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Configure Ops Manager to Pass Outgoing Traffic through an HTTP or HTTPS Proxy

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Ops Manager can pass all outgoing requests through an HTTP or HTTPS proxy. This lets Ops Manager deployments without direct access to external resources access outside notification services and the MongoDB version manifest.



Stop Ops Manager

Use the command appropriate to your operating system.

On a Linux system installed with a package manager:

sudo service mongodb-mms stop

On a Linux system installed with a .tar file:

<install_dir>/bin/mongodb-mms stop

Edit the configuration file to configure the proxy settings.

Open Ops Manager Configuration with root privileges. Set the and http.proxy.port settings to the hostname and port of the HTTP or HTTPS proxy.

If the proxy requires authentication, use http.proxy.username and http.proxy.password to specify the credentials.


Start Ops Manager.

Use the command appropriate to your operating system.

On a Linux system installed with a package manager:

sudo service mongodb-mms start

On a Linux system installed with a .tar file:

<install_dir>/bin/mongodb-mms start