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On Prem MMS Reference

MMS On Prem components use the default ports and health-check endpoints described here.


Although the following components are logically distinct, the MMS Application and Monitoring Server, MMS Backup Ingestion Server, and MMS Backup Alerts Service are all part of the MMS Application package and typically run on a single system. The MMS Backup Daemon typically runs on a distinct system.

MMS Application and Monitoring Server


Web server, available from browsers. The system running the Monitoring Agent must be able to access this port as well.

MMS Backup Ingestion Server


Available from browsers for HTTP restores, and from systems running the Backup Agent.



Used for internal diagnostics. Only available on the localhost interface.

MMS Backup Alerts Service


A “kill-port” that the control script uses to signal a shutdown.

Only available on the localhost interface.



Used for internal diagnostics. Only available on the localhost interface.

MMS Backup Daemon


A “kill-port” that the control script uses to signal a shutdown.

Only available on the localhost interface.


The backup daemon uses this port range to on the localhost interface to run mongod instances to apply oplog entries to maintain the local copies of the backed up database.



Used for internal diagnostics. Only available on the localhost interface.

Monitoring HTTP Endpoints

MMS On Prem provides health-check endpoints for the monitoring of the On Prem components via a standard monitoring service, such as Zabbix or Nagios. These endpoints are only accessible on the localhost interface.

Backup HTTP Service Endpoint

The Backup HTTP Service on the MMS Application and Monitoring Server exposes the following endpoint:


The endpoint checks the connections from the service to the MMS Application Database and the MMS Backup Blockstore Database.

A successful return from the endpoint returns the following:

  "mms_db": "OK",
  "backup_db": "OK"

Backup Alert Service Endpoint

The Backup Alert Service on the MMS Application and Monitoring Server exposes the following health-check endpoint:


Backup Daemon Endpoint

The Backup Daemon on the Backup Daemon server exposes a health-check endpoint at:
