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Get All Groups for a User

Get all groups for the current user.

GET /api/public/v1.0/groups

Create a Group

Specify only the name field.

POST /api/public/v1.0/groups

The publicApiEnabled field is automatically set to true for groups created with the API. The response includes the agentApiKey for the group.

Get a Group

Get a single group by its ID.

GET /api/public/v1.0/groups/GROUP-ID

Delete a Group

Once a group is deleted, its name cannot be reclaimed. Thus, if you create a group named My Group and then delete it, you will not be able to create another group named My Group.

DELETE /api/public/v1.0/groups/GROUP-ID

Get All Users in a Group

GET /api/public/v1.0/groups/GROUP-ID/users

Add Users to a Group

Add one or more existing users to a group.

POST /api/public/v1.0/groups/GROUP-ID/users

You must send an array of entities, even if you’re only adding a single user. For each user that you wish to add, specify the user ID and the roles that the user should possess.

If you specify a user that is already a member of the group, their existing roles will be overwritten with the specified permissions.

Remove a User from a Group

DELETE /api/public/v1.0/groups/GROUP-ID/users/USER-ID

Sample Entity

  "id": "xxx",
  "name": "My Group",
  "hostCounts": {
    "arbiter": 2,
    "config": 1,
    "primary": 4,
    "secondary": 8,
    "mongos": 2.
    "master": 0,
    "slave": 0
  "lastActiveAgent": ISODate("2014-02-05T07:23:34Z"),
  "activeAgentCount": 1,
  "replicaSetCount": 3,
  "shardCount": 2,
  "publicApiEnabled": true,
  "agentApiKey": "cbd728abd6a6d6c6b6d7826345dbcff0e",
  "links": [ ... ]

Entity Fields

Name Type Description
id string The unique identifier for the group.
name string The display name for the group.
hostCounts object The total number of hosts by type. The embedded fields should be self-explanatory.
lastActiveAgent date The time Ops Manager last updated the activeAgentCount total for the group. Ops Manager runs a job every 30 minutes to record the number of active agents of all types, Monitoring, Backup, Automation.
activeAgentCount number

The number of active agents of any type (Monitoring, Backup, Automation) sending regular pings to Ops Manager.

The value is refreshed every 30 minutes. If you start a new agent or stop an existing one, the change can take up to 30 minutes to show up in the activeAgentCount field.

replicaSetCount number The total number of replica sets for this group.
shardCount number The total number of shards for this group.
publicApiEnabled boolean Is the Public API enabled for this group? This is a read-only field that will always be true for groups created with the API. Note that for groups created in the Ops Manager UI, the only way to set this flag to true is by enabling the Public API for the group in the Settings tab.
agentApiKey string The API key for your agent. This field is only present in the response entity to a POST request. Thus, the API key will only be exposed at group creation time.


Get a Group

curl -u "username:apiKey" --digest -i ""

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "id" : "5196d3628d022db4cbc26d9e",
  "name" : "API Example",
  "hostCounts" : {
    "arbiter" : 0,
    "config" : 1,
    "primary" : 3,
    "secondary" : 4,
    "mongos" : 2,
    "master" : 0,
    "slave" : 0
  "lastActiveAgent" : "2014-04-03T18:18:12Z",
  "activeAgentCount" : 1,
  "replicaSetCount" : 3,
  "shardCount" : 2,
  "links" : [ ... ]

Get All Groups for Current User

curl -u "username:apiKey" --digest -i ""

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "totalCount" : 6,
  "results" : [ {
    "id" : "5196d3628d022db4cbc26d9e",
    "name" : "API Example",
    "hostCounts" : {
      "arbiter" : 0,
      "config" : 1,
      "primary" : 3,
      "secondary" : 4,
      "mongos" : 2,
      "master" : 0,
      "slave" : 0
    "lastActiveAgent" : "2014-04-03T18:18:12Z",
    "activeAgentCount" : 1,
    "replicaSetCount" : 3,
    "shardCount" : 2,
    "links" : [ ... ]
  }, {
    // etc.
  } ],
  "links" : [ ... ]

Create a Group

curl -u "username:apiKey" -H "Content-Type: application/json" --digest -i -X POST "" --data '
  "name": "API Example 2"

HTTP/1.1 201 Created

  "id" : "533daa30879bb2da07807696",
  "name" : "API Example 2",
  "activeAgentCount" : 0,
  "replicaSetCount" : 0,
  "shardCount" : 0,
  "publicApiEnabled": true,
  "agentApiKey": "cbd747d7b7b711de45aa3ff0e",
  "hostCounts" : {
    "arbiter" : 0,
    "config" : 0,
    "primary" : 0,
    "secondary" : 0,
    "mongos" : 0,
    "master" : 0,
    "slave" : 0
  "links" : [ ... ]

Add Users to a Group

curl -u "username:apiKey" -H "Content-Type: application/json" --digest -i -X POST "" --data '
    "id": "5329c8dfe4b0b07a83d67e7d",
    "roles": [{
      "roleName": "GROUP_READ_ONLY"
    "id": "5329c906e4b0b07a83d691ba",
    "roles": [{
      "roleName": "GROUP_MONITORING_ADMIN"
    }, {
      "roleName": "GROUP_BACKUP_ADMIN"

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Delete a Group

curl -u "username:apiKey" --digest -i -X DELETE ""

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Get Users in a Group

curl -u "username:apiKey" --digest -i ""

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "totalCount" : 2,
  "results" : [ {
    "id" : "5357e25a300490374243f425",
    "username" : "",
    "emailAddress" : "",
    "firstName" : "User",
    "lastName" : "One",
    "roles" : [ {
      "groupId" : "5356823bc0edc2788a835ed0",
      "roleName" : "GROUP_USER_ADMIN"
    } ],
    "links" : [ ... ]
  }, {
    "id" : "5356823b3004dee37132bb7b",
    "username" : "",
    "emailAddress" : "",
    "firstName" : "User",
    "lastName" : "Deux",
    "roles" : [ {
      "groupId" : "5356823bc0edc2788a835ed0",
      "roleName" : "GROUP_OWNER"
    }, {
      "groupId" : "5356823bc0edc2788a835ecd",
      "roleName" : "GROUP_OWNER"
    } ],
    "links" : [ ... ]
  } ],
  "links" : [ ... ]

Delete a User from a Group

curl -u "username:apiKey" --digest -i -X DELETE ""

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
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