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You can typically access a host using a variety of names. DNS records and entries in the /etc/hosts file determine what names you can use to access a given host.

When you add a host to Ops Manager, Ops Manager automatically discovers various valid hostname and port combinations for each monitored mongod and mongos process. Ops Manager then ranks the hostnames to choose a “primary” hostname. Hostnames with the most periods are ranked highest, while the loopback address ( and localhost lowest. Ops Manager treats the “losing” hostnames as host aliases.

When Ops Manager processes a ping from the Monitoring agent, the algorithm for assigning a primary hostname repeats. As a result, the primary hostname may change over time. You can also specify preferred hostnames in Ops Manager’s group settings to override the hostname algorithm.


Get All Hosts in a Group

Get all hosts in a group. Use the clusterId query parameter to only get the hosts that belong to the specified cluster. The resulting list is sorted alphabetically by hostname:port.

GET /api/public/v1.0/groups/GROUP-ID/hosts

Get a Host by ID

GET /api/public/v1.0/groups/GROUP-ID/hosts/HOST-ID

Get a Host By Name and Port

Get a single host by its hostname and port combination. You can specify either the primary hostname or an alias.

GET /api/public/v1.0/groups/GROUP-ID/hosts/byName/HOSTNAME:PORT

Create a Host

Create a new host in the group. When you create a new host, Ops Manager only knows the information that you provided. Thus, the document returned in the response document will include blank values while Ops Manager discovers the missing values.

POST /api/public/v1.0/groups/GROUP-ID/hosts

You may specify the following fields when creating a host:

  • hostname - Required.
  • port - Required.
  • username - Required if authMechanismName is MONGODB_CR. Otherwise illegal.
  • password - Required if authMechanismName is MONGODB_CR. Otherwise illegal.
  • sslEnabled - Must be true if the authMechanismName is MONGODB_X509. Default is false if omitted.
  • logsEnabled - Default is false if omitted.
  • alertsEnabled - Default is true if omitted.
  • profilerEnabled - Default is false if omitted.
  • muninPort - Default is 0 and Munin stats are not collected if omitted.
  • authMechanismName - Default is NONE if omitted. If set to MONGODB_CR then you must provide the username and password.

Update a Host

PATCH /api/public/v1.0/groups/GROUP-ID/hosts/HOST-ID

You can specify the following fields:

  • username
  • password
  • sslEnabled
  • logsEnabled
  • alertsEnabled
  • profilerEnabled
  • muninPort
  • authMechanismName

If authMechanismName is NONE then any existing value for username and password will be cleared out. If authMechanismName is MONGODB_CR, then you must provide both the username and password.

Delete a Host

DELETE /api/public/v1.0/groups/GROUP-ID/hosts/HOST-ID

Sample Entity

  "id": "680ab316473d6b28f966364b947134fc",
  "groupId": "2847387cd717dabc348a",
  "hostname": "localhost",
  "port": 27017,
  "typeName": "SHARD_SECONDARY",
  "lastPing": "2014-02-15T16:03:47Z",
  "ipAddress": "",
  "version": "2.4.3",
  "hasStartupWarnings": true,
  "sslEnabled": false,
  "logsEnabled": false,
  "uptimeMsec": 48918394,
  "lastRestart": "2014-01-16T12:34:01Z",
  "shardName": "sh1",
  "replicaSetName": "rs1",
  "replicaStateName": "RECOVERING",
  "created": "2013-11-05T03:04:05Z",
  "hostEnabled": true,
  "journalingEnabled": false,
  "alertsEnabled": true,
  "hidden": false,
  "muninEnabled": false,
  "profilerEnabled": false,
  "lowUlimit": false,
  "muninPort": 4949,
  "authMechanismName": "MONGODB_CR",
  "username": "mongo",
  "aliases": [ "" ],
  "displayName": "Newton",
  "links": [ ... ]

Entity Fields

Name Type Description
id string Unique identifier.
groupId string ID of the group that owns this host.
hostname string Primary hostname. A host typically has several aliases, so the primary is the best available name as decided by Ops Manager.
port number Port that MongoDB process (mongod or mongos) listens on.
typeName string

Type for this host. Possible values are:


The host’s type for new hosts added to Ops Manager will be NO_DATA until the Monitoring Agent receives its first ping.

lastPing date When the last ping for this host was received.
ipAddress string IP address of this host.
version string Version of MongoDB running on this host.
hasStartupWarnings boolean Are there startup warnings for this host?
sslEnabled boolean Is SSL enabled for this host? Must be true if the authMechanismName is MONGODB_X509.
logsEnabled boolean Is Ops Manager collecting logs for this host?
uptimeMsec number Number of milliseconds since this host’s last restart.
lastRestart date Date this host was last restarted.
shardName string Name of the shard this host belongs to. Only present if the host is part of a sharded cluster.
replicaSetName string Name of the replica set this host belongs to. Only present if this host is part of a replica set.
replicaStateName string Current state of this host within a replica set. Only present if this host is part of a replica set. See Replica Set Member States for possible values.
created date Date this host was created or first discovered by Ops Manager.
hostEnabled boolean Is this host currently enabled? Hosts can be manually disabled in the Ops Manager UI.
journalingEnabled boolean Is journaling enabled for this host?
alertsEnabled boolean Are alerts enabled for this host?
muninEnabled boolean Are Munin stats being collected for this host?
profilerEnabled boolean Is Ops Manager collecting profile information from this host?
lowUlimit boolean Does this host have a low ulimit setting?
muninPort number What port should be used to collect Munin stats from this host?
authMechanismName string

The authentication mechanism used to connect to this host. Possible values are:

  • MONGODB_X509
  • NONE
username string Username for connecting to this host. Only present when the authMechanismName is MONGODB_CR.
password string Password for connecting to this host. If a host’s authMechanismName is MONGODB_CR, then you must include this field when creating the host or updating its credentials. However, it will never be exposed when a host entity is returned.
aliases array of strings A list of alternate hostname:port combinations that Ops Manager has discovered for the host.
displayName string The host’s display name in Ops Manager. If this is not set, Ops Manager displays the hostname instead. To unset this, use an empty string ("") as the value of this field.


Create a New Host

curl -u "username:apiKey" -H "Content-Type: application/json" --digest -X POST "" --data '
  "hostname": "localhost",
  "port": 27017

HTTP/1.1 201 Created

  "id" : "4059580c20c4581872ef24d0b8f5dca0",
  "groupId" : "5196d3628d022db4cbc26d9e",
  "hostname" : "localhost",
  "port" : 27017,
  "hasStartupWarnings" : false,
  "sslEnabled" : false,
  "logsEnabled" : false,
  "created" : "2014-04-22T19:56:50Z",
  "hostEnabled" : true,
  "journalingEnabled" : false,
  "alertsEnabled" : true,
  "hidden" : false,
  "muninEnabled" : false,
  "profilerEnabled" : false,
  "lowUlimit" : false,
  "authMechanismName" : "NONE",
  "links" : [ ... ]

Update a Host

curl -u "username:apiKey" -H "Content-Type: application/json" --digest -i -X PATCH "" --data '
  "sslEnabled": true,
  "username": "mongo",
  "password": "M0ng0DB!:)"

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "id" : "680ab316473d6b28f966364b947134fc",
  "groupId" : "533c5895b91030606f21033a",
  "hostname" : "localhost",
  "port" : 26000,
  "hasStartupWarnings" : false,
  "sslEnabled" : true,
  "logsEnabled" : false,
  "created" : "2014-04-22T19:56:50Z",
  "hostEnabled" : true,
  "journalingEnabled" : false,
  "alertsEnabled" : true,
  "hidden" : false,
  "muninEnabled" : false,
  "profilerEnabled" : false,
  "lowUlimit" : false,
  "authMechanismName" : "MONGODB_CR",
  "username" : "mongo",
  "links" : [ ... ]

Get One Host

curl -u "username:apiKey" --digest -i ""

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "id" : "56e9378f601dc49360a40949c8a6df6c",
  "groupId" : "533c5895b91030606f21033a",
  "hostname" : "",
  "port" : 26000,
  "hasStartupWarnings" : false,
  "sslEnabled" : true,
  "logsEnabled" : false,
  "created" : "2014-04-22T19:56:50Z",
  "hostEnabled" : true,
  "journalingEnabled" : false,
  "alertsEnabled" : true,
  "hidden" : false,
  "muninEnabled" : false,
  "profilerEnabled" : false,
  "lowUlimit" : false,
  "authMechanismName" : "MONGODB_CR",
  "username" : "mongo",
  "aliases": [ "mymongo:26000", "" ],
  "displayName": "Leibniz",
  "links" : [ ... ]

Get All Hosts

curl -u "username:apiKey" --digest -i ""

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "totalCount" : 2,
  "results" : [
      "id" : "56e9378f601dc49360a40949c8a6df6c",
      "groupId" : "533c5895b91030606f21033a",
      "hostname" : "",
      "port" : 26000,
      "hasStartupWarnings" : false,
      "sslEnabled" : true,
      "logsEnabled" : false,
      "created" : "2014-04-22T19:56:50Z",
      "hostEnabled" : true,
      "journalingEnabled" : false,
      "alertsEnabled" : true,
      "hidden" : false,
      "muninEnabled" : false,
      "profilerEnabled" : false,
      "lowUlimit" : false,
      "authMechanismName" : "MONGODB_CR",
      "username" : "mongo",
      "aliases": [ "mymongo:26000", "" ],
      "displayName": "Leibniz",
      "links" : [ ... ]

Delete a Host

curl -u "username:apiKey" --digest -i -X DELETE ""

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
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