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  • Ops Manager Configuration Files

Ops Manager Configuration Files


The Ops Manager Application and the Backup Daemon use the and configuration files respectively. This document describes all available settings between the two files. Each configuration file uses a subset of the settings described here.

This document includes some configurable settings that Ops Manager does not include in the configuration files but that you can add. These properties are marked as such.

The Ops Manager Application uses the configuration file. If you installed Ops Manager using an rpm or deb package, the file’s location is:


If you installed using a tar.gz file, the configuration file’s location is:


If you installed on Windows, the file’s location is:


By default, this is C:\MMSData\Server\Config.

The Backup Daemon uses the configuration file. If you installed Ops Manager using an rpm or deb package, the file’s location is:


If you installed using a tar.gz file, the configuration file’s location is:


If you installed on Windows, the configuration file’s location is:


Mandatory Settings

To start the Ops Manager Application, you must configure the Ops Manager Application URL Settings and Email Address Settings in the file.


For configuration settings that store credentials, you can either store the credentials in plain text or use the Ops Manager credentialstool to encrypt the credentials, as described in Encrypt MongoDB User Credentials.

If you choose to store credentials in plain text, reduce the permissions on the configuration file. For example:

sudo chmod 600 <install_dir>/conf/


Ops Manager Application URL Settings

The following two settings are mandatory for the Ops Manager Application.


Type: string

Required. Fully qualified URL, including the port number, of the Ops Manager Application. For example,


If you wish to use a port other than 8080, Change the Ops Manager Ports describes how to change the ports that Ops Manager uses.


Type: string

Required. The hostname and port of the Backup HTTP Service. For example,


You must set mms.backupCentralUrl, even if you are only using Ops Manager Monitoring and not Ops Manager Backup.

If you wish to use a port other than 8081, Change the Ops Manager Ports describes how to change the ports that Ops Manager uses.

Load Balancer

Set the following when using a load balancer with the Ops Manager Application.


Type: string

Specify the name of the header that the load balancer will use to specify the original client’s IP address to the application server.

See Configure a Highly Available Ops Manager Application for more information.

When you specify mms.remoteIp.header, do not allow clients to connect directly to any application server.


Ops Manager can pass all outgoing HTTP and HTTPS requests through an HTTP or HTTPS proxy.

Type: string

Specify the hostname of the HTTP or HTTPS proxy to which you wish to connect. For example:

Type: integer

Specify the port on which you wish to connect to the host. You must specify both http.proxy.port and to use a proxy.

Type: string

If the proxy requires authentication, use http.proxy.username to specify the username with which to connect to the proxy.


Type: string

If the proxy requires authentication, use http.proxy.password to specify the password with which to connect to the proxy.


Ops Manager Application HTTPS Settings

You can configure the Ops Manager Application’s application servers to use HTTPS to encrypt connections between the Ops Manager Application, the agents, and the web interface.

The default port for HTTPS access to the Ops Manager Application is 8443, as set in <install_dir>/conf/mms.conf file. If you change this default, change the ports specified in the mms.centralUrl and mms.backupCentralUrl settings.


Type: string

Specify the PEM file that contains the application’s valid certificate and private key.


Type: string

Required if the PEM file contains an encrypted private key. Specify the password for PEM file. You can encrypt the specified password using the Ops Manager credentialstool. See Encrypt MongoDB User Credentials.

Email Settings

Email Address Settings

The following email address settings are mandatory. You must define them before Ops Manager will start.


Type: string

Required. The email address used for sending the general emails, such as Ops Manager alerts. You can include an alias with the email address. For example:

mms.fromEmailAddr=|mms| Alerts <>

Type: string

Required. The email address to send replies to general emails. For example:

Type: string

Required. The email address to send messages from the Ops Manager admin. You can include an alias with the email address. For example:

mms.adminFromEmailAddr=|mms| Admin <>

Type: string

Required. The email address to send messages or replies to the Ops Manager admin. You can include an alias with the email address. For example:

Type: string

Required. The email address to send bounce messages, i.e. messages of non-delivery of alerts or messages from Ops Manager admin. For example:

Email Service Settings


Type: string

The email interface to use. For AWS Simple Email Service, specify, as in:

For AWS Simple Email Service, see also, aws.accesskey and aws.secretkey.

For JavaEmailDao, specify, as in:

Type: string

Default: smtp

Transfer protocol smtp or smtps as specified by your email provider. For example:


Type: string

Default: localhost

Email hostname as specified by your email provider. For example:

Type: number

Default: 25

Port number for the transfer protocol as specified by your email provider. For example:


Type: boolean

Default: false

Indicator of whether the transfer protocol runs on top of TLS. For example:


Type: string

User name of the email account. If unset, defaults to disabled SMTP authentication.


Type: string

Password for the email account. If unset, defaults to disabled SMTP authentication.


Type: string


Sets the HTTPS endpoint URL for the AWS Simple Email Service. For example:

Type: string

Required if using AWS Simple Email Service. The access key ID for AWS.


Type: string

Required if using AWS Simple Email Service. The secret access key for AWS.


Twilio SMS Alert Settings

To receive alert notifications via SMS, you must have a Twilio account and specify your Twilio account information in the configuration file.


Type: string

Twilio account ID.


Type: string

Twilio API token.


Type: string

Twilio phone number.

MongoDB Settings

The following settings configure the Ops Manager connections to the backing MongoDB instances that host the Ops Manager Application Database and Backup Database.

Connection String


Type: string

Required. The connection string used to access the Ops Manager Application Database.

If you use a replica set for the database’s backing instance, specify all members of the replica set:


If you omit the port number, Ops Manager uses the default 27017 port for all hosts.

For a backing MongoDB instance with access control, the connection string must include authentication credentials. The connecting user must possess the readWriteAnyDatabase, dbAdminAnyDatabase, and clusterMonitor user roles. If the database is a sharded cluster, the clusterAdmin role is required instead of clusterMonitor.

The following examples show the formats to use for the different authentication mechanisms.

For a MongoDB instance using the default MONGODB-CR / SCRAM-SHA-1 challenge-response mechanism, prefix the hostname with the MongoDB username and password in the form <username>:<password>@


For a MongoDB instance using MONGODB-X509 authentication, you must first add the value of the subject from the client certificate as a MongoDB user, as described in Use x.509 Certificates to Authenticate Clients in the MongoDB manual. The client certificate is contained in the PEM file you specify in the mongodb.ssl.PEMKeyFile setting. Once you have created the user, prefix the host specified in mongo.mongoUri with the name of the new user and append authMechanism=MONGODB-X509 after the specified port:


For a MongoDB instance using LDAP, prefix the hostname with the MongoDB username and password in the form <username>:<password>@, and append the authMechanism=PLAIN&authSource=$external options after the port:


For a MongoDB instance using Kerberos, prefix the hostname with the Kerberos user principal and specify the authentication mechanism, authMechanism=GSSAPI, after the port.

Kerberos user principal names have the form <username>@<KERBEROS REALM>. You must escape the user principal, replacing symbols with the URL encoded representation. A Kerberos user principal of username@REALM.EXAMPLE.COM would therefore become username%40REALM.EXAMPLE.COM.

The following is an example of Kerberos authentication:


To enable Kerberos authentication between the Ops Manager Application and the Backup Database, see Kerberos Settings. See also authMechanism and authSource in the MongoDB manual.

MongoDB SSL Settings

The following settings in and conf-daemon.propeties configure Ops Manager to use SSL to encrypt connections to the backing MongoDB instances that host the Ops Manager Application Database and Backup Database.


Type: boolean

Enables SSL connection to the Ops Manager Application Database when set to true.


Type: string

The name of the PEM file that contains the root certificate chain from the Certificate Authority that signed the MongoDB server certificate.


Type: string

The name of the PEM file that contains the X509 certificate and private key. Required if the MongoDB instance is running with the --sslCAFile option or net.ssl.CAFile setting.

If you authenticate using the MONGODB-X509 authentication mechanism, you also enter this as the name of the user in the mongoUri connection string.


Type: string

Required if the PEM file contains an encrypted private key. Specify the password for PEM file. You can encrypt the specified password using the Ops Manager credentialstool. See Encrypt MongoDB User Credentials.

Encrypted Credentials


Type: boolean

Add this property and set it to true if mongo.mongoUri contains the encrypted username and password:


You must encrypt the username and password in mongo.mongoUri using the Ops Manager credentialstool. See Encrypt MongoDB User Credentials.


The file can contain multiple mongo.mongoUri settings. If mongo.encryptedCredentials is true, you must encrypt all user credentials found in the various mongo.mongoUri settings.

Automation Versions Settings

The following settings in the file determine how Ops Manager knows what MongoDB releases exist and from what servers the Automation Agent downloads the binaries for a MongoDB release.


Type: string

Default: mongodb

Selects whether the Automation Agents retrieve MongoDB binaries over the internet from MongoDB Inc. or locally from the Ops Manager Application server. Set this to mongodb if the Automation Agents have internet access to retrieve the binaries from MongoDB Inc. Set this to local if your Automation Agents cannot reach the internet. If you specify local, you must set the and place .tgz archive files for the MongoDB binaries in the specified directory. You must also provide the MongoDB version manifest. For details, see Configure “Local Mode” if Servers Have No Internet Access.

Type: string

When automation.versions.source is set to local, this specifies the directory on the Ops Manager Application server from which the Automation Agents accesses MongoDB binaries when installing a new deployment or changing the MongoDB version of an existing deployment. You must download the desired MongoDB binaries as .tgz archive files and place the .tgz files in the specified directory.

Backup Daemon Settings

These settings are found only in the file and are necessary only if you are using Ops Manager Backup.


Type: string

The disk partition used by the Backup Daemon to dynamically create and maintain the head database directories. For more information, see the Backup functional overview.

This directory must be writable by the mongodb-mms user and must end in a trailing slash. It is critical that this partition is sized appropriately.


Data in this directory is dynamically created, maintained and destroyed by the Backup Daemon. This partition should not be used for any other purpose. This partition should not overlap with the partition used for the Backup Database.


Type: number

The number of replica sets that should be processed at a time.


Type: boolean

If you set mongodb.release.autoDownload to true, Backup automatically downloads the MongoDB releases from (Community Edition) and (Enterprise Edition) and stores them in the directory specified by the setting. Backup’s mongodb-fetch utility, located in the /opt/mongodb/backup-daemon/bin directory, runs once an hour to perform the downloads.

If you set mongodb.release.autoDownload to false, you must manually download and install the needed MongoDB releases to the directory specified in the setting. Downloads must adhere to the rules described in the entry.

Type: string

Specifies the full path to the directory that contains every MongoDB release needed by the Backup Daemon. When backing up a replica set, The Backup Daemon must use a mongod that matches the version of the replica set being backed up.


If you will run MongoDB Enterprise and use Linux servers, then you must manually install a set of dependencies to each server before installing MongoDB. The MongoDB manual provides the appropriate command to install the dependencies. See the link for the server’s operating system:

If you set mongodb.release.autoDownload to false, you must download the MongoDB releases manually. For each version needed, you must download the archive for that version and extract it into this directory. The extracted archive creates a subdirectory that uses the following naming convention: mongodb-<platform>-<architecture>-<version>.

Adhere to the following rules for populating the release directory:

  • The release directory can contain versions from either the MongoDB Community edition or the MongoDB Enterprise but not from both.
  • Ops Manager 1.8 supports platform-specific MongoDB Community Edition builds for MongoDB 3.0. Use the MongoDB 3.0 Community Edition build for your operating system, available from You can also use the generic Linux 64-bit legacy version if you wish or if there is no platform-specific build for your operating system.


If you are backing up MongoDB custom builds, you must manually place a matching binary distribution for each custom build in this directory.

Beginning in Ops Manager version 1.5, the Backup Daemon uses the following rules to match the MongoDB version of the replica set being backed up:

  • If the MongoDB version uses the MongoDB standard A.B.C version format, the daemon looks for a folder named mongodb-<platform>-<architecture>-A.B.x, where x is greater than or equal to C.
  • If the MongoDB version does not use the standard format, the daemon looks for a folder named mongodb-<platform>-<architecture>-<version>, where <version> ends with the MongoDB instance’s version. For example, if the source version is 2.4.10-abc, the daemon would match on mongodb-linux-x86_64-production-2.4.10-abc.

Type: integer

Default: 10

Specifies the minimum amount of free disk space in GB required on the partition where the Backup Daemon stores the head databases that back up your data. You can view a daemon’s available head space on the Ops Manager Daemons Page. If the amount of free space drops below this minimum, Ops Manager triggers the following system alert:

System detects backup daemon has low free head space

This setting does not appear by default in either of the .``properties`` configuration files. You can add it to the file.

Backup Agent Settings


Type: integer

Default: 10

If the Backup Agent experiences more than this number of consecutive failed conf calls, Ops Manager triggers the following global alert:

Backup Agent has too many conf call failures

This property does not appear by default in either of the .``properties`` configuration files. You can add it to the file.

Advanced Backup Restore Settings

These settings in the file affect Ops Manager Backup restore behaviors.


Type: number

Default: 1

The amount of time in hours that a restore link is available.


Type: boolean

Default: false

Sets whether the link to a restored point-in-time snapshot can be used more than once. By default, when you create a point-in-time snapshot, the link to download the snapshot can be used just once. To allow multiple downloads of the snapshot, set this value to true.


Type: number

Default: 24

The length of time in hours that a link to a restored point-in-time snapshot is available. By default, the link is available for 24 hours after creation of the point-in-time snapshot.

Session Management Setting


Type: number

The number of hours before a session on the Ops Manager website expires.


Type: number

Default: 300000

Minimum: 90000

The Monitoring Agent failover time, in milliseconds. If Ops Manager does not receive a deployment status from the primary Monitoring Agent in the time specified, Ops Manager will make a standby Monitoring Agent the new primary. Configuring the timeout below 90000 (90 seconds) will cause Ops Manager to fail at startup with a configuration error.

Password Policy Settings

You can configure the password policy for Ops Manager user accounts with the following settings:


Type: number

The number of previous passwords to remember. You cannot reuse a remembered password as a new password.


Type: number

The number of failed login attempts before an account becomes locked. Only an an Ops Manager Administrator can unlock a locked account.


Type: number

The maximum number of days with no visits to the Ops Manager website before Ops Manager locks an account.


Type: number

The number of days a password is valid before the password expires.


Deprecated since version 1.8: mms.multiFactorAuth.level replaces mms.multiFactorAuth.require in Ops Manager 1.8 and later.

Type: boolean

Default: false

When true, Ops Manager will require two-factor authentication for users to log in or to perform certain destructive operations within the application.

If you configure Twilio integration, users may obtain their second factor tokens via Google Authenticator, SMS, or voice calls. Otherwise, the only mechanism to provide two-factor authentication is Google Authenticator.


New in version 1.8.

Type: string

Default: OFF

Configures the two-factor authentication “level”:

  • OFF: Disables two-factor authentication. When mms.multiFactorAuth.level = 'OFF', Ops Manager does not use two-factor authentication.
  • OPTIONAL: Users can choose to set up two-factor authentication for their Ops Manager account.
  • REQUIRED_FOR_GLOBAL_ROLES: Users who possess a global role must set up two-factor authentication. Two factor authentication is optional for all other users.
  • REQUIRED: All users must set up two-factor authentication for their Ops Manager account.

Two-factor authentication is recommended for the security of your Ops Manager deployment.


Type: boolean

Default: false

When true, Ops Manager will allow users to reset their two-factor authentication settings via email in an analogous fashion to resetting their passwords.

To reset two-factor authentication, a user must:

  • be able to receive email at the address associated with the user account
  • know the user account’s password
  • know the Agent API key for any Ops Manager Group of which the user is a member

Type: string

If Google Authenticator provides two-factor authentication, this string is the issuer in the Google Authenticator app. If left blank, the issuer is the domain name of the Ops Manager installation.

Public API

You can modify certain default behaviors of the Public API.


Type: boolean

By default, a user with a global role can access any Ops Manager group through the Public API, whether or not the Public API is enabled for that group.

To prevent access when a group’s Public API is disabled, add mms.publicApi.ignoreEnabledForGlobalRoles to and set its value to false:


Type: boolean

Certain API calls require that requests originate from a whitelisted IP address. To turn off this requirement, add mms.publicApi.whitelistEnabled to and set its value to false:


Monitoring Agent Session Failover

If you have multiple monitoring agents for a group, only one Monitoring Agent is the primary agent. The primary agent reports the cluster’s status to Ops Manager. The remaining agents are completely idle, except to log their status as standby agents and to periodically ask Ops Manager whether they should become the primary.

The following settings tune the frequency with which the standby agents poll Ops Manager to determine if they have become the primary agent, and the interval that Ops Manager uses to determine if the primary agent is unaccessible.


Type: integer

Default: 90000

The interval that Ops Manager uses to determine if a secondary agent should be promoted to primary. If Ops Manager does not hear from the primary agent for the duration specifies in mms.monitoring.agent.session.timeoutMillis, Ops Manager promotes a secondary agent to primary. The minimum supported value is 90000.


Type: Integer

Default: 4

Specifies how frequently standby agents check in with Ops Manager to see if they have become the primary agent. The following values are permitted:

  • 1: the standby agents check every 55 seconds.
  • 2: the standby agents check in at twice the rate as 1, or approximately every 27 seconds.
  • 3: the standby agents check approximately every 18 seconds
  • 4: the standby agents check approximately every 14 seconds.

SNMP Heartbeat Settings

Ops Manager uses SNMP v2c. You can configure the Ops Manager Application to send a periodic heartbeat trap notification (v2c) that contains an internal health assessment of the Ops Manager Application. The Ops Manager Application can send traps to one or more endpoints on the standard SNMP UDP port 162.

To configure the Ops Manager Application to send trap notifications, download the Management Information Base (MIB) file at and configure the following settings:


Type: string

Default: blank

Comma-separated list of hosts where ‘heartbeat’ traps will be sent on the standard UDP port 162. You must set snmp.default.hosts to enable the SNMP heartbeat functionality; otherwise, leaving the setting blank disables the SNMP heartbeat functionality.


Type: number

Default: 11611

Listening UDP port for SNMP. Setting to a number less than 1024 will require running the Ops Manager Application with root privileges.


Type: number

Default: 300

Number of seconds between heartbeat notifications.

reCaptcha Settings

To enable reCaptcha anti-spam test on new user registration, you must have a reCaptcha account and specify the API information in the configuration file.


Type: boolean

Set to true to require reCaptcha validation when a new user registers.


Type: string

The reCaptcha public key associated with your account.


Type: string

The reCaptcha private key associated with your account.

LDAP Settings

To configure Ops Manager for LDAP, you must start with a new installation or reset your installation to a clean state. Your Ops Manager installation cannot have existing users, groups, or hosts. For assistance, contact your MongoDB account manager.

LDAP Server Setting


Type: string

The LDAP service class com.xgen.svc.mms.svc.user.UserSvcLdap; i.e.


LDAP User Settings

These settings configure Ops Manager to use an LDAP server for authentication. If you use LDAP authentication, users must belong to an LDAP group to log into Ops Manager. You must create LDAP groups for each Ops Manager user role.


Type: string

The URI for the LDAP or SSL LDAP server. For example:


Type: string

A file containing one or more trusted certificates in PEM format. Use mms.ldap.ssl.CAFile if you are using LDAPS and the server is using a certificate that is not from a well-known CA. For example:


Type: string

A file containing a client certificate and private key. Use mms.ldap.ssl.PEMKeyFile when your SSL LDAP server requires client certificates.


Type: string

The password for mms.ldap.ssl.PEMKeyFile. Use mms.ldap.ssl.PEMKeyFilePassword if the PEMKeyFile is encrypted.


Type: string

The LDAP user used to execute searches for other users. For example:

Type: string

The credentials for the search user. For example:


Type: string

The base Distinguished Name (DN) that Ops Manager uses to search for users. Escape the = sign with \. For example:


Type: string

The LDAP field used for the LDAP search. This is typically a username or email address.

The value of this field is also used as the Ops Manager username.



Type: string

The LDAP user attribute that contains the list of LDAP groups the user belongs to. The LDAP attribute can use any format to list the groups, including Common Name (cn) or Distinguished Name (dn). All Ops Manager settings in this configuration file that specify groups must match the chosen format.


Type: string

The LDAP group that has full privileges for the Ops Manager deployment, including full access to all Ops Manager groups and all administrative permissions. Users in the specified LDAP group receive the global owner role in Ops Manager. Specify the group using the format that is used by the LDAP attribute specified in the setting.

Example:\=MMSGlobalOwner,OU\=MMS,OU\=acme Groups,DC\=acme,DC\=example,DC\=net

Type: string

The LDAP user attribute that contains the user’s first name. After successful LDAP authentication, Ops Manager synchronizes the specified LDAP attribute with the first name from the Ops Manager user record.

For example:


Type: string

The LDAP user attribute that contains the user’s last name. After successful LDAP authentication, Ops Manager synchronizes the specified LDAP attribute with the last name from the Ops Manager user record.

For example:


Type: string

The LDAP user attribute that contains the user’s email address. After successful LDAP authentication, Ops Manager synchronizes the specified LDAP attribute with the email address from the Ops Manager user record.

For example:

LDAP Global Role Settings

These settings assign Ops Manager global roles to the members of the specified LDAP groups. Specify groups using the format used by the LDAP attribute specified in the setting. You can specify multiple groups using the ;; delimiter. To change the default delimiter, use the setting.

Each Ops Manager global role provides its level of access to all the Ops Manager groups in the deployment. To provide access to specific groups, use group-level roles.

Type: string

The LDAP group whose members have the global automation admin role in Ops Manager. For example:\=MMS-AutomationAdmin,OU\=MMS,OU\=acme Groups,DC\=acme,DC\=example,DC\=net

Type: string

The LDAP group whose members have the global backup admin role in Ops Manager. For example:\=MMS-BackupAdmin,OU\=MMS,OU\=acme Groups,DC\=acme,DC\=example,DC\=net

Type: string

The LDAP group whose members have the global monitoring admin role in Ops Manager. For example:\=MMS-MonitoringAdmin,OU\=MMS,OU\=acme Groups,DC\=acme,DC\=example,DC\=net

Type: string

The LDAP group whose members have the global user admin role in Ops Manager. For example:\=MMS-UserAdmin,OU\=MMS,OU\=acme Groups,DC\=acme,DC\=example,DC\=net

Type: string

The LDAP group whose members have the global read-only role in Ops Manager. For example:\=MMS-ReadOnly,OU\=MMS,OU\=acme Groups,DC\=acme,DC\=example,DC\=net

Type: string

Each of the global role values can take a delimited list of groups: for example "dbas,sysadmins".

If a group value contains the delimiter, the delimiter must be set to another value. For example, if you have the group value "CN\=foo,DN\=bar" and the delimiter is , then Ops Manager parses "CN\=foo,DN\=bar" as two elements rather than as the description for a single group. Change the delimiter by adding the setting to the configuration file and specifying a different delimiter.

Starting with Ops Manager 1.5, the default delimiter is ;;.

Kerberos Settings

To enable Kerberos authentication between the Ops Manager Application and the Ops Manager Application Database, configure the following settings. You must configure all required Kerberos settings to enable Kerberos authentication.

Type: string

Required if using Kerberos. The IP/FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) of the KDC server. The value will be set to JVM’s

Type: string

Required if using Kerberos. This is the default REALM for Kerberos. It is being used for JVM’s

Type: string

Required if using Kerberos. The principal used to authenticate with MongoDB. This should be the exact same user on the mongo.mongoUri above.


Type: string

Required if using Kerberos. The absolute path to the keytab file for the principal.


Type: boolean

The debug flag to output more information on Kerberos authentication process.


Encrypt MongoDB User Credentials

If you do not want to store credentials in plain text, Ops Manager provides a tool to encrypt the MongoDB credentials. To encrypt authentication credentials:

  1. Issue the following command to create an encrypted credential pair, replacing <username> with your username:

    sudo <install_dir>/bin/credentialstool --username <username> --password

    This will prompt you to enter the password and will output the encrypted credential pair.

    credentialstool requires root privileges, (i.e. sudo) when installed with rpm or deb packages, because it modifies the /etc/mongodb-mms/gen.key file. Ops Manager uses the gen.key to encrypt sensitive data in the database and configuration files.

  2. Use the encrypted credential pair in the mongo.mongoUri settings where needed, and add the mongo.encryptedCredentials = true setting. For example:



The file can contain multiple mongo.mongoUri settings. If mongo.encryptedCredentials is true, you must encrypt all user credentials found in the various mongo.mongoUri settings.

Required Roles for MongoDB User Connecting to Backing Databases

The MongoDB user used to connect to Ops Manager’s backing databases must possess the readWriteAnyDatabase, clusterAdmin, and dbAdminAnyDatabase MongoDB user roles.