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On-Prem MongoDB Management Service Administration Interface

On this page

The MMS Administration section of the On-Prem MongoDB Management Service application provides access to user management, system status, and system-wide messaging.


Access the MMS Administration section by clicking the Admin in the upper right hand corner of the MMS interface.

Only users with the MMS Administrator role have access to the MMS Administration section of the On-Prem MongoDB Management Service application. The first user that registers for the On-Prem MongoDB Management Service application has the MMS Administrator role. Users MMS Administrator also have Group Admin level access for all groups.


System Overview

The Overview page of the MMS Administration section reports system use and activity. First, a table reports totals for numbers of:

  • groups
  • active groups
  • active hosts
  • users
  • users active
  • ping spillover queue
  • increment spillover queue

Additionally two charts report:

  • total page views
  • total chart requests

These charts have the same zoom features as other MMS charts.

UI Messages

The Messages tab holds the UI Messages page. Use this interface to create bulletins inside of the MMS application to announce impending maintenance windows or other calls to action for users.

Messages may be active, or visible, on all pages or a subset of pages.

Create Message

To create a new message click on the Add Message button next to the page title. This will raise the Add Message interface where you can create a message and specify:

  • The text of a message.

  • An optional page name (URL) or page prefix.

    When you create a Message, you can specify an optional prefix of pages on which to include the message. This prefix allows you to specify a path, beginning with a / character, of a single page or the URL prefix of a group of pages.

  • A toggle to enable (i.e. Active) or leave the page disable.

After creating an active message, the message may take up to 60 seconds to propagate to users.

Message Table

The UI Messages page holds a table of all available messages. You can use the search interface on the upper right corner of the table to narrow the list of messages.

For each message, the message table reports:

  • which page or page prefix the message will appear on.

  • the text of the message.

  • whether the message is active or inactive.

    Active messages are also highlighted in orange on the UI Messages page.

  • the creation date and time for the message.

  • the date and time of the last modification for the message.

Manage Active Messages

On the right side of the message table, for each message there are two buttons: a toggle to enable or disable a UI message, as well as a button to delete a message.

After enabling a message, the message may take up to 60 seconds to propagate to users.


The Users tab holds a user management interface. The user management table holds a list of

Use the search interface on the upper right corner of the table to narrow the list of messages.

Users Information

For each user, the users table reports:

  • the username
  • the available administrative roles, if any
  • the date and time of the last login.
  • the date and time of the last access event.
  • the total number of login.
  • the user’s configured timezone.
  • the creation date and time.

Edit Users

On the right side of the users table, for each user there is an edit button that allows administrators to modify the user account. Use this interface to:

  • add or change the email address associated with the account.
  • change the role, for each group. Available roles are: “group admin” or “read only.”
  • toggle the “account locked” flag which prevents users from logging in.
  • toggle the “MMS Administrator” flag which adds the MMS Administrator role to the user.