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  • Security >
  • Configure SSL Connections to Ops Manager

Configure SSL Connections to Ops Manager


You can encrypt connections from the Monitoring and Backup Agents to Ops Manager and from website clients to the Ops Manager web interface. You can encrypt connections in either of two ways:

  • Set up an HTTPS proxy in front of Ops Manager.
  • Run the Ops Manager Application over HTTPS, as described here.

By default, Ops Manager uses port 8443 for HTTPS access.

Run the Ops Manager Application Over HTTPS

To run the Ops Manager Application over HTTPS, you can configure Ops Manager with the server’s certificate and private key.


Click Admin to open the administration interface.


Click the General tab, then click Ops Manager Config.


Configure the PEM key file and password.

Set the following:


Configure the Ops Manager Application URL with the new HTTPS information.

Set URL to Access Ops Manager to the new URL and port (8443) for HTTPS access. The following is an example: