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Ops Manager Hardware and Software Requirements

This page describes the hardware and software requirements for the servers that run the Ops Manager components. Before deploying servers, use the Installation Checklist to plan your configuration.

For requirements for the MongoDB instances running as the Ops Manager Application Database and the Backup Database, see Install the Ops Manager Application Database and Backup Database.

Hardware Requirements

Each server must meet the sum of RAM and disk space requirements for all its components. For example, a server that runs Ops Manager and hosts the Ops Manager Application Database must meet the sum of the RAM and disk space required for Ops Manager plus the RAM and disk space required for the Application Database.

The servers also must meet the MongoDB ports requirements described in Firewall Configuration. Each server’s firewall rules must allow access to the required ports.

If you install on AWS servers, see also Network Requirements section on this page.

Ops Manager Hardware Requirements

Every server that runs Ops Manager must meet the following hardware requirements:

Number of Monitored Hosts CPU Cores RAM
Up to 400 monitored hosts 4+ 15 GB
Up to 2000 monitored hosts 8+ 15 GB
More than 2000 hosts Contact MongoDB Account Executive Contact MongoDB Account Executive

Ops Manager Application Database Hardware Requirements

The Ops Manager Application Database runs as a three-member replica set that runs on dedicated servers. Each server that hosts a MongoDB process for the Application Database must comply with the Production Notes in the MongoDB manual, which include information on NUMA, ulimits, and other configuration options.


Failure to configure servers according to the MongoDB Production Notes can lead to production failure.

Every server that hosts the Ops Manager Application Database must meet the following hardware requirements. For the best results use SSD-backed storage.

Number of Monitored Hosts RAM Disk Space
Up to 400 monitored hosts 8 GB additional RAM beyond the RAM required for Ops Manager 200 GB of storage space
Up to 2000 monitored hosts 15 GB additional RAM beyond the RAM required for Ops Manager 500 GB of storage space
More than 2000 hosts Contact MongoDB Account Executive Contact MongoDB Account Executive

Backup Daemon Hardware Requirements

Each server on which you activate the Backup Daemon must meet the requirements here in addition to the requirements for Ops Manager. Each server also must meet the configuration requirements in the MongoDB Production Notes.


Failure to configure servers according to the MongoDB Production Notes can lead to production failure.

Before getting started with Backup, contact your MongoDB Account Executive for assistance in estimating the storage requirements for your Backup Daemon server.

The Backup Daemon creates head databases that replicate data for each replica set assigned to the Daemon. Typically, each server on which you activate the Backup Daemon must be able to store 2 to 2.5 times the sum of the size on disk of all the backed-up replica sets. Specifically each server must have:

  • the disk space and write capacity to maintain each head database, plus
  • the disk space to store an additional copy of the data for each head database in order to support point-in-time restores.

Each server that hosts an active Backup Daemon has the following hardware requirements.

Number of Hosts CPU Cores RAM Disk Space Storage IOPS/s
Up to 200 hosts 4+ 2Ghz+ 15 GB additional RAM Contact MongoDB Account Executive Contact MongoDB Account Executive

Backup Database Hardware Requirements

If you use Ops Manager Backup, you must provision servers for the Backup Database. Server requirements for the Backup Database vary, depending on whether you will store your snapshots there. The Backup Database always holds oplog data.

If you store snapshots in the Backup Database, its servers typically must have enough capacity to store 2 to 3 times the total backed-up production data size. Snapshots are compressed and de-duplicated at the block level in the Backup Blockstore Database. Your specific requirements depend on your data compressibility and change rate. Contact your MongoDB Account Manager for assistance in estimating the use-case and workload-dependent storage requirements for your Backup Database servers.

Each server for the Backup Database must comply with the Production Notes in the MongoDB manual, which include information on NUMA, ulimits, and other configuration options.


Failure to configure servers according to the MongoDB Production Notes can lead to production failure.

If you store snapshots in the Backup Database, each data-bearing member must meet the following requirements:

CPU Cores RAM Disk Space Storage IOPS
4 x 2ghz+ 8 GB of RAM for every 1 TB disk of Blockstore to provide good snapshot and restore speed. Ops Manager defines 1 TB of Blockstore as 10244 bytes. Contact your MongoDB Account Manager. Medium grade HDDs should have enough I/O throughput to handle the load of the Blockstore.

If you will not store snapshots in the Backup Database, each data-bearing member must meet the following requirements:

CPU Cores Disk Space
4 x 2ghz+ The size of your oplogs compressed for the configured point in time window. The default is 24 hours.

Network Requirements

Accessible Ports

The Ops Manager application must be able to connect to users and Ops Manager agents over or Secure HTTP (HTTPS). Ops Manager agents must be able to connect to MongoDB client MongoDB databases.

Though Ops Manager only requires open HTTP(S) and MongoDB network ports to connect with users and to databases, what ports are opened on a firewall depend upon what capabilities are enabled: encryption, authentication and monitoring.

This page defines which systems need to connect to which ports on other systems.


To run Ops Manager without an Internet connection, see Configure Local Mode for Ops Manager Servers without Internet Access to ensure you have all of the necessary binaries to run Ops Manager without an Internet connection.

Ports Required to Use Ops Manager

  • Both Ops Manager users and Ops Manager agents must be able to connect to Ops Manager application over HTTP(S). See Manage Ops Manager Ports to set a non-default port for Ops Manager.
  • Ops Manager must be able to connect to the backing MongoDB databases running mongod.
  • For each Ops Manager group, Ops Manager agents must be able to connect to all client MongoDB processes (mongod or mongos).
  • The Ops Manager application must also be able to send email to Ops Manager users.

To use Ops Manager, open the following ports to the specified servers.

Service Default Port Transport Direction Purpose Uses SSL?
HTTP 8080 TCP Inbound Web connection to Ops Manager from users and Ops Manager agents. No
HTTPS 8443 TCP Inbound Web connection to Ops Manager from users and Ops Manager agents. Yes
HTTP(S) 8090 TCP Inbound

Provides a health-check endpoint for monitoring Ops Manager through a monitoring service like Zabbix or Nagios. This is disabled by default.

To enable it, see Enable the Health Check Endpoint. When enabled, you can access the endpoint at:


The API endpoint provides the ability to check connections from the HTTP Service to the Ops Manager Application Database and the Backup Snapshot Storage.

A successful response returns the following:

  "mms_db": "OK",
  "backup_db": "OK"
MongoDB 27000 - 28000 TCP Both Connect to MongoDB application, backup and client databases. Optional
SMTP 25 TCP Outbound Send emails from Ops Manager. No
SMTPS 465 TCP Outbound Send emails from Ops Manager. Yes

Ports Needed to Administer Ops Manager

Most Ops Manager administration can be performed through the user interface. Some procedures require access to the operating system. To permit your administrators to access your Ops Manager and MongoDB servers, open the following ports to those servers.

Service Default Port Transport Direction Purpose Uses SSL?
Secure Shell (ssh) 22 TCP Inbound Linux System administration. Yes
Remote Desktop Connection (RDP) 3389 TCP Inbound Windows System administration. No

Ports Needed to Integrate Ops Manager with SNMP

To send and receive SNMP messages to and from your MongoDB deployments must open the following ports between Ops Manager and your SNMP Manager.

Service Default Port Transport Direction Purpose Uses SSL?
SNMP 162 UDP Outbound Send Traps to SNMP Manager. No
SNMP 11611 UDP Inbound Receive requests from SNMP Manager. No

See SNMP Heartbeat Settings to set SNMP to use non-standard ports.

Ports Needed to Authenticate with Ops Manager

MongoDB Enterprise users can use LDAP to authenticate Ops Manager users. To authenticate using LDAP, open the following ports on Ops Manager and your LDAP server.

Service Default Port Transport Direction Purpose Uses SSL?
LDAP 389 UDP Both Authenticate and/or authorize Ops Manager users against LDAP server. No
LDAPS 636 UDP Both Authenticate and/or authorize Ops Manager users against LDAP server. Yes

See Authentication through LDAP to configure LDAP URI strings including ports.

Ports Needed to Authenticate with MongoDB

MongoDB Enterprise users can use Kerberos or LDAP to authenticate MongoDB users. To authenticate using LDAP or Kerberos, open the following ports between the MongoDB client databases, Ops Manager and the Kerberos or LDAP server(s).

Service Default Port Transport Direction Purpose Uses SSL?
Kerberos 88 TCP / UDP Outbound Request authentication for MongoDB users against Kerberos server. No
Kerberos 88 UDP Inbound Receive authentication for MongoDB users against Kerberos server. No
LDAP 389 UDP Both Authenticate and/or authorize MongoDB users against LDAP server. No
LDAPS 636 UDP Both Authenticate and/or authorize MongoDB users against LDAP server. Yes

See Kerberos Authentication to the Application Database to configure Kerberos for authentication to the Ops Manager application database.

Use resolvable hostnames

Each Agent and Ops Manager instance must be able to resolve the hostname for each server hosting a MongoDB instance or Ops Manager agent.

On each server, set their hostnames to fully qualified domain names (FQDN) whenever possible. Consult the documentation for your operating system as to how to find and set the hostname as an FQDN.

Setting the FQDN on each server helps you know which server you are using when logged into that server. To enable other servers to know what the other servers’ hostnames are, you need to provide a way for those servers to resolve hostnames.

There are two ways to configure hostname resolution.

Use a Domain Name Service

To make the servers’ hostnames resolvable, run a server with a domain name service (DNS). DNS maps IP addresses to hostnames with a given domain (such as This DNS server should have an entry for each server in the deployment: Ops Manager, Ops Manager agent and MongoDB. Entries for LDAP, Kerberos, SNMP and email servers as well as load balancers would be recommended.

Edit Host Files

If a DNS setup is not possible, add entries for each server in the hosts file of each system.

Locations of hosts files
Operating System hosts Location
Mac OS X

This normally resolves to:


The hosts file is a root-readable plain text and must be edited with root or Administrator permissions. The entry format is written as:   localhost

Software Requirements

Servers that run Ops Manager components must meet the software requirements described here.

Ops Manager Operating System

Servers that run Ops Manager must run on a 64-bit version of one of the following operating systems:

  • CentOS 5 or later
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 or later
  • SUSE 11 or Later
  • Amazon Linux AMI (latest version only)
  • Ubuntu 12.04 or later
  • Windows Server 2008 R2 or later

MongoDB Version for Ops Manager Application Database and Backup Database

The Ops Manager Application Database and the Backup Database must run at least MongoDB 2.6 with the following specific requirements:

  • If running MongoDB 2.6 version, must run MongoDB version 2.6.6 or later 2.6 versions.
  • If running MongoDB 3.0 version, must run MongoDB version 3.0.6, or later.
  • If running MongoDB 3.2 or later, can run any MongoDB version 3.2 or later.


This requirement is for the MongoDB instances that serve as the Ops Manager Application Database and the Backup Database. The requirement is not for the MongoDB deployments that can be managed by Ops Manager. For the minimum MongoDB versions required for MongoDB deployments for management, see MongoDB Compatibility.

Ulimits Requirements

For ulimit requirements for the servers that run MongoDB (i.e., the Backup Daemon servers and the servers that host the Ops Manager Application Database or the Backup Database), see all of the following:

The Ops Manager package automatically raises the following ulimits:

  • open files
  • max user processes
  • virtual memory

RHEL places a max process limitation of 1024 which overrides ulimit settings. If /etc/security/limits.d/99-mongodb-nproc.conf does not exist, create the file with new soft nproc and hard nproc values to increase the process limit. See /etc/security/limits.d/90-nproc.conf file as an example.


Ops Manager requires email for fundamental server functionality such as password reset and alerts. Many Linux server-oriented distributions include a local SMTP server by default, for example, Postfix, Exim, or Sendmail. You also may configure Ops Manager to send mail via third party providers, including Gmail and Sendgrid.


If your environment includes SNMP, you can configure an SMNP trap receiver with periodic heartbeat traps to monitor the internal health of Ops Manager. Ops Manager uses SNMP v2c. For more information, see Configure SNMP Heartbeat Support.

Client Web Browsers

Clients should use Ops Manager-supported browsers and will display a warning on non-supported browsers. Ops Manager supports the following browsers:

  • Chrome latest stable
  • Firefox latest stable
  • Internet Explorer 10 (IE10) and greater
  • Safari latest stable version on MacOS 10.10.5+