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Server Pool

Server Pools deprecated as of Ops Manager 4.0

As of Ops Manager 4.0, server pools are deprecated and disabled by default.


Groups and projects are synonymous terms. Your {PROJECT-ID} is the same as your project id. For existing groups, your group/project id remains the same. This page uses the more familiar term group when referring to descriptions. The endpoint remains as stated in the document.

Name Description
Server Pool Retrieves the status of the server pool and provides root access to the server pool API resources.
Server Pool Servers Retrieves the pool’s servers.
Server Pool Requests Retrieves and updates provisioning requests.
Server Pool Properties Retrieves and edits the properties and values available to assign to servers.
Project Server Pool Retrieves the status of the server pool and provides root access to the project’s server pool API resources.
Project Server Pool Servers Retrieves the servers from the pool currently in use by the project.
Project Server Pool Requests Retrieves and updates the project’s provisioning requests to the pool.
Project Server Pool Properties Retrieves properties assigned to servers in the project’s pool.