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  • Security >
  • Change the Ops Manager Ports

Change the Ops Manager Ports

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By default, Ops Manager uses port 8080 for the Ops Manager HTTP Service and port 8081 for the Backup HTTP Service.

To use different ports, you need to configure Ops Manager to use the ports, update mms.centralUrl and mms.backupCentralUrl, and restart Ops Manager.


Change the Default Port on Unix-based Systems

To change the ports on Unix-based operating systems, you must edit the port settings in <install-directory>/conf/mms.conf, update the mms.centralUrl and mms.backupCentralUrl values in the value, and restart Ops Manager.


Open mms.conf for editing.

Open the mms.conf file with root access. mms.conf is located in the <install_dir>/conf/ directory.


Set the BASE_PORT value to the port Ops Manager should use.

By default, Ops Manager uses port 8080. Change the BASE_PORT value to the desired port number.


If you wish to change the port for Ops Manager connections over SSL, update BASE_SSL_PORT.

When changing the port, ensure that the chosen port is available for use.


Set the BACKUP_BASE_PORT value to the port the Backup HTTP Service should use.

By default, the Backup HTTP Service uses port 8081. To change the port, set BACKUP_BASE_PORT to the desired port number.


If you wish to change the port for Ops Manager connections over SSL, update BACKUP_BASE_SSL_PORT.

When changing the port, ensure that the chosen port is available for use. You must use different ports for the BASE_PORT and BACKUP_BASE_PORT.


Save the changes.


Edit mms.centralUrl and mms.backupCentralUrl to use the new ports.

Open with root access for editing.

Set mms.centralUrl to the new port specified by the BASE_PORT:

Set mms.backupCentralUrl to use the new port specified by the BACKUP_BASE_PORT:

Save the changes, and close the file.


Restart Ops Manager.

Depending on how you installed Ops Manager, the command to restart Ops Manager will vary.

Installation with DEB or RPM package.

If you installed using a DEB or RPM package, use the following command to restart Ops Manager:

sudo service mongodb-mms restart
Installation from .tar.gz archive.

If you installed using a .tar.gz archive, use the following command to restart Ops Manager:

sudo /etc/init.d/mongodb-mms restart

Ops Manager will restart. The Ops Manager interface should be accessible at the new URL and port combination.

Change the Default Port on a Windows System

To change the ports on Windows, you need to edit two registry key values in the Windows registry, update the mms.centralUrl and mms.backupCentralUrl values in the file, and restart Ops Manager.


Open the Registry Editor.

From the Start menu, click Run, and then type regedit, and click OK. The Registry Editor will open.


Set the port that Ops Manager should use.

By default, Ops Manager uses port 8080. You can change the port by editing the relevant registry value.

Open the following registry value:

SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Apache Software Foundation\Procrun 2.0\MMS\Parameters\Java\Options

Add -Dbase-port=<portnumber> to the Options registry value, setting the value to the desired port.

Add a new line in the Options file that resembles the following:


When changing the port, ensure that the chosen port is available.


To change the Backup HTTP Service’s port, open the \MMSBSlurp\Parameters\Java\Options registry value.

Open the following registry value:

SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Apache Software Foundation\Procrun 2.0\MMSBSlurp\Parameters\Java\Options

Edit -Dbase-port=8081 to point to the desired port.

-Dbase-port=8081 is already listed in the Options registry value. Edit it to use the desired port:


When changing the port, ensure that the chosen port is available.


When you are done editing the settings, click OK, and exit the Registry Editor.


Edit mms.centralUrl and mms.backupCentralUrl to use the new ports.

Open with root access for editing.

Update mms.centralUrl to use the new port specified by -DBase-port in the \MMS\Parameters\Java\Options registry value:
Update mms.backupCentralUrl to use the new port specified by -DBase-port in the \MMSBSlurp\Parameters\Java\Options registry value:

Save the changes, and close the file.


Restart Ops Manager.

To restart the Ops Manager HTTP service, open the Control Panel, then System and Security, then Administrative Tools, and finally, double click to open the Services window.

In the Services list, restart the MongoDB Ops Manager HTTP Service and MongoDB Backup HTTP Service by right-clicking on them in the list, and choosing Restart.

Ops Manager will restart. The Ops Manager interface should be accessible at the new URL and port combination.