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Install the Automation Agent on Windows


Ops Manager Automation relies on an Automation Agent, which must be installed on every server that runs a monitored MongoDB deployment. The Automation Agents periodically poll Ops Manager to determine the goal configuration, deploy changes as needed, and report deployment status back to Ops Manager.

Automation Agents can run only on 64-bit architectures.


Server Networking Access

The servers that host the MongoDB processes must have full networking access to each other through their fully qualified domain names (FQDNs). You can view a server’s FQDN by issuing hostname -f in a shell connected to the server. Each server must be able to reach every other server through the FQDN.

Ensure that your network configuration allows each Automation Agent to connect to every MongoDB process listed on the Deployment tab. Ensure that the network and security systems, including all interfaces and firewalls, allow these connections.

Installing to a Server that Already Runs MongoDB

If you install the Automation Agent to a server that is already running a MongoDB process, the agent must have:

  • Permission to stop the MongoDB process. The Automation Agent will restart the process using the agent’s own set of MongoDB binaries. If you had installed MongoDB with a package manager, use the same package manager to install the Automation Agent. This gives the agent the same owner as MongoDB.
  • Read and Write permissions on the MongoDB data directory and log directory.
  • Permission to stop, start, and update any existing Monitoring and Backup Agents.

Installing to a Server Before Installing MongoDB

If you deploy the Automation Agent to a server that does not have MongoDB installed, ensure the user that owns the Automation Agent has Read and Write permissions on the MongoDB data and log directories you plan to use.


Windows Firewall stealth mode should be disabled on the MongoDB servers on which the Automation Agent is installed for best performance.


This section includes procedures for both installing and updating the Automation Agent.

Install the Automation Agent on Windows


Login to Ops Manager.


Begin or Manage a Deployment

When you reach the Install an Automation Agent on each server page, each server is listed.

  1. Click on the Install Agent menu of the first MongoDB server.
  2. Select Windows - MSI.

Install the Automation Agent

  1. The Automation Agent Installation Instructions box displays with three important values that are needed during installation:

    • Base URL
    • Group ID
    • API Key

    These values identify which server manages this agent and are needed for Step e, so keep this box open.

  2. After the MSI downloads, double-click the mongodb-mms-automation-agent-<version>.windows_x86_64.msi

  3. If a security warning appears, click Run.

  4. At the Configuration/Log Folder step, provide the directory into which these files are saved.

  5. At the MMS Base URL and Agent API Key step, enter the values from the dialog box in the corresponding fields.

  6. Specify the Log and Backup directories.

  7. Click Finish once installation is complete.


Verify the Automation Agent is running.

The Automation Agent starts automatically after installation. This step verifies that it is running and can communicate with Ops Manager.


Repeat installation procedure for each MongoDB server.

Update the Automation Agent on Windows


The preferred way to update the Automation Agent is through the Ops Manager UI. If an Automation Agent is out of date, Ops Manager displays a warning on the Deployment page and provides a link to perform the update automatically.


Shut down Ops Manager Automation Agent.

To shutdown the Ops Manager Automation Agent:

  1. Click the Start button.
  2. Click Administrative Tools.
  3. Click Services.
  4. Right-click on the MMS Automation Agent and select Stop.

Download the latest agent.

From a system shell, issue the following command, where <OpsManagerURI> is the URI of your Ops Manager installation (for example,

curl -OL <OpsManagerURI>/download/agent/automation/mongodb-mms-automation-agent-latest.windows_x86_64.msi

Install the Automation Agent

  1. After the MSI downloads, double-click the mongodb-mms-automation-agent-<version>.windows_x86_64.msi
  2. If a security warning appears, click Run.
  3. Verify that the Destination Folder installation path and Configuration/Log Folder paths are correct.
  4. At the MMS Base URL and Agent API Key step, verify the provided values.
  5. At the Automation Paths step, verify the provided paths.
  6. Click Install.
  7. Click Finish once installation is complete.

Login to Ops Manager.


Verify the Automation Agent is running.

The Deployment page should display after login.

  1. Click on the stacked box icon next to Servers.
  2. Verify that the Automation Agent is showing the correct version.

Repeat installation procedure for each MongoDB server.