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  • Security >
  • Enable Authentication for an Ops Manager Group

Enable Authentication for an Ops Manager GroupΒΆ

MongoDB Access Control Overview
Edit authentication credentials for host.
Enable Username/Password Authentication
Configure your Ops Manager group to use MONGODB-CR / SCRAM-SHA-1 authentication for communication between the Ops Manager Agents and your deployments.
Enable LDAP Authentication
Configure your Ops Manager group to use LDAP (Plain) authentication for communication between the Ops Manager Agents and your deployments.
Enable Kerberos Authentication
Configure your Ops Manager group to use Kerberos (GSSAPI) authentication for communication between the Ops Manager Agents and your deployments.
Enable x.509 Authentication
Configure your Ops Manager group to use x.509 Client Certificate (MONGODB-X509) authentication for communication between the Ops Manager Agents and your deployments.
Clear Security Settings
Clear all authentication and security-related settings for your Ops Manager deployment. You can only reset the security settings if there are not managed processes in your deployment.