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On Prem MMS Hardware and Software Requirements

For an overview of the components of an On Prem MMS deployment, see On Prem MMS Components and On Prem MMS Example Deployments. For a higher level view of MMS itself see Functional Overview.

Hardware Requirements

To install MMS you will need a server for the MMS application, which includes Monitoring, and a MongoDB instance (i.e. replica set). Backup is an optional component of MMS, and if you want support for Backup, you must deploy additional servers for the Backup Daemon and for blockstore storage.

MMS Application Server

Deploy the MMS Application Package on the MMS Application Server with requirements according to the following table.

Number of Monitored Hosts CPU Cores RAM
Up to 400 monitored hosts 4+ 15 GB
Up to 2000 monitored hosts 8+ 15 GB
More than 2000 hosts Contact MongoDB Account manager Contact MongoDB Account manager

These requirements support only the software components in the MMS Application Package. If you wish to install the MMS Application Database on the same physical server, you will additionally need to satisfy the storage requirements for the MMS Application Database.

MMS Application Database Servers

Please see Preparing Backing MongoDB Instances for requirements for the MMS Application Database Servers.

Optional: MMS Backup Daemon

This server is required only if you are installing and running MMS Backup.

Number of Hosts CPU Cores RAM Storage Capacity Storage IOPS/s
Up to 200 hosts 4+ 2Ghz+ 15 GB Contact MongoDB Account manager Contact MongoDB Account manager

A server running the Backup Daemon Package will act as a hidden secondary for every replica set assigned to it. Therefore this system must have the disk space and write capacity to maintain for all replica sets. To support point in time restore the disk must have capacity to store an additional copy of the data. Typically daemons must be able to store 2 to 2.5 times the data size.

Before installing MMS Backup we recommend contacting your MongoDB Account Manager for assistance in estimating the storage requirements for your Backup Daemon server.

Optional: MMS Backup Blockstore Database Servers

Blockstore servers store snapshots of MongoDB instances. Only provision Blockstore servers if you are deploying MMS Backup.

Blockstores must have the capacity to store 2 to 3 times the total backed up data size. Please contact your MongoDB Account Manager for assistance in estimating the storage requirements for your blockstore server.

Medium grade HDDs will have enough I/O throughput to handle the load of the Blockstore. Each replica set member should have 4 x 2ghz+ CPU cores. We recommend 8 GB of RAM for every 1 TB disk of Blockstore to provide good snapshot and restore speed. MMS defines 1 TB of Blockstore as 10244 bytes.

Software Requirements

Operating System

MMS supports the following 64-bit Linux distributions:

  • CentOS 5 or later,
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5, or later,
  • SUSE 11 or Later,
  • Amazon Linux AMI (latest version only,)
  • Ubuntu 12.04 or later.


The MMS packages automatically raise the open file, max user processes, and virtual memory ulimits. On Red Hat, be sure to check for a /etc/security/limits.d/90-nproc.conf file that may override the max user processes limit. If the /etc/security/limits.d/90-nproc.conf file exists, remove it before continuing.

See MongoDB ulimit Settings for recommended ultimit settings.


If you will use LDAP for authentication, you must enable LDAP before performing any setup of the MMS service, beyond starting the service. You cannot enable LDAP once you have opened the interface and signed up a user. You can enable LDAP only on a completely blank, no-hosts, no-users installation.


The MongoDB databases backing MMS must be MongoDB 2.4.9+ or 2.6-series. To back up a Replica set with MMS, all members of the set must run MongoDB 2.2, 2.4, or 2.6. To back up a sharded cluster, all components of the sharded cluster must be MongoDB 2.4.3+ or 2.6.


MMS 1.5 does not support MongoDB 3.0. MMS 1.5 cannot monitor or back up MongoDB 3.0 deployments.

Web Browsers

On-Prem MongoDB Management Service supports clients using the following browsers:

  • Chrome 8 and greater.
  • Firefox 12 and greater.
  • IE 9 and greater.
  • Safari 6 and greater.

The MMS application will display a warning on non-supported browsers.


MMS requires email for fundamental server functionality such as password reset and alerts.

Many Linux server-oriented distributions include a local SMTP server by default, for example, Postfix, Exim, or Sendmail. You also may configure MMS to send mail via third party providers, including Gmail and Sendgrid.


If your environment includes SNMP, you can configure an SMNP trap receiver with periodic heartbeat traps to monitor the internal health of MMS.

For more details, see Configure SNMP Heartbeat Support.