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Remove Monitoring Agents from On-Prem MongoDB Management ServiceΒΆ

The On-Prem MongoDB Management Service adds a Monitoring Agent when the agent reports to the service upon startup. MMS does not send commands to a Monitoring Agent. Nor can the MMS stop a Monitoring Agent from reporting data.

The On-Prem MongoDB Management Service removes an agent when the agent does not report to the service for more than 24 hours. A stopped or inactive Monitoring Agent will not appear in the list of agents on the Agents page in the Administration tab.

There is no way to delete a Monitoring Agent from MMS except to remove a Monitoring Agent on your server then wait 24 hours.

If you delete a Monitoring Agent by removing it from your environment, thus removing it from MMS, also delete any alerts for the Monitoring Agent. For example, an Agent Down alert may trigger if MMS detects 0 Monitoring Agents, you have removed your Monitoring Agent, and have an active alert to notify you when a Monitoring Agent is down.