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Configure Backup Agent for MONGODB-CR

If your MongoDB deployment enforces access control, the MMS Backup Agent must authenticate to MongoDB as a user with the proper access.

To authenticate using MONGODB-CR, create a user in the admin database with the appropriate roles in MongoDB.


To authenticate to sharded clusters, create both shard-local users on each shard, as well cluster-wide users:

  • Create cluster users while connected to the mongos these credentials persist to the config servers.
  • Create shard-local users by connecting directly to the replica set for each shard.


Connect to the mongod or mongos instance as a user with access to create users in the database. See db.createUser() method page for more information.

3.0 and Later

To backup MongoDB instances running 3.0 and later, create a user in the admin database with an operation that resembles the following:

use admin
     user: "<username>",
     pwd: "<password>",
     roles: [ { role: "backup", db: "admin" } ]

See Access Control for MongoDB 3.0 for more information on the required access.

MongoDB 2.6

To backup MongoDB 2.6 release series instances, create a user in the admin database with an operation that resembles the following:

use admin
     user: "<username>",
     pwd: "<password>",
     roles: [
        { role: "readWrite", db: "admin" },
        { role: "readWrite", db: "local" },

See Access Control for MongoDB 2.6 for more information on the required access.

MongoDB 2.4

To backup MongoDB 2.4 release series instances, create a user in the admin database with an operation that resembles the following:

use admin
     user: "<username>",
     pwd: "<password>",
     roles: [
     otherDBRoles: {
        local: ['readWrite'],
        admin: ['readWrite']

See Access Control for MongoDB 2.4 for more information on the required access.

Host Settings

In addition to adding the agent as a MongoDB user, you must also specify the host’s authentication settings. You can specify the host’s authentication settings when adding the host, or you can edit the settings for an existing host.