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Install the Automation Agent with rpm Packages


The Automation Agent runs on every host that runs a monitored MongoDB deployment. The agent provides the interface for starting and managing deployments. If you run MongoDB on hardware that you provision, you must install the Automation Agent manually on each server. If you run MongoDB through the Ops Manager integration with Amazon Web Services (AWS), Ops Manager automatically deploys the Automation Agents every time you provision an new EC2 instance.

Automation Agents can run only on 64-bit architectures.

Use this procedure to install the agent on RHEL, CentOS, SUSE, Amazon Linux, and other systems that use rpm packages.


Before installing the agent, review the Automation Checklist for considerations and prerequisites specific to the agent.


This section includes procedures for both installing and updating the Automation Agent.

Install the Automation Agent with an rpm Package


Download the latest version of the Automation Agent archive.

On a system shell, issue a command that resembles the following. Replace amd64 with your platform, as needed:

curl -OL <OpsManagerCentralURL>/download/agent/automation/mongodb-mms-automation-agent-manager-latest.x86_64.rpm

Install the Automation Agent Package

sudo rpm -U mongodb-mms-automation-agent-manager-latest.x86_64.rpm

Edit the automation-agent.config file.

Edit the automation-agent.config file.

sudo vi /etc/mongodb-mms/automation-agent.config

For mmsGroupId, enter your GroupID as the value. For mmsApiKey, enter your API key.

mmsGroupId=<Group ID>
mmsApiKey=<API Key>

For SUSE 11+ deployments only, configure the sslTrustedMMSServerCertificate setting. All other users should omit this step.


Prepare a directory in which to store your MongoDB data.

The directory must be owned by the mongod user. For example, use a set of commands similar to the following:

sudo mkdir /data
sudo chown mongod:mongod /data

Start the Automation Agent.

Issue the following command:

sudo service mongodb-mms-automation-agent start

Update the Automation Agent with an rpm Package

You do not need to stop the agent to install. The update package automatically stops, unpacks, and then restarts the agent.


Download the latest version of the Automation Agent archive.

On a system shell, issue a command that resembles the following. Replace amd64 with your platform, as needed:

curl -OL <OpsManagerCentralURL>/download/agent/automation/mongodb-mms-automation-agent-manager-latest.x86_64.rpm

Install the Automation Agent Package

sudo rpm -U mongodb-mms-automation-agent-manager-latest.x86_64.rpm

Prepare a directory in which to store your MongoDB data.

The directory must be owned by the mongod user. For example, use a set of commands similar to the following:

sudo mkdir /data
sudo chown mongod:mongod /data