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Preparing Backing MongoDB Instances


A backing MongoDB instance is a dedicated replica set that hosts a backing database where MMS stores data. Backing instances are dedicated to MMS operations and do not store any other data.

MMS requires separate backing MongoDB instances for the MMS Application Database and for the MMS Backup Blockstore Database


All backing MongoDB instances must be running MongoDB 2.4.9+ or 2.6. MMS 1.5 cannot run on MongoDB 3.0.

Deploy servers that meet the requirements described here and also meet the requirements in the MongoDB Production Notes. The Production Notes include important information on ulimits, NUMA, Transparent Huge Pages (THP), and other configuration options.


Failure to configure servers according to the MongoDB Production Notes can lead to production failure.

If a server hosts On Prem MMS components as well as a member of the backing replica set, you must sum the hardware requirements for each component to determine the requirements for the server.

The MMS Application requires $where. As a result, you must ensure that security.javaScriptEnabled is true, which is the default, for all backing mongod instances.

MMS Application Database

MMS requires the MMS Application Database to hold monitoring information.


The backing MongoDB instance for the database should be a single three-member MongoDB replica set. If you cannot allocate space for three databases, you may deploy 2 mongod instances that hold data and an arbiter.

You may run the MMS Application on the same physical server as one member of the MMS Application Database replica set. A MongoDB standalone may also be used in place of a replica set, but this is not recommended for production deployments.

Hardware Specifications

For up to 400 monitored hosts, the MMS Application Database requires 200 GB of storage space. For up to 2000 monitored hosts, the MMS Application Database requires 500 GB of storage space. If you have more than 2000 monitored hosts, please contact your MongoDB Account Manager.

The MMS Application software requires 15 GB of RAM. The MMS Application Database requires additional RAM for the monitored hosts, as follows:

  • Up to 400 monitored hosts, 8 GB additional RAM.
  • Up to 2000 monitored hosts, 15 GB additional RAM.

For the best results use SSD-backed storage.

MMS Backup Blockstore Database

MMS Backup requires a separate, dedicated MongoDB replica set to hold the Backup Service’s snapshot data. This cannot be a replica set used for purposes other than holding the snapshots. In particular, this cannot be a replica set that stores the data the snapshots back up.

The replica set should have enough capacity to store 2 to 3 times the total backed up data size.

Prior to installing MMS Backup, consider contacting your MongoDB Account Manager to arrange a sizing consultation for the MMS Backup database.

For testing only you may use a standalone mongod instance in place of a replica set.


To create replica sets, start the mongod instances for each member of a new replica set, configure the replica set, then add the mongod instances to the replica set.

The Deploy a Replica Set guide has step by step details how to setup and deploy replica sets for use as backing MongoDBs for MMS.

Each backing instance should be a single three-member MongoDB replica set. If you cannot allocate 3 data instances, you may deploy 2 mongod instances that hold data and one arbiter.

For additional information on installing MongoDB, see Install MongoDB 2.6.