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Manage Blockstore Snapshot Storage

On this page

Ops Manager can backup databases to either another database (blockstore), to a local file system or a combination of both. This tutorial covers using blockstores to backup your MongoDB databases. Blockstores can exist on any database the Ops Manager server can access.


Use multiple snapshot stores when you must add capacity or when you must meet data localization or other regulatory requirements. Assign Snapshot Stores to Specific Data Centers describes how to assign snapshot stores to different data centers.


Before creating any blockstore snapshot stores:

  • Ensure a storage volume with sufficient capacity is attached to the Ops Manager or MongoDB server to store the blockstores and the oplog MongoDB database.
  • Deploy the dedicated MongoDB instance(s) to host the blockstores and oplog stores for this snapshot store.


Add a Blockstore


Click Create New Blockstore.


Provide the Blockstore details.

Field Contents
Name A name for the blockstore
Datastore Type drop-down menu
  • If you select Standalone, then enter the hostname and port number of the MongoDB instance.
  • If you select Replica Set, then enter a comma- separated list in the <hostname:port> format in MongoDB Host List.
  • If you select Sharded Cluster, then enter a comma- separated list in the <hostname:port> format in MongoDB Host List.
Username The username that can access the blockstore database, if the database uses authentication.
Password The password of the username that can access the blockstore database, if the database uses authentication.
Connection Options Any configuration file options for the MongoDB instance. This field supports un-escaped values only. For syntax, see Connection String URI Format in the MongoDB manual.
Use SSL checkbox If the database uses SSL, this should be checked.
New Assignment Enabled checkbox This enables the blockstore once it has been created. If you leave this unchecked, the blockstore is created but no newly started backups can be assigned to it.

Click Create.

Edit an Existing Blockstore

Once created, blockstores are listed directly on the Snapshot Storage page in a table. Each row contains the settings for each Blockstore.


Navigate to the Snapshot Storage page.

  1. Click the Admin link.
  2. Click the Backup tab.
  3. Click the Snapshot Storage page.

Go to the row for the Blockstore you want to edit.


In the MongoDB Connection column, edit the necessary fields:

Field Contents
<hostname>:<port> The hostname and port number of the MongoDB database.
MongoDB Auth Username The name of the user authorized to access the database if authentication was selected.
MongoDB Auth Password The password of the user authorized to access the database if authentication was selected.
Encrypted Credentials checkbox Checked if the username and password had used the credentialstool for encryption.
Use SSL checkbox Checked if the database uses SSL.
Connection Options Include any configuration file options for the MongoDB instance. This field supports un-escaped values only. For syntax, see Connection String URI Format in the MongoDB manual.
Assignment Labels A comma-separated list of labels to assign the blockstores to specific groups.
Blockstore Max Capacity (GB) This field is not used.
Load Factor

A proportional value of how backup jobs are assigned to the given snapshot store compared to other snapshot stores.

By default snapshot stores assign one shard per snapshot store.

If a snapshot store has more than one shard assigned, it would result in one snapshot store being backed up often than the another. This ratio of backup jobs to shards can be changed using the load factor.

An example of how the Load Factor affects backups:

You are backing up a 5 shard cluster. Your deployment has filestore (A) with one shard and blockstore (B) with four shards. These blockstores should not get equally distribution of backup jobs, as B is four times larger than A. B should get a Load Factor of 4 and A should get a Load Factor or 1.

Write Concern Select the proper Write Concern.

Check the checkbox in the Assignment Enabled column.


Click Save.


Restart all the Ops Manager instances, including those running activated Backup Daemons.


After you save changes to the connection string, you must restart all the Ops Manager instances, including those running activated Backup Daemons, for the changes to take effect.

Delete a Blockstore


Navigate to the Snapshot Storage page.

  1. Click the Admin link.
  2. Click the Backup tab.
  3. Click the Snapshot Storage page.