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Automation Configuration


The Automation Agent uses an automation configuration to determine the desired state of a MongoDB deployment and to effect changes as needed. If you modify the deployment through the Ops Manager web interface, you never need manipulate this configuration.

If you are using the Automation Agent without Ops Manager, you can construct and distribute the configuration manually.

Optional fields are marked as such.

A field that takes a <number> as its value can take integers and floating point numbers.

Configuration Version

This lists the version of the automation configuration.

"version" : <integer>
Name Type Description
version integer The version of the configuration.

Download Base

The download base is the path to the directory where automatic version downloads will be targeted and scripts for starting processes will be created.

"options" : {
    "downloadBase" : <string>,
    "downloadBaseWindows" : <string>
Name Type Description
options object The options object is required and must contain both the downloadBase and downloadBaseWindows fields.
options.downloadBase string The directory on Linux and Unix (including Mac OS X) platforms for automatic version downloads and startup scripts.
options.downloadBaseWindows string The directory on Windows platforms for automatic version downloads and startup scripts.

MongoDB Versions Specifications

The mongoDbVersions array defines specification objects for the MongoDB instances found in the processes array. Each MongoDB instance in the processes array must have a specification object in this array.

"mongoDbVersions" : [
        "name" : <string>,
        "builds" : [
                "platform" : <string>,
                "url" : <string>,
                "gitVersion" : <string>,
                "modules" : [ <string>, ... ],
                "bits" : <integer>,
                "win2008plus" : <Boolean>,
                "winVCRedistUrl" : <string>,
                "winVCRedistOptions" : [ <string>, ... ],
                "winVCRedistDll" : <string>,
                "winVCRedistVersion" : <string>
Name Type Description
mongoDbVersions array of objects The mongoDbVersions array is required and defines specification objects for the MongoDB instances found in the processes array. Each MongoDB instance in processes must have a specification object in mongoDbVersions. string The name of the specification object. The specification object is attached to a MongoDB instance through the instance’s processes.version field in this configuration.
mongoDbVersions.builds array of objects Objects that define the builds for this MongoDB instance.
mongoDbVersions.builds.platform string The platform for this MongoDB instance.
mongoDbVersions.builds.url string The URL from which to download MongoDB for this instance.
mongoDbVersions.builds.gitVersion string The commit identifier that identifies the state of the code used to build the MongoDB process. The MongoDB buildInfo command returns the gitVersion identifier.
mongoDbVersions.builds.modules array The list of modules for this version. Corresponds to the modules field returned by MongoDB 3.2+ buildInfo command.
mongoDbVersions.builds.bits integer The processor’s bus width. Specify either 64 or 32.
mongoDbVersions.builds.win2008plus Boolean Optional. Set to true if this is a Windows build that requires either Windows 7 later or Windows Server 2008 R2 or later.
mongoDbVersions.builds.winVCRedistUrl string Optional. The URL from which the required version of the Microsoft Visual C++ redistributable can be downloaded.
mongoDbVersions.builds.winVCRedistOptions array Optional. String values that list the command-line options to be specified when running the Microsoft Visual C++ redistributable installer. Each command-line option is a separate string in the array.
mongoDbVersions.builds.winVCRedistDll string Optional. The name of the Microsoft Visual C++ runtime DLL file that the agent will check to determine if a new version of the Microsoft Visual C++ redistributable is needed.
mongoDbVersions.builds.winVCRedistVersion string Optional. The minimum version of the Microsoft Visual C++ runtime DLL that must be present to skip over the installation of the Microsoft Visual C++ redistributable.

Automation Agent

The agentVersion object is optional and specifies the version of Automation Agent.

"agentVersion" : {
    "name" : <string>,
    "directoryUrl" : <string>
Name Type Description
agentVersion object Optional The version of the Automation Agent to run. If the running version does not match this setting, the Automation Agent downloads the specified version, shuts itself down, and starts the new version. string The desired version of the Automation Agent (e.g. “”).
agentVersion.directoryUrl string The URL from which to download Automation Agent.

Monitoring Agent

The monitoringVersions array is optional and specifies the version of the Monitoring Agent.

"monitoringVersions" : [
        "name" : <string>,
        "hostname" : <string>,
        "urls" : {
            <platform1> : {
                <build1> : <string>,
                "default" : <string>
        "baseUrl" : <string>,
        "logPath" : <string>,
        "logRotate" : {
            "sizeThresholdMB" : <number>,
            "timeThresholdHrs" : <integer>,
            "numUncompressed": <integer>,
            "percentOfDiskspace" : <number>
Name Type Description
monitoringVersions array of objects Optional. Objects that define version information for each Monitoring Agent. string

The desired version of the Monitoring Agent (e.g. “”).

For MongoDB compatibility with Automation, see MongoDB Compatibility.

monitoringVersions.hostname string The hostname of the machine that runs the Monitoring Agent. If the Monitoring Agent is not running on the machine, Ops Manager installs the agent from the location specified in monitoringVersions.urls.
monitoringVersions.urls object The platform- and build-specific URLs from which to download the Monitoring Agent.
monitoringVersions.urls.<platform> object This field has a name that identifies an operating system and optionally a version. The field contains an object with key-value pairs, where each key is either the name of a build or default and each value is a URL for downloading the Monitoring Agent. The object must include the default key set to the default download URL for the platform.
monitoringVersions.baseUrl string The base URL used for the mmsBaseUrl setting in the Monitoring Agent Configuration.
monitoringVersions.logPath string Optional. The directory where the agent stores its logs. The default is to store logs in /dev/null.
monitoringVersions.logRotate object Optional. Enables log rotation for the MongoDB logs for a process.
monitoringVersions.logRotate.sizeThresholdMB number The maximum size in MB for an individual log file before rotation.
monitoringVersions.logRotate.timeThresholdHrs integer The maximum time in hours for an individual log file before rotation.
monitoringVersions.logRotate.numUncompressed integer Optional. The maximum number of total log files to leave uncompressed, including the current log file. The default is 5. In earlier versions of Ops Manager, this field was named maxUncompressed. The earlier name is still recognized, though the new version is preferred.
monitoringVersions.logRotate.percentOfDiskspace number Optional. The maximum percentage of total disk space all log files should take up before deletion. The default is .02.

Backup Agent

The backupVersions array is optional and specifies the version of the Backup Agent.

"backupVersions" : [
        "name" : <string>,
        "hostname" : <string>,
        "urls" : {
            <platform1> : {
                <build1> : <string>,
                "default" : <string>
        "baseUrl" : <string>,
        "logPath" : <string>,
        "logRotate" : {
            "sizeThresholdMB" : <number>,
            "timeThresholdHrs" : <integer>,
            "numUncompressed": <integer>,
            "percentOfDiskspace" : <number>
Name Type Description
backupVersions array of objects Optional. Objects that define version information for each Backup Agent. string The desired version of the Backup Agent (e.g. “”).
backupVersions.hostname string The hostname of the machine that runs the Backup Agent. If the Backup Agent is not running on the machine, Ops Manager installs the agent from the location specified in backupVersions.urls.
backupVersions.urls object The platform- and build-specific URLs from which to download the Backup Agent.
backupVersions.urls.<platform> object This field has a name that identifies an operating system and optionally a version. The field contains an object with key-value pairs, where each key is either the name of a build or default and each value is a URL for downloading the Backup Agent. The object must include the default key set to the default download URL for the platform.
backupVersions.baseUrl string The base URL used for the mothership and https settings in the Backup Agent Configuration. For example, for "baseUrl"=, the backup configuration fields would have these values: and https"=true.
backupVersions.logPath string Optional. The directory where the agent stores its logs. The default is to store logs in /dev/null.
backupVersions.logRotate object Optional. Enables log rotation for the MongoDB logs for a process.
backupVersions.logRotate.sizeThresholdMB number The maximum size in MB for an individual log file before rotation.
backupVersions.logRotate.timeThresholdHrs integer The maximum time in hours for an individual log file before rotation.
backupVersions.logRotate.numUncompressed integer Optional. The maximum number of total log files to leave uncompressed, including the current log file. The default is 5.
backupVersions.logRotate.percentOfDiskspace number Optional. The maximum percentage of total disk space all log files should take up before deletion. The default is .02.

MongoDB Instances

The processes array determines the configuration of your MongoDB instances. You can also use the array to restore an instance.

"processes" : [
        "name" : <string>,
        "processType" : <string>,
        "version" : <string>,
        "<args>" : <object>,
        "disabled" : <Boolean>,
        "manualMode" : <Boolean>,
        "hostname" : <string>,
        "cluster": <string>,
        "numCores": <integer>,
        "logRotate" : {
            "sizeThresholdMB" : <number>,
            "timeThresholdHrs" : <integer>,
            "numUncompressed": <integer>,
            "percentOfDiskspace" : <number>
        "authSchemaVersion": <integer>,
        "alias": <string>,
        "backupRestoreUrl" : <string>
Name Type Description
processes array of objects The processes array contains objects that define the mongos and mongod instances that Ops Manager monitors. Each object defines a different instance. string A unique name to identify the instance.
processes.processType string Either mongod or mongos.
processes.version string The name of the mongoDbVersions specification used with this instance.
processes.<args> object This field is named either args2_6, for MongoDB versions 2.6 and higher (including 3.0 and higher), or args2_4, for versions 2.4 and earlier. The field contains a MongoDB configuration object in the format appropriate to the version. For information on format and supported MongoDB options, see supported configuration options.
processes.disabled Boolean Optional. Set to true to shut down the process.
processes.manualMode Boolean Optional. Set to true to operate this process in manual mode. The Automation Agent will take no actions on the process.
processes.hostname string Optional. The name of the host this process should run on. This defaults to localhost.
processes.cluster string Optional. Required for a mongos. The name of the cluster. This must correspond to the field in the sharding array for the mongos.
processes.numCores integer Optional. The number of cores the process should be bound to. The Automation Agent will spread processes out across the cores as evenly as possible.
processes.logRotate object Optional. Enables log rotation for the MongoDB logs for a process.
processes.logRotate.sizeThresholdMB number The maximum size in MB for an individual log file before rotation. The file rotates immediately if the file meets either this sizeThresholdMB or the processes.logRotate.timeThresholdHrs limit.
processes.logRotate.timeThresholdHrs integer

The maximum time in hours for an individual log file before the next rotation. The time is since the last rotation.

The log file rotates immediately if the file meets either this timeThresholdHrs or the processes.logRotate.sizeThresholdMB limit.

processes.logRotate.numUncompressed integer Optional. The maximum number of total log files to leave uncompressed, including the current log file. The default is 5.
processes.logRotate.percentOfDiskspace number

Optional. The maximum percentage of total disk space that can be used to store the log files. If this limit is exceeded, the compressed log files are deleted to meet this limit, starting with the oldest log files first.

The default is .02.

processes.authSchemaVersion integer Optional. The schema version of the user credential objects. This should match all other elements of the processes array that belong to the same cluster. The possible values are 1, 3, and 5. The default is 3 for 2.6 clusters and 1 for 2.4 clusters.
processes.alias string Optional. A hostname alias (often a DNS CNAME) for the server on which the process runs. If an alias is specified, the Automation Agent prefers the alias over the host specified in processes.hostname when connecting to the server. You can also specify this alias in and sharding.configServer.
processes.backupRestoreUrl string Optional. This is used only when creating a restore and specifies the delivery url for the restore. See Automate Backup Restoration through the API.

Replica Sets

The replicaSets array is optional and defines each replica set’s configuration.

"replicaSets" : [
        "_id" : <string>,
        "version" : <integer>
        "members" : [
                "_id" : <integer>,
                "host" : <string>
        "force" : {
            "currentVersion" : <integer>
Name Type Description
replicaSets array of objects Optional. Objects that define the configuration of each replica set. The Automation Agent uses the values in this array to create valid replica set configuration documents. The agent regularly checks that replica sets are configured correctly. If a problem occurs, the agent reconfigures the replica set according to its configuration document. The array can contain the following top-level fields from a replica set configuration document: _id; version; and members. For more information on the configuration documents, see replSetGetConfig in the MongoDB manual.
replicaSets._id string The name of the replica set.
replicaSets.version integer The version of the replica set configuration.
replicaSets.members array of objects Objects that define each member of the replica set. The field must specify the host’s name as listed in The Automation Agent expands the host field to create a valid replica set configuration. For more information on members objects, see replSetGetConfig in the MongoDB manual.
replicaSets.force object Optional. An object that contains the currentVersion field set to a version number. Automation will force a reconfiguration of the replica set if and only if the value of currentVersion equals the current version of the replica set. You can use force to reconfigure a replica set that has lost members and can’t reach a majority of votes.

Sharded Clusters

The sharding array is optional and defines the configuration of each sharded cluster.

"sharding" : [
        "name" : <string>,
        "configServer" : [ <string>, ... ],
        "collections" : [
                "_id" : <string>,
                "key" : [
                    [ shard key ],
                    [ shard key ],
        "shards" : [
                "_id" : <string>,
                "rs" : <string>
Name Type Description
sharding array of objects Optional. Objects that define the configuration of each sharded cluster. Each object in the array contains the specifications for one cluster. The Automation Agent regularly checks each cluster’s state against the specifications. If the specification and cluster don’t match, the agent will change the configuration of the cluster, which might cause the balancer to migrate chunks. string The name of the cluster. This must correspond with the value in processes.cluster for a mongos.
sharding.configServer array String values that provide the names of each config server’s hosts. The host names are the same names as are used in each host’s field.
sharding.collections array of objects Objects that define the sharded collections and their shard keys.
sharding.collections._id string The namespace of the sharded collection. The namespace is the combination of the database name and the name of the collection. For example, testdb.testcoll.
sharding.collections.key array of arrays The collection’s shard keys. This “array of arrays” contains a single array if there is a single shard key and contains multiple arrays if there is a compound shard key.
sharding.shards array of objects Objects that define the cluster’s shards.
sharding.shards._id string The name of the shard. string The name of the shard’s replica set, as specified in the replicaSets._id field.

Cluster Balancer

The balancer object is optional and defines balancer settings for each cluster.

"balancer": {
    "<clusterName1>": <object>,
    "<clusterName2>": <object>,
Name Type Description
balancer object Optional. This object contains fields named according to clusters, each field containing an object with the desired balancer settings for the cluster. The object uses the stopped and activeWindow fields, as described in the procedure to schedule the balancing window in this tutorial in the MongoDB manual.


The auth object is optional and defines authentication-related settings.

"auth" : {
    "autoUser": <string>,
    "autoPwd": <string>,
    "disabled": <Boolean>,
    "deploymentAuthMechanisms": [ <string>, <string>, ... ],
    "key" : <string>,
    "keyfile" : <string>,
    "usersDeleted" : [
            "user" : <string>,
            "dbs" : [ <string>, ... ]
    "usersWanted" : [
            "db" : <string>,
            "user" : <string>,
            "roles" : [ <string>, ... ],
            "pwd" : <32-character hex string>,
            "initPwd" : <string>,
            "userSource" : <string>,
            "otherDBRoles" : {
                <string> : [ <string>, ... ]
Name Type Description
auth object Optional. Defines authentication-related settings.
auth.autoUser string The username that the Automation agent uses when connecting to an instance.
auth.autoPwd string The password that the Automation agent uses when connecting to an instance.
auth.disabled Boolean Specifies whether authentication is enabled or disabled. Set to true to disable authentication, or false to enable authentication.
auth.deploymentAuthMechanisms array Lists the supported authentication mechanisms for the processes in the deployment. Specify MONGODB-CR for MONGODB-CR / SCRAM-SHA-1 authentication, MONGODB-X509 for x.509 Client Certificate authentication, PLAIN for LDAP authentication, and GSSAPI for authenticating with Kerberos.
auth.disabled boolean Optional. Indicates if auth is disabled. If not specified, disabled defaults to false.
auth.key string The contents of the key file that Ops Manager uses to authenticate to the MongoDB processes. The key is not required if disabled is true.
auth.keyfile string The path and name of the key file that Ops Manager uses to authenticate to the MongoDB processes. The keyfile is not required if disabled is true.
auth.usersDeleted array of objects Optional. Objects that define the authenticated users to be deleted from specified databases or from all databases. This array must contain two fields: the auth.usersDeleted.user field and the auth.usersDeleted.dbs field.
auth.usersDeleted.user string The user’s name.
auth.usersDeleted.dbs array String values that list the names of the databases from which the authenticated user is to be deleted.
auth.usersWanted array of objects Optional. Contains objects that define authenticated users to add to specified databases. Each object must have the auth.usersWanted.db, auth.usersWanted.user, and auth.usersWanted.roles fields, and then have exactly one of the following fields: auth.usersWanted.pwd, auth.usersWanted.initPwd, or auth.usersWanted.userSource.
auth.usersWanted.db string The database to which to add the user.
auth.usersWanted.user string The name of the user.
auth.usersWanted.roles array String values that list the roles to be assigned the user from the user’s database, which is specified in auth.usersWanted.db.
auth.usersWanted.pwd 32-character hex string The MONGODB-CR hash of the password assigned to the user. If you set this field, do not set the auth.usersWanted.initPwd or auth.usersWanted.userSource fields.
auth.usersWanted.initPwd string An initial cleartext password assigned to the user. If you set this field, do not set the auth.usersWanted.pwd or auth.usersWanted.userSource fields.
auth.usersWanted.userSource string If you use MongoDB version 2.4, you can use this field to specify the database that contains the user’s credentials. See the Privilege Documents page in the MongoDB 2.4 manual. If you set this field, do not set the auth.usersWanted.pwd or auth.usersWanted.initPwd fields.
auth.usersWanted.otherDBRoles object Optional. If the auth.usersWanted.db field specifies admin as the user’s database, then this object can assign to the user roles from other databases as well. The object contains key-value pairs where the key is the name of the database and the value is an array of string values that list the roles be assigned from that database.


The ssl object is optional and enables SSL for encrypting connections.

"ssl" : {
    "CAFilePath" : <string>
Name Type Description
ssl object

Optional. Enables SSL for encrypting connections. To use SSL, be sure to choose a package that supports SSL.

Starting in MongoDB 3.0, most MongoDB distributions now include support for SSL.

All MongoDB Enterprise supported platforms include SSL support.

ssl.CAFilePath string The path to the certificate used to authenticate through SSL.

MongoDB Roles

The roles array is optional and describes user-defined roles.

"roles" : [
        "role" : <string>,
        "db" : <string>,
        "privileges" : [
                "resource" : { ... },
                "actions" : [ <string>, ... ]
        "roles" : [
                "role" : <string>,
                "db" : <string>

Name Type Description
roles array of objects Optional. The roles array contains objects that describe the cluster’s user-defined roles. Each object describes a different user-defined role. Objects in this array contain the same fields as documents in the :manual:` system roles collection </reference/system-roles-collection>`, except for the _id field, which is not included here.


The kerberos object is optional and defines a kerberos service name used in authentication.

"kerberos": {
    "serviceName": <string>
Name Type Description
kerberos object Optional. A key-value pair that defines the kerberos service name agents use to authenticate via kerberos.
kerberos.serviceName string The service name agents use to authenticate to a mongod or mongos via kerberos. This name is also used to set the saslServiceName option in a MongoDB configuration, as described on the MongoDB Server Parameters page in the MongoDB manual.


The indexConfigs array is optional and defines indexes to be built for specific replica sets.

"indexConfigs" : [
        "key" : [
            [ <string> , <val> ],
        "rsName" : <string>,
        "dbName" : <string>,
        "collectionName" : <string>
Name Type Description
indexConfigs array of objects Optional. Objects that define specific indexes to be built for specific replica sets.
indexConfigs.key array of arrays The index’s keys. This “array of arrays” contains a single array if the index has just one key.
indexConfigs.rsName string The replica set that the index is build on.
indexConfigs.dbName string The database the index applies to.
indexConfigs.collectionName string The collection the index applies to.