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Getting Started with On Prem MMS MonitoringΒΆ

Installing and configuring On Prem MMS Monitoring quick and easy.

This manual will explain how to install and configure your On-Prem MongoDB Management Service server, and guide you through the On Prem MMS Monitoring installation process specific to your operating system. Other pages will help you to customize your configuration, keep the Monitoring agent updated, and provide you with troubleshooting strategies.

As an alternative, you may follow the install process from start to finish in the On Prem MMS Monitoring Service Tutorial.

Install Monitoring Agent
Tutorials for installing On Prem MMS Monitoring and deploying it in production.
Monitor Hosts with On Prem MMS Monitoring
Describes how On Prem MMS Monitoring monitorings hosts and discusses monitoring architecture options.
Connect to Hosts with Kerberos Authentication
Outlines the procedure for configuring the Monitoring Agent to authenticate to hosts in a Kerberos environment.
Update On-Prem MongoDB Management Service
Manually update the Monitoring agent on UNIX/Linux and Windows.
Configure On Prem MMS Monitoring
Discusses configurable options with On Prem MMS Monitoring: hardware monitoring with Munin-Node and using On Prem MMS Monitoring with MongoDB instances running with SSL.