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With On Prem MMS Monitoring dashboards, you can create customized collections of charts for easier data analysis. You can configure On Prem MMS Monitoring to automatically load a dashboard rather than the Deployment page.

You can create multiple dashboards as your needs dictate. Use the plus icon at the top of the page to specify a name and create a new dashboard, or select “New Dashboard…” when adding a chart to a dashboard . You can rename or remove a dashboard from links on the bottom of a dashboard page.

Adding and Removing Charts from Dashboards

You can add charts from a host’s host’s statistics page to your dashboards.

To add a chart to a dashboard, hover your mouse pointer over the chart to display the chart controls. Then select the arrow control and select Add to Dashboard.

To remove a chart from a dashboard, click the Dashboard tab and select the dashboard. Then select the arrow above the chart and select Remove from Dashboard.

Advanced Dashboard Creation

When adding a new dashboard, you can select the “ADD CHART” button to create a dashboard that includes a custom selection of charts, or a collection of charts from a dynamically assembled list of hosts. From this page, you may create new dashboards or append new charts to existing dashboards. You can filter the included processes by host type.

Specify the list of hosts to include in this dashboard by selecting a replica set or shard cluster or writing a regular expression to match monitored processes’ hostnames. If checked, the “Host Alias In Regexp” check box allows you to use the regular expression to select the aliased hostname you configured, rather than the actual hostname. Below the host configuration options you may toggle an option to “group hosts in chart,” which creates a single composite chart for all matching charts.

Below this, there are 17 chart types that you can use to select charts for this dashboard. Below the chart selection, the final row of buttons allows you to: (optionally) test the “host regexp” to ensure that your regular expression is sufficiently selective; preview the charts that this operation will add to the dashboard; and submit these changes to the dashboards.

You can add and remove charts to these dashboards manually. You may also add additional charts using the “advanced create dashboard” functionality by specifying an existing dashboard in the first field.

Zoom to Navigate Chart Data

Click and drag on a chart, horizontally or vertically, to zoom and isolate a specific data region. When a horizontal data region is selected, other charts will automatically zoom to the same region. Double click on a chart to reset zoom level.