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Alert Conditions


Ops Manager provides configurable alert conditions that you can apply to Ops Manager components, such as hosts, clusters, or agents. This document groups the conditions according to the target components to which they apply.

Select alert conditions when configuring alerts, for more information on configuring alerts, see the Create an Alert Configuration and Manage Alerts documents.

Host Alerts

The Host Alerts are applicable to MongoDB hosts (i.e. mongos and mongod instances). and are grouped here according to the category monitored.

Host Status

is down

Sends an alert when Ops Manager does not receive a ping from a host for more than 9 minutes. Under normal operation the Monitoring Agent connects to each monitored host about once per minute. Ops Manager will not alert immediately, however, but waits nine minutes in order to minimize false positives, as would occur, for example, during a host restart.

is recovering

Sends an alert when a secondary member of a replica set enters the RECOVERING state. For information on the RECOVERING state, see Replica Set Member States.

does not have latest version

This does not apply to Ops Manager.

Sends an alert when the version of MongoDB running on a host is more than two releases behind. For example if the current production version of MongoDB is 2.6.0 and the previous release is 2.4.9 then a host running version 2.4.8 will trigger this alert but a host running 2.4.9 (previous) 2.6.0 (current) or 2.6.1-rc2 (nightly) will not.


These alert conditions refer to the metrics found on the host’s asserts chart. To view the chart, see Accessing a Host’s Statistics.

Asserts: Regular is

Sends an alert if the rate of regular asserts meets the specified threshold.

Asserts: Warning is

Sends an alert if the rate of warnings meets the specified threshold.

Asserts: Msg is

Sends an alert if the rate of message asserts meets the specified threshold. Message asserts are internal server errors. Stack traces are logged for these.

Asserts: User is

Sends an alert if the rate of errors generated by users meets the specified threshold.


These alert conditions refer to the metrics found on the host’s opcounters chart. To view the chart, see Accessing a Host’s Statistics.

Opcounter: Cmd is

Sends an alert if the rate of commands performed meets the specified threshold.

Opcounter: Query is

Sends an alert if the rate of queries meets the specified threshold.

Opcounter: Update is

Sends an alert if the rate of updates meets the specified threshold.

Opcounter: Delete is

Sends an alert if the rate of deletes meets the specified threshold.

Opcounter: Insert is

Sends an alert if the rate of inserts meets the specified threshold.

Opcounter: Getmores is

Sends an alert if the rate of getmore (i.e. cursor batch) operations meets the specified threshold. For more information on getmore operations, see the Cursors page in the MongoDB manual.

Opcounter - Repl

These alert conditions apply to hosts that are secondary members of replica sets. The alerts use the metrics found on the host’s opcounters - repl chart. To view the chart, see Accessing a Host’s Statistics.

Opcounter: Repl Cmd is

Sends an alert if the rate of replicated commands meets the specified threshold.

Opcounter: Repl Update is

Sends an alert if the rate of replicated updates meets the specified threshold.

Opcounter: Repl Delete is

Sends an alert if the rate of replicated deletes meets the specified threshold.

Opcounter: Repl Insert is

Sends an alert if the rate of replicated inserts meets the specified threshold.


These alert conditions refer to the metrics found on the host’s memory and non-mapped virtual memory charts. To view the charts, see Accessing a Host’s Statistics. For additional information about these metrics, click the i icon for each chart.

Memory: Resident is

Sends an alert if the size of the resident memory meets the specified threshold. It is typical over time, on a dedicated database server, for the size of the resident memory to approach the amount of physical RAM on the box.

Memory: Virtual is

Sends an alert if the size of virtual memory for the mongod process meets the specified threshold. You can use this alert to flag excessive memory outside of memory mapping. For more information, click the memory chart’s i icon.

Memory: Mapped is

Sends an alert if the size of mapped memory, which maps the data files, meets the specified threshold. As MongoDB memory-maps all the data files, the size of mapped memory is likely to approach total database size.

Memory: Computed is

Sends an alert if the size of virtual memory that is not accounted for by memory-mapping meets the specified threshold. If this number is very high (multiple gigabytes), it indicates that excessive memory is being used outside of memory mapping. For more information on how to use this metric, view the non-mapped virtual memory chart and click the chart’s i icon.


These alert conditions refer to the metrics found on the host’s btree chart. To view the chart, see Accessing a Host’s Statistics.

B-tree: accesses is

Sends an alert if the number of accesses to B-tree indexes meets the specified average.

B-tree: hits is

Sends an alert if the number of times a B-tree page was in memory meets the specified average.

B-tree: misses is

Sends an alert if the number of times a B-tree page was not in memory meets the specified average.

B-tree: miss ratio is

Sends an alert if the ratio of misses to hits meets the specified threshold.

Lock %

This alert condition refers to metric found on the host’s lock % chart. To view the chart, see Accessing a Host’s Statistics.

Effective Lock % is

Sends an alert if the amount of time the host is write locked meets the specified threshold. For details on this metric, view the lock % chart and click the chart’s i icon.


This alert condition refers to metric found on the host’s background flush avg chart. To view the chart, see Accessing a Host’s Statistics.

Background Flush Average is

Sends an alert if the average time for background flushes meets the specified threshold. For details on this metric, view the background flush avg chart and click the chart’s i icon.


The following alert condition refers to a metric found on the host’s connections chart. To view the chart, see Accessing a Host’s Statistics.

Connections is

Sends an alert if the number of active connections to the host meets the specified average.


These alert conditions refer to the metrics found on the host’s queues chart. To view the chart, see Accessing a Host’s Statistics.

Queues: Total is

Sends an alert if the number of operations waiting on a lock of any type meets the specified average.

Queues: Readers is

Sends an alert if the number of operations waiting on a read lock meets the specified average.

Queues: Writers is

Sends an alert if the number of operations waiting on a write lock meets the specified average.

Page Faults

These alert conditions refer to metrics found on the host’s Record Stats and Page Faults charts. To view the charts, see Accessing a Host’s Statistics.

Accesses Not In Memory: Total is

Sends an alert if the rate of disk accesses meets the specified threshold. MongoDB must access data on disk if your working set does not fit in memory. This metric is found on the host’s Record Stats chart.

Page Fault Exceptions Thrown: Total is

Sends an alert if the rate of page fault exceptions thrown meets the specified threshold. This metric is found on the host’s Record Stats chart.

Page Faults is

Sends an alert if the rate of page faults (whether or not an exception is thrown) meets the specified threshold. This metric is found on the host’s Page Faults chart.


These alert conditions refer to the metrics found on the host’s cursors chart. To view the chart, see Accessing a Host’s Statistics.

Cursors: Open is

Sends an alert if the number of cursors the server is maintaining for clients meets the specified average.

Cursors: Timed Out is

Sends an alert if the number of timed-out cursors the server is maintaining for clients meets the specified average.

Cursors: Client Cursors Size is

Sends an alert if the cumulative size of the cursors the server is maintaining for clients meets the specified average.


These alert conditions refer to the metrics found on the host’s network chart. To view the chart, see Accessing a Host’s Statistics.

Network: Bytes In is

Sends an alert if the number of bytes sent to the database server meets the specified threshold.

Network: Bytes Out is

Sends an alert if the number of bytes sent from the database server meets the specified threshold.

Network: Num Requests is

Sends an alert if the number of requests sent to the database server meets the specified average.


These alert conditions refer to the metrics found on a primary’s replication oplog window chart or a secondary’s replication lag chart. To view the charts, see Accessing a Host’s Statistics.

Replication Oplog Window is

Sends an alert if the approximate amount of time available in the primary’s replication oplog meets the specified threshold.

Replication Lag is

Sends an alert if the approximate amount of time that the secondary is behind the primary meets the specified threshold.

Replication Headroom is

Sends an alert when the difference between the primary oplog window and the replication lag time on a secondary meets the specified threshold.

Oplog Data per Hour is

Sends an alert when the amount of data per hour being written to a primary’s oplog meets the specified threshold.

DB Storage

This alert condition refers to the metric displayed on the host’s db storage chart. To view the chart, see Accessing a Host’s Statistics.

DB Storage is

Sends an alert if the amount of on-disk storage space used by extents meets the specified threshold. Extents are contiguously allocated chunks of datafile space.

DB storage size is larger than DB data size because storage size measures the entirety of each extent, including space not used by documents. For more information on extents, see the collStats command.

DB Data Size is

Sends an alert if approximate size of all documents (and their paddings) meets the specified threshold.


These alert conditions refer to the metrics found on the host’s journal - commits in write lock chart and journal stats chart. To view the charts, see Accessing a Host’s Statistics.

Journaling Commits in Write Lock is

Sends an alert if the rate of commits that occurred while the database was in write lock meets the specified average.

Journaling MB is

Sends an alert if the average amount of data written to the recovery log meets the specified threshold.

Journaling Write Data Files MB is

Sends an alert if the average amount of data written to the data files meets the specified threshold.

Replica Set Alerts

These alert conditions are applicable to replica sets.

Primary Elected

Sends an alert when a set elects a new primary. Each time Ops Manager receives a ping, it inspects the output of the replica set’s rs.status() method for the status of each replica set member. From this output, Ops Manager determines which replica set member is the primary. If the primary found in the ping data is different than the current primary known to Ops Manager, this alert triggers.

Primary Elected does not always mean that the set elected a new primary. Primary Elected may also trigger when the same primary is re-elected. This can happen when Ops Manager processes a ping in the midst of an election.

No Primary

Sends an alert when a replica set does not have a primary. Specifically, when none of the members of a replica set have a status of PRIMARY, the alert triggers. For example, this condition may arise when a set has an even number of voting members resulting in a tie.

If the Monitoring Agent collects data during an election for primary, this alert might send a false positive. To prevent such false positives, set the alert configuration’s after waiting interval (in the configuration’s Send to section).

Number of Healthy Members is below

Sends an alert when a replica set has fewer than the specified number of healthy members. If the replica set has the specified number of healthy members or more, Ops Manager triggers no alert.

A replica set member is healthy if its state, as reported in the rs.status() output, is either PRIMARY or SECONDARY. Hidden secondaries and arbiters are not counted.

As an example, if you have a replica set with one member in the PRIMARY state, two members in the SECONDARY state, one hidden member in the SECONDARY, one ARBITER, and one member in the RECOVERING state, then the healthy count is 3.

Number of Unhealthy Members is above

Sends an alert when a replica set has more than the specified number of unhealthy members. If the replica set has the specified number or fewer, Ops Manager sends no alert.

Replica set members are unhealthy when the agent cannot connect to them, or the member is in a rollback or recovering state.

Hidden secondaries are not counted.

Agent Alerts

These alert conditions are applicable to Monitoring Agents and Backup Agents.

Monitoring Agent is down

Sends an alert if the Monitoring Agent has been down for at least 7 minutes. Under normal operation, the Monitoring Agent sends a ping to Ops Manager roughly once per minute. If Ops Manager does not receive a ping for at least 7 minutes, this alert triggers. However, this alert will never trigger for a group that has no hosts configured.


When the Monitoring Agent is down, Ops Manager will trigger no other alerts. For example, if a host is down there is no Monitoring Agent to send data to Ops Manager that could trigger new alerts.

Backup Agent is down

Sends an alert if the Backup Agent has been down for at least 15 minutes. Under normal operation, the Backup Agent periodically sends data to Ops Manager. This alert is never triggered for a group that has no running backups.

Monitoring Agent is out of date

Sends an alert when the Monitoring Agent is not running the latest version of the software.

Backup Agent is out of date

Sends an alert when the Backup Agent is not running the latest version of the software.

Backup Alerts

These alert conditions are applicable to the Ops Manager Backup service.

Oplog Behind

Sends an alert if the most recent oplog data received by Ops Manager is more than 75 minutes old.

Resync Required

Sends an alert if the replication process for a backup falls too far behind the oplog to catch up. This occurs when the host overwrites oplog entries that backup has not yet replicated. When this happens, backup must be fully resynced.

Cluster Mongos Is Missing

Sends an alert if Ops Manager cannot reach a mongos for the cluster.

User Alerts

These alert conditions are applicable to the Ops Manager Users.

Added to Group

Sends an alert when a new user joins the group.

Removed from Group

Sends an alert when a user leaves the group.

Changed Roles

Sends an alert when a user’s roles have been changed.

Group Alert

This alert condition applies to Ops Manager groups.

Users awaiting approval to join group

Sends an alert if there are users who have asked to join the group. A user can ask to join a group when first registering for Ops Manager.