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Manage Groups


Groups associate Ops Manager users with MongoDB in the Ops Manager application. A group provides access to a distinct Ops Manager environment or deployment. Each group has one Monitoring Agent and Backup Agent.

You create the first Ops Manager group when you register the first Ops Manager user. Create additional groups to manage segregated systems or environments. For example, your deployment might have two or more environments separated by firewalls. In this case, you would need two or more separate Ops Manager groups.

Ops Manager API and shared secret keys are unique to each group. Each group requires its own Monitoring Agent with the appropriate API and shared secret keys. Within each group, the agent needs to be able to connect to all hosts it monitors in the group.

The user who creates a group automatically has the Owner role and can manage user access.

Working with Multiple Environments

If you have multiple MongoDB systems in distinct environments and cannot monitor all systems with a single agent, you will need to add a new group. Having a second group makes it possible to run two agents.

You may also use a second group and agent to monitor a different set of MongoDB instances in the same environment if you want to segregate the hosts within the Ops Manager console. A user can only view data from the hosts monitored in a single group at once.

After adding a second group, the Ops Manager interface will have a drop-down list that will allow you to change groups. Selecting a new group will refresh the current page with the data available from the servers in this group.


Create a Group

When you create a new group, you are automatically added as the first user to the group. The group is automatically assigned a set of alert configurations.


Select the Administration tab and then the My Groups page.


Click the ADD GROUP button.


Type a name for the new group and click CONTINUE.

For security and auditing reasons, you cannot use a name used earlier. Once you name a group, the group’s name cannot be changed.


Assign Hosts.

After you create the group, Ops Manager will log you into the group and displays a Welcome page. To create the group’s first deployment, click either BEGIN SETUP to use the Ops Manager set-up wizard or click Advanced Setup to add a deployment manually.

Remove a Group

Please contact your Ops Manager administrator to remove a company or group from your Ops Manager account.

Manage Group Settings


Select the Administration tab and then select Group Settings.


Modify group settings as desired.

See Group Settings options for a full description of the group settings.

If you have Global Owner access, the interface displays a second Group Settings link under the Admin Only section. For information on these settings, see Admin Only Group Settings.

Group Settings

The following settings in the Administration tab’s Group Settings page apply to all users in the group:

Setting Description
Group Time Zone Sets your group’s time zone.
Collect Logs For All Hosts Activates or deactivates the collection of log data for all hosts. This overwrites the statuses set on the individual hosts.
Collect Profiling Information for All Hosts Activates or deactivates the collection of profiling information for all hosts. Ops Manager Monitoring can collect data from MongoDB’s profiler to provide statistics about performance and database operations. Ensure exposing profile data to Ops Manager Monitoring is consistent with your information security practices. Also be aware the profiler can consume resources which may adversely affect MongoDB performance.
Collect Database Specific Statistics Allows you to enable or disable the collection of database statistics. For more information, see How does Ops Manager gather database statistics?.
Enable Public API Allows you to use the Public API with the group.
Reset Duplicates Allows you to reset and remove all detected duplicate hosts. This is useful if your server environment has drastically changed and you believe a host is incorrectly marked as a duplicate.
Preferred Hostnames

Allows you to specify resolvable hostnames or IP address for your deployment’s servers. Ops Manager keeps a list of the multiple way to which each server is referred (hostname, FQDN, IP address) and uses heuristics to determine the best choice. Use this setting to guarantee Ops Manager uses a resolvable method. The method you choose will also be the method used to display the servers in Ops Manager.

To specify a preferred hostname, click Add. To specify a hostname pattern, use the Ends With or Regex buttons.

Public Key for SCP Restores If you use Ops Manager Backup, this setting allows you to generate a public key for SCP backup restoration. If you restore a snapshot through SCP, Ops Manager uses the key to transmit the snapshot. For more information on restores, see how to validate an SCP restore and other SCP FAQs.
PagerDuty Service Key Adds a service key for a PagerDuty account. This is the default key used if you create an alert configuration that uses PagerDuty.
HipChat Settings Adds a room and API token for a HipChat account. These are the default settings used if you create an alert configuration that uses HipChat.
Webhook Settings

Adds a Webhook URL endpoint to which Ops Manager can send alert notifications for programmatic processing. Ops Manager sends an alert notification as an HTTP POST request in which the request body contains a JSON document that uses the same format as the Public API’s Alerts resource.

Ops Manager adds a request header called X-MMS-Event to distinguish between various alert states. The possible values for this header are:

  • The alert was just opened.
  • alert.close: The alert was resolved.
  • alert.update: A previously opened alert is still open.
  • alert.cancel: The alert became invalid and was canceled.
  • alert.inform: Represents an informational alert, which is a point-in-time event, such as “Primary Elected.”

If you specify a key in the Webhook Secret field, Ops Manager adds the X-MMS-Signature request header, which contains the hex-encoded HMAC signature of the request body. The signature is created using the provided secret.

To send alert notifications to a Webhook, select the Webhook notification option when creating or editing an alert configuration.

Admin Only Group Settings

The following group settings in the Admin Only section of the Administration tab could, in certain situations, affect more than the group. For example, setting logging to a high verbosity would cause system logs to roll over faster. Only users with the Global Owner role can edit these settings:

Setting Description
Mongos Deactivation Threshold Change the amount of time before Ops Manager stops monitoring an unreachable mongos. By default, the Monitoring Agent stops monitoring an unreachable mongos after 24 hours. Set this to the amount of time in hours to wait before deactivation.
Monitoring Agent Log Level Change the verbosity of the Monitoring Agent log.
Automation Agent Log Level Change the verbosity of the Automation Agent log.