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Backup Configurations

The resource modification operation PATCH only accepts requests from whitelisted IP addressses. You can only modify a backup configuration if the request originates from an IP address on the API user’s whitelist.

Sample Entity

  "groupId": "xxx",
  "clusterId": "yyy",
  "statusName": "STARTED",
  "authMechanismName": "MONGODB_CR",
  "username": "johnny5",
  "password": "guess!",
  "sslEnabled": false,
  "syncSource": "PRIMARY",
  "provisioned": true,
  "excludedNamespaces": [ "a", "b", "c.d" ]

Entity Fields

Name Type Description
groupId string ID of the group that owns this backup configuration.
clusterId string ID of the cluster that this backup configuration is for.
statusName enum The current (or desired) status of the backup configuration. Possible values are: INACTIVE PROVISIONING STARTED STOPPED TERMINATING
authMechanismName enum The name of the authentication mechanism to use when connecting to the sync cource database. Only present when using authentication. Possible values are: MONGODB_CR GSSAPI
username string The username to use to connect to the sync source database. Only present when backing up mongod instances that require clients to authenticate.
password string The password to use to connect to the sync source database. Only present when backup the mongod instances that require clients to authenticate. You may only send this field to MMS when updating backup configuration. GET request do not include this field.
sslEnabled boolean Is SSL enabled for the sync source database?
syncSource string The mongod instance to get backup data from. Possible values are either a specific hostname or one of: PRIMARY and SECONDARY. This field is only used when updating a backup configuration. It is not returned by a GET request.
excludedNamespaces string array A list of database names and/or collection names that to omit from the back up. If a string has a dot (e.g. .), then it is a fully qualified namespace in the form of <database>.<collection>, otherwise strings are database names.

Additionally, On Prem versions of MMS return the following additional field:

Name Type Description
provisioned boolean Reports if MMS has provisioned the resources needed to store a backup This field is only present when the amount of data to be backed up exceeds a certain threshold.


  • GET /api/public/v1.0/groups/GROUP-ID/backupConfigs/CLUSTER-ID - Get a single backup configuration by cluster ID. CLUSTER-ID must be the ID of either a replica set or a sharded cluster.

  • GET /api/public/v1.0/groups/GROUP-ID/backupConfigs - Get all backup configurations for a group.

  • PATCH /api/public/v1.0/groups/GROUP-ID/backupConfigs/CLUSTER-ID - Request a state change to an existing backup configuration. Note that these changes are generally asynchronous and will result in a response status code of 202 (Accepted). Additionally, if you issue a GET request for a backup configuration after a successful PATCH, the returned entity may not immediately reflect the update given the asynchronous nature of these state transitions.

    When modifying the statusName property, these are the acceptable transitions:

    • STARTED - Only valid if the current status is STOPPED or INACTIVE.
    • STOPPED - Only valid if the current status is STARTED.
    • TERMINATING - Only valid if the current status is STOPPED.
    • You cannot change the statusName to these values: INACTIVE PROVISIONING.


Get a single backup configuration:

curl -i -u "username:apiKey" --digest ""

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "groupId" : "5196d3628d022db4cbc26d9e",
  "clusterId" : "5196e5b0e4b0fca9cc88334a",
  "statusName" : "STARTED",
  "sslEnabled" : false,
  "excludedNamespaces" : [ ],
  "links" : [ ... ]

Get all backup configurations for a group:

curl -i -u "username:apiKey" --digest ""

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "totalCount" : 3,
  "results" : [ {
    "groupId" : "5196d3628d022db4cbc26d9e",
    "clusterId" : "5196e5b0e4b0fca9cc88334a",
    "statusName" : "STARTED",
    "sslEnabled" : false,
    "excludedNamespaces" : [ ],
    "links" : [ ... ]
  }, {
    "groupId" : "5196d3628d022db4cbc26d9e",
    "clusterId" : "51a2ac88e4b0371c2dbf46ea",
    "statusName" : "STARTED",
    "sslEnabled" : false,
    "excludedNamespaces" : [ ],
    "links" : [ ... ]
  }, {
    "groupId" : "5196d3628d022db4cbc26d9e",
    "clusterId" : "52d33abee4b0ca49bc6acd6c",
    "statusName" : "STOPPED",
    "sslEnabled" : false,
    "excludedNamespaces" : [ ],
    "links" : [ ... ]
  } ],
  "links" : [ ... ]

Update a backup configuration

curl -i -u "username:apiKey" --digest "" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PATCH --data @-
  "statusName": "STOPPED"

HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted

  "groupId" : "5196d3628d022db4cbc26d9e",
  "clusterId" : "5196e5b0e4b0fca9cc88334a",
  "statusName" : "STOPPED",
  "sslEnabled" : false,
  "excludedNamespaces" : [ ],
  "links" : [ ... ]