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Add Hosts to MMS Monitoring

To add hosts to MMS Monitoring, you need to seed, i.e. add manually, one of the hosts of a replica set or a sharded cluster. Once the Monitoring Agent has a seed host, it automatically discovers all other nodes in the replica set or sharded cluster based on the current replica set or cluster configuration.


To monitor or back up MongoDB 3.0 deployments, you must install On Prem MMS 1.6 or higher.


To add a host to On Prem MMS Monitoring, from the MMS console:


Select the Deployment tab and then the Deployment page.


Select the Add Host button.


Enter the host information.

Enter the following information, as appropriate:

Host Type The type of MongoDB deployment.
Internal Hostname The hostname of the MongoDB instance as seen from the Monitoring Agent.
Port The port on which the MongoDB instance runs.
Auth Mechanism

The authentication mechanism used by the host. Can specify:

See Add Monitoring Agent User for MONGODB-CR, Configure Monitoring Agent for LDAP, or Configure the Monitoring Agent for Kerberos for setting up user credentials.

DB Username If the authentication mechanism is MONGODB-CR or LDAP, the username used to authenticate the Monitoring Agent to the MongoDB deployment.
DB Password If the authentication mechanism is MONGODB-CR or LDAP, the password used to authenticate the Monitoring Agent to the MongoDB deployment.
My deployment supports SSL for MongoDB connections If checked, the Monitoring Agent must have a trusted CA certificate in order to connect to the MongoDB instances. See Configure Monitoring Agent for SSL.

Click Add.

If the host is accessible only by specific hostname or IP address, or you need to specify the hostname to use for servers with multiple aliases, set up a preferred hostname. See the Preferred Hostnames section for details.

Host Discovery

Once the Monitoring Agent has a seed host it discovers all other nodes in the replica set or sharded cluster. These clusters, and their resppective seed hosts, include:

  • Master databases, after adding slave databases.
  • Shard clusters, after adding mongos instances.
  • Replica sets, after adding any member of the set.

Once you add these seed nodes, the Monitoring Agent will fetch this information from the MMS servers. Thus, when configuring the monitoring environment, you may need to wait for several update cycles (e.g. 5-10 minutes) to complete the auto-discovery process and host identification. During this period, you may see duplicate hosts in the MMS web console. This is normal.

The Monitoring Agent fetches configuration and reports to On Prem MMS Monitoring every minute, so, again, there may be a delay of several minutes before data and host information propagate to the MMS console.

You can find immediate evidence of a working installation in the agent output or logs.

To view the Monitoring Agent log, select the Administration tab, then select Agents, and then click view logs for the Monitoring Agent in the Agents table.

To view diagnostic information for a host, select the Deployment tab, then the Deployment page, and then click the host. Click Last Ping and Daily Pings. Once On Prem MMS Monitoring has data, you can view and begin using the statistics.

Additional Information

Manage Hosts

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