This version of the documentation is archived and no longer supported. To learn how to upgrade your version of MongoDB Ops Manager, refer to the upgrade documentation.
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Upgrade Ops Manager from tar.gz or zip Archives


To use Ops Manager 1.6 Automation to manage MongoDB Enterprise deployments, you must first install the MongoDB Enterprise dependencies to each server that runs MongoDB Enterprise. You must install the dependencies to the servers before using Automation.

Note that Automation does not yet support use of the MongoDB Enterprise advanced security features (SSL, LDAP, Kerberos, and auditing). Automation will support these features in the next major Ops Manager release.

To run MongoDB Enterprise with advanced security now, deploy MongoDB Enterprise manually (not through Automation) and use Ops Manager only for Monitoring and Backup.


This tutorial describes how to upgrade an existing Ops Manager Application and Backup Daemon using tar.gz or zip files.


You must have administrative access on the machines on which you perform the upgrade.

You must have the download link available on the customer downloads page provided to you by MongoDB. If you do not have this link, you can access the download page for evaluation at


If your version is earlier than 1.3, please see instead Upgrade from Version 1.2 and Earlier.

Upgrade the Ops Manager Application from Version 1.3 and Later

If you have an existing Ops Manager Application, use the following procedure to upgrade to the latest release. There are no supported downgrade paths for Ops Manager.

To upgrade a tarball installation, backup the configuration file and logs, and then re-install the Ops Manager server.


It is crucial that you back up the existing configuration because the upgrade process will delete existing data.

In more detail:


Shutdown the Ops Manager server and take a backup of your existing configuration and logs.

For example:

<install_dir>/bin/mongodb-mms stop
cp -a <install_dir>/conf ~/mms_conf.backup
cp -a <install_dir>/logs ~/mms_logs.backup

If you are running Ops Manager Backup, shutdown the Ops Manager Backup Daemon.

The daemon may be installed on a different server. It is critical that this is also shut down. To shut down, issue a command similar to the following:

<install_dir>/bin/mongodb-mms-backup-daemon stop

Remove your existing Ops Manager server installation entirely and extract the latest release in its place.

For example:

cd <install_dir>/../
rm -rf <install_dir>
tar -zxf -C . /path/to/mongodb-mms-<version>.x86_64.tar.gz

Compare and reconcile any changes in configuration between versions.

For example:

diff -u ~/mms_conf.backup/ <install_dir>/conf/
diff -u ~/mms_conf.backup/mms.conf <install_dir>/conf/mms.conf

Edit your configuration to resolve any conflicts between the old and new versions.

Make configuration changes as appropriate. Changes to mms.centralUri, email addresses, and MongoDB are the most common configuration changes.


Restart the Ops Manager server.

For example:

<install_dir>/bin/mongodb-mms start

Update all Monitoring Agents.

See Install Monitoring Agent for more information.


Update the Backup Daemon and any Backup Agent, as appropriate.

If you are running Backup, update the Backup Daemon package and any Backup Agent.

See Install Backup Agent for more information.

Upgrade the Backup Daemon


Stop the currently running instance.

<install_dir>/bin/mongodb-mms-backup-daemon stop

Download the latest version of the Backup Daemon.

Download the new version of the Backup Daemon archive by issuing a curl command with the download link available on the customer downloads page provided to you by MongoDB.

curl -OL <link-address-for-backup-tar.gz>

To install the Backup Daemon, extract the downloaded archive file.

tar -zxf <downloaded-archive-file>

Point the Backup Daemon to the Ops Manager Application database.

Open the <install-dir>/conf/ file and set the mongo.mongoUri value to the servers and ports hosting the Ops Manager Application database. For example:


Additionally, ensure that the file system that holds the rootDirectory has sufficient space to accommodate the current snapshots of all backed up instances.


Synchronize the mms-gen-key file.

Synchronize the <install-dir>/bin/mms-gen-key file from the Ops Manager Application server. This is required only if the Backup Daemon is installed on a different server than the Ops Manager Application.


Start the Backup Daemon.

To start the Backup Daemon run:

<install_dir>/bin/mongodb-mms-backup-daemon start

If you run into any problems, the log files are at <install_dir>/logs.


Open Ops Manager and access the Backup configuration page.

Open the Ops Manager home page and log in as the user you first registered when installing the Ops Manager Application. (This user is the global owner.) Then click the Admin link at the top right of the page. Then click the Backup tab.


Enter configuration information for the Backup database.

Enter the configuration information described below, and then click Save. Ops Manager uses this information to create the connection string URI used to connect to the database.

<hostname>:<port>: Enter a comma-separated list of the fully qualified domain names and port numbers for all replica set members for the Backup database.

MongoDD Auth Username and MongoDB Auth Password: Enter the user credentials if the database uses authentication.

Encrypted Credentials: Check this if the user credentials use the Ops Manager credentialstool. For more information, see Encrypt MongoDB User Credentials.

Use SSL: Check this if the MongoDB database uses SSL. If you select this, you must configure SSL settings for both the Ops Manager Application and Backup Daemon. See Ops Manager Configuration Files.

Connection Options: To add additional connection options, enter them using the MongoDB Connection String URI Format.