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Install a Simple Test Ops Manager Installation


This setup is not suitable for a production deployment.

To evaluate Ops Manager, you can install the Ops Manager Application and Ops Manager Application Database on a single host. This setup provides all the functionality of Ops Manager monitoring and automation but provides no failover or high availability.

Unlike a production installation, this test installation uses one mongod for the Ops Manager Application database. In production, the database requires a dedicated replica set.

This procedure explains how to activate the Backup feature. This optional step requires you to install Snapshot Storage on the same host as the other Ops Manager components. You configure the backup database as you would the application database, using one mongod instead of a replica set.

To install and configure an evaluation version of Ops Manager on hosts running Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.0:


Provision an Ops Manager host.

Provision a host for Ops Manager that meets the following requirements:

System Memory 15 GB
Disk Capacity 50 GB in / (The root directory of this host)
Host OS Permissions root
Host OS Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.0

Using AWS

An AWS EC2 t3a.xlarge instance meets the memory requirements. Change the size of the instance’s root partition to 50 GB. Log into the instance and execute df -h to verify the root partition has 50 GB of space.


Ensure the ulimit settings meet the minimum requirements. For more information, see the MongoDB Ulimit Settings.


Configure yum to install MongoDB.

Issue the following command to set up a yum package management system repository definition:

echo "[mongodb-org-4.2]
name=MongoDB Repository
gpgkey=" | sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/mongodb.repo

Install MongoDB.

Issue the following command to install the latest stable release of MongoDB:

sudo yum install -y mongodb-org mongodb-org-shell

Disable the mongod service.

By default, a mongod service starts on port 27017 when you start a MongoDB instance. You need this port for the Ops Manager Application Database. Disable the mongod service to keep this port free for the Application Database should the host restart.

Invoke the following command to disable the mongod service:

sudo systemctl disable mongod

Create the Ops Manager Application Database directory.

Issue the following two commands to create the data directory and change its ownership:

sudo mkdir -p /data/appdb
sudo chown -R mongod:mongod /data

(Optional) Create the Ops Manager backup data directory.

To configure the Backup feature as well, issue the following additional commands for the backup database:

sudo mkdir -p /data/backup
sudo chown mongod:mongod /data/backup

Start the Ops Manager Application Database mongod instance.

Start MongoDB as the mongod user, specifying:

Setting Command Option Value
Port --port 27017
Absolute path for MongoDB data files --dbpath /data/appdb
Absolute file path for MongoDB logs --logpath /data/appdb/mongodb.log
Amount of cache the WiredTiger storage engine uses for the application database. --wiredTigerCacheSizeGB 1
Flag to run the mongod in the background and maintain control of the terminal --fork  

The resulting command would resemble this:

sudo -u mongod mongod --port 27017 --dbpath /data/appdb \
  --logpath /data/appdb/mongodb.log \
  --wiredTigerCacheSizeGB 1 --fork

(Optional) Start the Ops Manager Backup Database mongod instance.

Start MongoDB as the mongod user, specifying:

Setting Command Option Value
Port --port 27018
Absolute path for MongoDB data files --dbpath /data/backup
Absolute file path for MongoDB logs --logpath /data/backup/mongodb.log
Amount of cache the WiredTiger storage engine uses for the application database. --wiredTigerCacheSizeGB 1
Flag to run the mongod in the background and maintain control of the terminal --fork  

The resulting command would resemble this:

sudo -u mongod mongod --port 27018 --dbpath /data/backup \
  --logpath /data/backup/mongodb.log \
  --wiredTigerCacheSizeGB 1 --fork

Download the Ops Manager package.

  1. Navigate to the Ops Manager Download Center.
  2. From the Platforms drop-down menu, click Red Hat + CentOS 6, 7, 8 / SUSE 12 + 15 / Amazon Linux.
  3. From the Packages drop-down menu, click RPM.
  4. Click Download.


The downloaded package is named mongodb-mms-<version>.x86_64.rpm, where <version> is the version number.


(Optional) Copy the Ops Manager .rpm package to your host.

If you are installing Ops Manager on a remote host, such as a cloud provider compute instance, use scp to copy the installer to your host:

scp -i <keyfile> mongodb-mms-<version>.x86_64.rpm ec2-user@<public-ip>:~

Install Ops Manager.

Install the .rpm package by issuing the following command, where <version> is the version of the Ops Manager .rpm package:

sudo rpm -ivh mongodb-mms-<version>.x86_64.rpm

The install creates the following:

  • The base directory for the Ops Manager software, which is:


  • A new system user, mongodb-mms, under which the host runs.

  • The /opt/mongodb/mms/conf/ file, which contains the connection string to access the Application Database in mongo.mongoUri setting. The default value is locahost, port 27017, so no changes are necessary.


Start Ops Manager.

Issue the following command:

sudo service mongodb-mms start

Get your instance hostname.

If you are using an EC2 instance, the hostname is the Public DNS listed on the EC2 instance’s Description tab.

If you do not have a hostname, you can instead use the public IP address. To get the public IP address, paste this URL into your preferred browser:

Open the Ops Manager home page and register the first user.

  1. In a browser, enter the following URL using the hostname. If do not have a hostname, use the public IP address instead:

  2. Click the Register link and follow the prompts to register the first user and create the first project. The first user is automatically assigned the Global Owner role.


Configure Ops Manager.

Ops Manager walks you through several configuration pages. Required settings are marked with an asterisk. Enter information as appropriate. When configuration is complete, Ops Manager opens the Deployment page.

See also

To review the available Ops Manager configuration settings, see Ops Manager Application Settings.


(Optional) Configure the backup capabilities.

  1. Create a directory to store the head databases.

    sudo mkdir /data/headdb


    Do not use this directory for any other purpose.

  2. Make the directory writable by the mongodb-mms user:

    sudo chown mongodb-mms:mongodb-mms /data/headdb
  3. In Ops Manager, while logged in as the user you registered during installation, click the Admin link at the top right of the page.

  4. Click the Backup tab.

  5. Follow the prompts to configure the Backup storage. Ops Manager walks you through the configuration.

    For snapshot storage, select backup database.

    When prompted, enter your local hostname and port for the connection string to the backup database:


    Ops Manager prefixes connection strings with mongodb://. Your connection string should match the following:


Set up your first deployment.

  1. Click MongoDB Ops Manager in the upper left corner of the page to return to the Deployment page.

  2. Click Add New to deploy a MongoDB instance.