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Manage Deployments

Edit a Deployment’s Configuration
Edit the configuration of a MongoDB deployment. - ‘cloud’ - ‘onprem’
Edit a Replica Set
Add hosts to, remove hosts from, or modify the configuration of hosts in a managed replica set.
Migrate a Replica Set Member
Migrate replica sets to new underlying systems by adding members to the set and decommissioning existing members.
Move or Add an Agent
Migrate a backup and monitoring agents to different servers.
Change MongoDB Version
Upgrade or downgrade MongoDB deployments managed by Ops Manager.
Shut Down a MongoDB Process
Shut down MongoDB deployments managed by Ops Manager.
Restart a Process
Restart MongoDB deployments managed by Ops Manager.
Suspend Management of a Process
Temporarily suspend Automation’s control over a process to allow manual maintenance.
Remove a Process from Management or Monitoring
Remove MongoDB processes from Ops Manager management, monitoring, or both.
Start Processes with Init Scripts
For rpm and dep installations, Ops Manager provides a tool that creates scripts to run your processes if you choose to stop using Automation.