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Automation Configuration


The Public API provides the automationConfig endpoint to let you manipulate a group’s automation configuration. The processes you specify in the configuration, define the deployment that your Automation Agents will attempt to build. These processes can include clusters, replica sets and standalones, as well as Backup and Monitoring Agents.

Each Automation Agent resides on its own host and is responsible for the processes the configuration defines for that host. The agent runs the processes as defined by the configuration. When a running process matches its defined configuration, the process is in “goal state.” When all processes on all hosts are in goal state, the deployment itself is in goal state.


  • GET /api/public/v1.0/groups/GROUP-ID/automationConfig

    Retrieve the current automation configuration for a group.

  • PUT /api/public/v1.0/groups/GROUP-ID/automationConfig

    Update a group’s automation configuration. For steps for updating an automation configuration, see Deploy a Cluster through the API.


To update the configuration through the automationConfig endpoint, send an object that contains a specific subset of the configuration’s fields. This is the same subset as you receive when you retrieve the configuration through the endpoint.

When you submit updates, Ops Manager makes internal modifications to the data and then saves your new configuration version. For example, Ops Manager might add a field to each specified community MongoDB version to indicate where the agents download them from.

The Automation Agents continuously poll Ops Manager for changes to the configuration and fetch configuration updates when they occur. The agents then adjust the states of their live processes to match. For a tutorial on updating a deployment using the API, see Deploy a Cluster through the API.

Concurrent Modifications Warning

There is no protection in the Public API to prevent concurrent modifications. If two administrators both start with a configuration based on the current version, make their own modifications, and then submit their modifications, the later modification wins.

Other Representations of the Automation Configuration

You can view the internal representation of the configuration through the Raw AutomationConfig page on the Deployment tab of the Ops Manager interface. The raw configuration shows the internal representation of the configuration that Ops Manager stores, including fields that should not be updated through the API.

The Automation Agent also stores a copy of the configuration in the mms-cluster-config-backup.json file. The agent stores the most recent version of configuration with which the agent was able to reach goal state. If an agent is not able to process configuration changes, it continues to store an older version of the configuration.

Sample Automation Configuration Entity

    "monitoringVersions": [
            "hostname": "",
            "logPath": "/var/log/mongodb-mms-automation/monitoring-agent.log",
            "logRotate": {
                "sizeThresholdMB": 1000,
                "timeThresholdHrs": 24
    "backupVersions": [
            "hostname": "",
            "logPath": "/var/log/mongodb-mms-automation/backup-agent.log",
            "logRotate": {
                "sizeThresholdMB": 1000,
                "timeThresholdHrs": 24
    "processes": [
            "name": "MyCLUSTER_MySHARD_0_0",
            "processType": "mongod",
            "version": "2.6.7",
            "hostname": "testAutoAPI-0.dns.placeholder",
            "logRotate": {
                "sizeThresholdMB": 1000,
                "timeThresholdHrs": 24
            "authSchemaVersion": 1,
            "args2_6": {
                "net": {
                    "port": 27017
                "storage": {
                    "dbPath": "/data/MyCLUSTER_MySHARD_0_0"
                "systemLog": {
                    "path": "/data/MyCLUSTER_MySHARD_0_0/mongodb.log",
                    "destination": "file"
                "replication": {
                    "replSetName": "MySHARD_0"
                "operationProfiling": {}


            "name": "MyCLUSTER_MyCONFIG_SERVER_8",
            "processType": "mongod",
            "version": "2.6.7",
            "hostname": "SERVER-8",
            "logRotate": {
                "sizeThresholdMB": 1000,
                "timeThresholdHrs": 24
            "authSchemaVersion": 1,
            "args2_6": {
                "net": {
                    "port": 27019
                "storage": {
                    "dbPath": "/data/MyCLUSTER_MyCONFIG_SERVER_8"
                "systemLog": {
                    "path": "/data/MyCLUSTER_MyCONFIG_SERVER_8/mongodb.log",
                    "destination": "file"
                "sharding": {
                    "clusterRole": "configsvr"
                "operationProfiling": {}
            "name": "MyCLUSTER_MyMONGOS_9",
            "processType": "mongos",
            "version": "2.6.7",
            "hostname": "SERVER-9",
            "cluster": "myShardedCluster",
            "logRotate": {
                "sizeThresholdMB": 1000,
                "timeThresholdHrs": 24
            "authSchemaVersion": 1,
            "args2_6": {
                "net": {
                    "port": 27017
                "systemLog": {
                    "path": "/data/MyCLUSTER_MyMONGOS_9/mongodb.log",
                    "destination": "file"
                "operationProfiling": {}
    "replicaSets": [
            "_id": "MySHARD_0",
            "members": [
                    "_id": 0,
                    "host": "MyCLUSTER_MySHARD_0_0",
                    "priority": 1,
                    "votes": 1,
                    "slaveDelay": 0,
                    "hidden": false,
                    "arbiterOnly": false
                    "_id": 1,
                    "host": "MyCLUSTER_MySHARD_0_1",
                    "priority": 1,
                    "votes": 1,
                    "slaveDelay": 0,
                    "hidden": false,
                    "arbiterOnly": false
                    "_id": 2,
                    "host": "MyCLUSTER_MySHARD_0_2",
                    "priority": 1,
                    "votes": 1,
                    "slaveDelay": 0,
                    "hidden": false,
                    "arbiterOnly": false
            "_id": "MySHARD_1",
            "members": [
                    "_id": 0,
                    "host": "MyCLUSTER_MySHARD_1_3",
                    "priority": 1,
                    "votes": 1,
                    "slaveDelay": 0,
                    "hidden": false,
                    "arbiterOnly": false
                    "_id": 1,
                    "host": "MyCLUSTER_MySHARD_1_4",
                    "priority": 1,
                    "votes": 1,
                    "slaveDelay": 0,
                    "hidden": false,
                    "arbiterOnly": false
                    "_id": 2,
                    "host": "MyCLUSTER_MySHARD_1_5",
                    "priority": 1,
                    "votes": 1,
                    "slaveDelay": 0,
                    "hidden": false,
                    "arbiterOnly": false
    "sharding": [
            "name": "myShardedCluster",
            "configServer": [
            "shards": [
                    "_id": "MySHARD_0",
                    "rs": "MySHARD_0"
                    "_id": "MySHARD_1",
                    "rs": "MySHARD_1"
            "collections": [],
    "mongoDbVersions": [
        {"name": "2.4.12"},
        {"name": "2.6.7"}

Entity Fields

Name Type Description
monitoringVersions array Optional. Objects that define version information for each Monitoring Agent.
- hostname string The hostname of the machine that runs the Monitoring Agent. If the Monitoring Agent is not running on the machine, Ops Manager installs it.
- logPath string Optional. The directory where the agent stores its logs. The default is to store logs in /dev/null.
- logRotate object Optional. Enables log rotation for the MongoDB logs for a process.
- - sizeThresholdMB number (integer or float) The maximum size in MB for an individual log file before rotation.
- - timeThresholdHrs integer The maximum time in hours for an individual log file before rotation.
backupVersions array Optional. Objects that define version information for each Backup Agent.
- hostname string The hostname of the machine that runs the Backup Agent. If the Backup Agent is not running on the machine, Ops Manager installs it.
- logPath string Optional. The directory where the agent stores its logs. The default is to store logs in /dev/null.
- logRotate object Optional. Enables log rotation for the MongoDB logs for a process.
- - sizeThresholdMB number (integer or float) The maximum size in MB for an individual log file before rotation.
- - timeThresholdHrs integer The maximum time in hours for an individual log file before rotation.
processes array The processes array contains objects that define the mongos and mongod instances that Ops Manager manages. Each object defines a different instance.
- name string A unique name to identify the instance.
- processType string Either mongod or mongos.
- version string The name of the mongoDbVersions specification used with this instance.
- hostname string Optional. The name of the host this process should run on. This defaults to localhost.
- cluster string Optional. Required for a mongos. The name of the cluster. This must correspond to the field in the sharding array for the mongos.
- logRotate object Optional. Enables log rotation for the MongoDB logs for a process.
- - sizeThresholdMB number (integer or float) The maximum size in MB for an individual log file before rotation.
- - timeThresholdHrs integer The maximum time in hours for an individual log file before rotation.
- authSchemaVersion integer Required if auth is turned on. Otherwise optional. The schema version of the user credential documents. This should match all other elements of the processes array that belong to the same cluster. The possible values are 1, 3, and 5. The default is 3 for 2.6 clusters and 1 for 2.4 clusters.
- <args> object This field is named either args2_6, for MongoDB versions 2.6 and higher (including 3.0 and higher), or args2_4, for versions 2.4 and earlier. The field contains a MongoDB configuration document in the format appropriate to the version. For information on format and supported MongoDB options, see supported configuration options.
replicaSets array Optional. Objects that define the configuration of each replica set. The Automation Agent uses the values in this array to create valid replica set configuration documents. The agent regularly checks that replica sets are configured correctly. If a problem occurs, the agent reconfigures the replica set according to its configuration document. The array can contain the following fields from a replica set configuration document: _id; version; and members. The field must specify the host’s name as listed in The Automation Agent expands the host field to create a valid replica set configuration.
sharding array Optional. Objects that define the configuration of each sharded cluster. Each object in the array contains the specifications for one cluster. The Automation Agent regularly checks each cluster’s state against the specifications. If the specification and cluster don’t match, the agent will change the configuration of the cluster, which might cause the balancer to migrate chunks.
- name string The name of the cluster. This must correspond with the value in processes.cluster for a mongos.
- configServer array String values that provide the names of each config server’s hosts. The host names are the same names as are used in each host’s field.
- shards array Objects that define the cluster’s shards.
- - _id string The name of the shard.
- - rs string The name of the shard’s replica set, as specified in the replicaSets._id field.
- collections array Objects that define the sharded collections and their shard keys.
mongoDbVersions array The mongoDbVersions array is required and defines versions of MongoDB used by the MongoDB instances.
- name string The MongoDB version.


For configuration examples, please see the following page on GitHub: