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On Prem MMS Monitoring Agent Changelog

Monitoring Agent 1.6.3

Released 2013-11-18

  • Responsive agent. The agent can now send data to the MMS server when it detects changes, such as adding a new host.

Monitoring Agent 1.6.2

Released 2013-11-05

  • Fixed bug that led to high CPU service with log collection and the agent’s connection to a mongod instance failed.

Monitoring Agent 1.6.1

Released 2013-10-21

  • Add options in the agent’s ‘ to suppress database specific statics at the agent level.
  • Improved error messages in agent logs.

Monitoring Agent 1.6.0

Released 2013-10-07

  • For monitored instances on MongoDB 2.4.x series, this release fixes a bug that reported monitored mongod instances as down during foreground index builds.

Monitoring Agent 1.5.9

Released 2013-08-12

  • Collects timestamps associated with hardware metrics, allowing more accurate minute-level charts to be displayed in MMS.

Monitoring Agent 1.5.8

Released 2013-07-15

  • Collects additional information on shard names

Monitoring Agent 1.5.7

Released 2013-04-23

  • Removes the writeBacksQueued queued call

Monitoring Agent 1.5.6

Released 2013-03-20

  • Does not log an error if unable to collect profiling stats.