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Configure the Size of the Blocks in the Blockstore


The Backup Blockstore Database contains the snapshot data for each backed up database.

When backing up a replica set, the Backup Daemon takes a snapshot of the data directory for the backed-up deployment, breaks it into blocks, and transfers the blocks to the Backup Blockstore Database.

By default, each block in the Backup Blockstore is 64KB, but you can configure the blocksize to suit your use case.


In general, increasing blocksize results in faster snapshots and restores, but requires more disk space. These competing factors should be considered when determining if you wish to tune the blocksize.

For users with update and delete-intensive workloads, and thus with a poor de-duplication rate, increasing the blocksize provides performance improvements without requiring extra disk space. With update and delete-intensive workloads, no matter how small you make the blocksize the entire block file will need to be rewritten. Since the entire file is always being rewritten there isn’t any difference in storage space if you change the blocksize.

Users with insert-only workloads will also see the performance benefits of increasing blocksize without requiring additional disk space. With an insert-only workflow, the existing blocks never change: increasing blocksize then enables easier block management and the best possible performance on snapshot and restore.



Open the Admin menu, and then select Backup tab.


Select the Jobs tab.


Click on the name of the replica set that you wish to edit.


Select the desired minimum blocksize from the dropdown menu..

Choose from 64KB through 15MB. By default, Ops Manager uses 64kb blocks.


The updated minimum blocksize only applies to new and updated files in future snapshots. Existing blocks are not resized.


Click Update