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MongoDB Ops Manager – 3.6 Release

What’s New in Ops Manager 3.6

For more information, see the release notes.

Ops Manager is a package for managing MongoDB deployments. Ops Manager provides Ops Manager Monitoring and Ops Manager Backup, which helps users optimize clusters and mitigate operational risk.

Ops Manager Overview
Describes Ops Manager.
Install Ops Manager
Install Ops Manager.
Create or Import Deployments
Provision servers, and create or import MongoDB deployments.
Manage Deployments
Manage and update your MongoDB deployments.
Alerts and Monitoring
Monitor your MongoDB deployments and manage alerts.
Backup and Restore
Initiate and restore backups.
Describes Ops Manager security features.
View and manage Ops Manager project’s agents.
Organizations and Projects
Manage Ops Manager organizations, projects, and users.
Account Management
Manage your Ops Manager user account.
Administer Ops Manager
Configure and manage Ops Manager.
Manage Ops Manager through the API.
Troubleshooting advice for common issues.
Frequently Asked Questions
Common questions about the operation and use of Ops Manager.
Reference material for Ops Manager components and operations.
Release Notes
Changelogs and notes on Ops Manager releases.
Third-Party Licenses
Third-party licenses.