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Get All Agents

Return links to all agents

GET /api/public/v1.0/groups/GROUP-ID/agents

Get All Agents of a Type

Get all agents of the specified TYPE.

GET /api/public/v1.0/groups/GROUP-ID/agents/TYPE

You can specify MONITORING, BACKUP, or AUTOMATION, as in:

GET /api/public/v1.0/groups/GROUP-ID/agents/MONITORING
GET /api/public/v1.0/groups/GROUP-ID/agents/BACKUP
GET /api/public/v1.0/groups/GROUP-ID/agents/AUTOMATION

Sample Entity

Monitoring Agent

  "confCount": 59,
  "hostname": "example",
  "isManaged": true,
  "lastConf": "2015-06-18T14:21:42Z",
  "lastPing": "2015-06-18T14:21:42Z",
  "pingCount": 6,
  "stateName": "ACTIVE",
  "typeName": "MONITORING"

Backup Agent

  "confCount": 12,
  "hostname": "example",
  "isManaged": true,
  "lastConf": "2015-06-18T14:26:29Z",
  "stateName": "ACTIVE",
  "typeName": "BACKUP"

Automation Agent

  "confCount": 141,
  "hostname": "example-1",
  "lastConf": "2015-06-18T14:27:42Z",
  "stateName": "ACTIVE",
  "typeName": "AUTOMATION"

Entity Fields

Name Type Description
typeName string Specifies the type of agent, can be MONITORING, BACKUP, or AUTOMATION.
hostname string Primary hostname. A host typically may have aliases, so the primary is the best available name as decided by Ops Manager.
confCount number Number of configuration calls.
lastConf timestamp Date and time of last configuration call.
stateName string

The current state of the agent. stateName can return the following values:

  • ACTIVE: the agent is active and operating
  • STANDBY: the agent is on standby
  • NO_PROCESSES: the agent is not managing, monitoring, or backing up any processes.
pingCount number Only applicable to Monitoring agents. The number of pings that the Monitoring agent has sent to the hostname URL.
isManaged Boolean Only applicable to Monitoring and Backup agents. Specifies whether or not Ops Manager manages the agent.
lastPing timestamp Only applicable to Monitoring agents. Time of most recent ping.
tag string Only applicable to Backup agents. The agent’s tag, if there is one.


Get All Monitoring Agents in a Group

curl -u "username:apiKey" --digest -i ""

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "links": [
      "href": "",
      "rel": "self"
  "results": [
      "confCount": 59,
      "hostname": "example",
      "isManaged": true,
      "lastConf": "2015-06-18T14:21:42Z",
      "lastPing": "2015-06-18T14:21:42Z",
      "pingCount": 6,
      "stateName": "ACTIVE",
      "typeName": "MONITORING"
  "totalCount": 1
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