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Host Statistics

The MMS web console provides an extensive set of features for analyzing the statistics collected by the Monitoring agent. For a basic overview of the console, see the usage documentation. This document provides a more in-depth guide for the “Host Statistics” page of the MMS console.

Accessing the Host Statistics

In the “Hosts” section, click any hostname link to view the data collected from that process. The charts on this “Host Statistics” page are interactive, and provide tools for navigating and working with On Prem MMS Monitoring data. Click on the “info” buttons with an i in a circle to raise informational boxes, to explore the functionality of the MMS console and charts.

Global Page Controls

There are three to five items in the line below the MMS console’s menu bar. From left to right, these are:

  • The hostname and port of the process. This is a link to the raw JSON content of the latest information gathered from this host.
  • The host type. Possible types include: “primary,” “secondary,” “master,” “slave,” “standalone,” “recovering,” and “unknown.”
  • Optionally, the name of the replica set to which this process belongs. Only replica set members have this value. The name of the set links to a page with all of the charts from all members of a set.
  • Optionally, the name of the shard cluster to which this process belongs. Only shard cluster members have this value.
  • The version of MongoDB running on this process.

The second line contains nine links that control the host statistics page. On Prem MMS Monitoring displays the current selection in a larger font. In the second line there is a “window” selector that narrows the amount of data displayed. These options are:

  • “by minute,” which is the default setting. All charts plot one data point per minute. The “window” options are:
    • “one hour,” which is the default window for this selection and charts 1 hour of data.
    • “six hours,” which charts 6 hours of data.
    • “twelve hours,” which charts 12 hours of data.
    • “twenty-four hours,” which charts 24 hours of data.
  • “by 5min,” which re-plots all charts with five-minute averages. The “window” options are:
    • “six hours,” which charts 6 hours of data.
    • “twelve hours,” which charts 12 hours of data.
    • “twenty-four hours,” which is the default window for this selection and charts 24 hours of data.
    • “forty-eight hours,” which charts 24 hours of data.
  • “by hour,” which re-plots all charts with hourly averages. The “window” options are:
    • “one day,” which charts 1 day of data.
    • “one week,” which charts 1 week of data.
    • “two weeks,” which charts 2 weeks of data.
    • “one month,” which is the default window for this selection and charts 1 month of data.
    • “two months,” which charts 2 months of data.
  • “by day,” which re-plots the chart to display a period of time greater than 24 hours. The “window” options are:
    • “one week,” which charts 1 week of data.
    • “two weeks,” which charts 2 weeks of data.
    • “one month,” which is the default window for this selection and charts 1 month of data
    • “six months,” which charts 6 months of data.
    • “one year,” which charts 1 year of data.
  • “range,” which allows you to specify a time rage for the charts to display.
  • “avg/sec,” which is the default setting. When selected, charts display the average number of events per second.
  • “total,” which allows you to re-plot the charts to display the total number of events.
  • “gmt,” which allows you to re-plot the charts to the GMT zone. Use this option when correlating MMS data with server logs in GMT rather than your local timezone.
  • “refresh,” which triggers a refresh of all charts.

On the next line, the “multi-chart zoom” slider allows you to change the scope of all charts at once. Move the sliders on either end of this bar to narrow all of the charts on this page at once.

Specific Chart Controls

You may also interact with the charts individually. Using the mouse you can:

  • Click-and-drag to select a portion of the chart to zoom into.
  • Double-click to revert to the default zoom setting.
  • Shift-click-and-drag (i.e. hold the shift key while clicking and dragging) to scroll left and right.

You can control each On Prem MMS Monitoring chart using the buttons at the top right of the chart container in the “chart toolbar.” From left to right, these controls are:

  • “Add To Dashboard,” a plus sign, takes you to a dashboard creation page where you can create a new dashboard and add a collection of charts to the new dashboard.
  • “Expand Chart,” an icon with two arrows expanding, raises a box with a larger version of the chart.
  • “Chart Permalink,” a chain, links to a page that only displays this chart.
  • “Email Chart,” an envelope, raises a dialogue box where you can input an email address and short message to send the chart to an arbitrary email address.
  • “View Legend,” the character i in a circle, raises a box with a key to the chart.

Chart Annotations

Annotations may appear as colored vertical lines on your charts to indicate server events. The following color/event combinations are:

  • A red bar indicates a server restart.
  • A purple bar indicates the server is now a primary.
  • A yellow bar indicates the server is now a secondary.

If you do not wish to see the chart annotations, you can disable them on the “Setting” page.