d9c414d292453725d2232e25c02525",
      "tokenDiscovered" : true,
      "tokenTimestamp" : {
        "date" : "2015-07-31T23:35:52Z",
        "increment" : 2
      "typeName" : "CONFIG_SERVER"
    } ],
    "restorable" : true,
    "started" : "2015-07-31T23:35:52Z",
    "timestamp" : "2015-07-31T23:34:47Z"
  "totalCount" : 6

Get One Checkpoint

curl -u "username:apiKey" --digest -i ""

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "clusterId" : "55bbd551e4b07f5222418262",
  "completed" : "2015-07-31T23:19:51Z",
  "groupId" : "2847387cd717dabc348a",
  "id" : "55bc0297e4b00759dc7b8b8c",
  "links" : [ ... ],
  "parts" : [ {
    "replicaSetName" : "shard_1",
    "shardName" : "shard_1",
    "tokenDiscovered" : true,
    "tokenTimestamp" : {
      "date" : "2015-07-31T23:19:51Z",
      "increment" : 1
    "typeName" : "REPLICA_SET"
  }, {
    "replicaSetName" : "shard_0",
    "shardName" : "shard_0",
    "tokenDiscovered" : true,
    "tokenTimestamp" : {
      "date" : "2015-07-31T23:19:51Z",
      "increment" : 1
    "typeName" : "REPLICA_SET"
  }, {
    "hostId" : "11d9c414d292453725d2232e25c02525",
    "tokenDiscovered" : true,
    "tokenTimestamp" : {
      "date" : "2015-07-31T23:19:51Z",
      "increment" : 6
    "typeName" : "CONFIG_SERVER"
  } ],
  "restorable" : true,
  "started" : "2015-07-31T23:19:51Z",
  "timestamp" : "2015-07-31T23:19:47Z"
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