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  • API >
  • Use MMS Public API

Use MMS Public API


The MMS Public API follows the principles of the REST architectural style to expose a number of internal resources which enable programmatic access to MMS’s features. This document describes the procedure for getting started with the MMS Public API.


Before using the API, you must:

  1. Generate an API Key - Go to the Settings page in the MMS UI and click on the Public API Settings tab. Here, you can manage the API Keys associated to your MMS user account. Note the following:
    1. You can have up to ten keys associated to your account. Each key can be either enabled or disabled, but be aware that they both count towards the ten key limit.
    2. When a new key is generated, it will be shown to you one time only. An API Key is like a password, so keep it secret. For that reason, we will not show the entire key in the MMS UI after it is initially created.
    3. API Keys are associated to a user and therefore have the same level of access as that user.
  2. Define your whitelist - Certain API operations require a higher level of security and are protected by a whitelist. Only client requests that originate from a whitelisted IP address will be permitted to invoke such operations. To define your whitelist, go to the Settings page in the MMS UI and click on the Public API Settings tab. Here, you can manage the IP addresses in your whitelist. Currently, you must enter each permitted IP address individually; CIDR notation is not supported.
  3. Enable the Public API for each Group - The Public API is enabled on a per-group basis, so make sure to enable it for all the Groups that need to use it. To enable it, go to the Settings page in the MMS UI and click on the API Settings tab. You will see an ON/OFF switch for turning the API on or off. Note that this setting is only visible to users with the Group Owner role.

Additional Information

See the MMS Public API Principles for an background on the use and operation of the MMS public API, and MMS Public API for a complete reference of all resources available in the MMS public API.